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Adding message error box when parameters do not satisfy some conditions

I have 3 parameters in my tool, including para0, para1, para2. These parameters will be the user's inputs. I would like to display a message box if para0>para1 or para1>para2 or para2>para3. ...
user30985's user avatar
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How to add a save and load button in a Python-addin ArcGIS?

I would like to generate a tool in Python-Addin ArcGIS as the image attached. I also like to generate the save and load button in the tool. My purpose is that when the user chooses the range ...
user30985's user avatar
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Measuring distance in ArcGlobe using Python AddIn

I want to make a Python script that will calculate the distance of the line I drew and output it in a special form, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. import arcpy import pythonaddins class ...
easyfreeze's user avatar
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Automate Access to all Tools in a Dynamic Toolbox in ArcMap?

Is there any way to automatically open a toolbox in ArcMap either from a model, a Python script or a Python Add-In, or similar? Or to otherwise make all of the tools in a toolbox easy to access for ...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
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Spatial Join Using Python /ArcGIS Addin assistant

I have a point shapefile that contains all my field collected data, lat/long and all the field data collected during the season. The one thing not imported was the name of the Lakes these points fell ...
Jeremy Jones's user avatar
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Opening script in Toolset using GPToolDialog()?

I need to open a Python Script using GPToolDialog(), but the script is in a Toolset, not in the Toolbox main path. I tried many ways to solve but do not work, examples: Example 1: pythonaddins....
vcruvinelr's user avatar
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Open Python Script with pythonaddins.GPToolDialog from Addin Wizard

I created a addin from python addin wizard with many menus and buttons. For one of these buttons I want to open a Python (.py) script from my Toolbox. I tried many ways but no one works. I want this ...
vcruvinelr's user avatar
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Pythonaddins Message Box encoding problem

I've been trying to create a MessageBox with accented characters. To do so, I used the decode() and encode() functions. The code is part of a Python Toolbox. pythonaddins.MessageBox("ééàà".decode('...
mattcp2's user avatar
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ArcGIS crashing with Tkinter? [closed]

When I run certain scripts (contains tkinter or similar python packages) ArcGIS crashes. When I load or copy/paste the same code and run it in a Python window it runs without error. Is there a ...
A.Adel Saleh's user avatar
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Display a messageBox with an image in ArcMap

I wanted to add "ABOUT" button to a Pythonaddins toolbar the button should display a window that contains both of a text defines the authors and an image about the developer organisation. I followed ...
A.Adel Saleh's user avatar
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Pass the onMouseDownMap X, Y from a python addin to a toolbox script tool

Is it possible to pass the onMouseDownMap X, Y coordinates to a script tool launched using GPToolDialog? The end goal is to have the user select the add-in tool, click the map to add a point, then ...
wBowles's user avatar
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Can tools or addins created in ArcMap be published and used in ArcGis Online?

I'm attempting to build an interactive map that would be hosted in AGOL. It would be a network query, whereupon selecting a point feature from an "inlet" layer, the map would display the corresponding ...
DonPineapple's user avatar
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Using script tool in python add-in wizard?

I am trying to use a script tool in python add-in wizard to make a toolbar which will have button options. The script tool is working fine in the toolbox and I am using them in arcgis 10.2.2. The ...
Rauful's user avatar
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