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Update Layer Symbology based on 1 field with changing data

I am running ArcGIS 10.2.2 Version, using ArcMap. I have quite a big task here and before i attempt it i want to know if it is even possible. I've looked up some similar questions on ...
Joey Carl's user avatar
5 votes
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Changing value field when applying symbology from layer using Python Add-in?

I have a python addin button that creates a layer file from a polygon feature class in ArcMap. I want to take that layer file and, with user input from a combobox, apply it back to the feature class ...
GiraffesInSocks's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it possible to store a default symbology layer in an arcpy add-in?

Since arcpy is limited in how symbology can be manipulated, I was curious to know if a symbology layer can be stored in an arcpy add-in. Does anyone know if it is possible to store a .lyr file, or ...
Barbarossa's user avatar
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