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18 votes
2 answers

Save and load user profiles in QGIS

Is there a way use a configuration file, maybe .ini to load in the relevant settings for QGIS when it is setup, maybe to share with various people? Plugins installed and plugin repositories filled in ...
maskin's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

What happened to QGIS 2.x LTR?

I've been using QGIS 2.x LTR version for quite some time now (mostly for Lizmap webclient because 3.x didn't perform as well), but today as I wanted to install QGIS on another PC, I realized I couldn'...
Piskr's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Add PostGIS layer to QGIS via Python Console

How can I add a PostGIS layer to QGIS via the Python Console? With some server setups, especially with a large number of tables, it can be very slow to load the list of layers via the Browser or Data ...
ak112358's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to use optional inputs in model processor for QGIS 2.18/3.0?

I have developed a processing model in QGIS 2.18 where all my inputs are optional and I need them to be truly optional. However, the model will not run unless I have all inputs present. I have tried ...
Mary Johnson's user avatar
5 votes
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Custom format for a grid with degrees, minutes, seconds with suffix using letter from another language

I am designing a map in French where West is "Ouest", and thus the map should read 45°23′67′′O instead of 45°23′67′′W. I am using a version of QGIS in English (update: in the French version of QGIS, ...
kl-higgins's user avatar
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Where did checkbox option in Points to Path tool go?

I made considerable use of the "Points to Paths" tool. I forgot which QGIS version I was using, but it was most likely 2.x, probably 2.14. According to my memory and notes the tool had a ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to create a valid QgsVectorLayer from a PostgreSQL view?

I am attempting to create a QgsVectorLayer with the same code as I am using for a PostgreSQL table, which works correctly and the isValid() method on the layer returns true. uri=QgsDataSourceUri() ...
Jay Cummins's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why $area gave me a wrong value QGIS 2.99?

I want to calculate the area with $area function in QGIS 2.99 but the operation gave me a wrong value. Here is a picture comparing the results between QGIS 2.99 and QGIS 2.18. The right side is QGIS ...
Manuel Alejandro's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Differences in the Select by expression between QGIS 2.18 and 3.4

I want to select in a population table the growth rate between two years greather than 1.5. In QGIS 2.18 the following expression works fine "POP_P2014" / "POP_P2000" > 1.5 With the same data ...
Emilio Abad's user avatar
4 votes
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TypeError: qRegisterResourceData(int, bytes, bytes, bytes): argument 2 has unexpected type 'str'

Similar question here, I tried the suggested answer but it didn't work for my situation. updating plugin from qgis 2 to 3. qRegisterResourceData . argument 2 has unexpected type 'str' I am ...
MrKingsley's user avatar
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Install QGIS 3 and QGIS 2.0 Ubuntu 18.04 [duplicate]

I have successfully installed QGIS-3 on my ubuntu 18.04. I want to install QGIS-2 as well along with QGSI-3. How can i install QGIS-2.18 as well. So that QGIS 2 and QGIS 3 both would be running on my ...
Ahsan Mukhtar's user avatar
3 votes
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qgis2to3 to migrate plugin from version 2 to version 3

I have a plugin in QGIS 2 and I'm trying to migrate it to version 3 I downloaded the 'qgis2to3' tool --> I installed the pip ( : python --> I installed qgis2to3 : python ...
Namoat's user avatar
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Calculating direction of polygon using other features? (QGIS)

In QGIS 2 or 3 I have some DEM rasters, on top of that vector layers with plots and buildings + pin (blue one) with coordinates of building. How to calculate position of garden? Is it n, ne, e, se, s,...
Vilq's user avatar
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How to transfer QGIS configurations to latest version?

I have QGIS 2.18.11 on my machine. There are saved wms, wfs and DB connections. After installing QGIS 3.0 I can see saved wms connections but no DB connection is listed in 3.0. Collegue's problem is ...
senol ozgur's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Joining attributes by location for more than one located feature using QGIS

In the standard join attributes by locationfeature in QGIS 2.0/2.18, there are two options: Take attributes first located feature Take summary of intersecting features Is there a function in QGIS ...
kl-higgins's user avatar
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Importing a building into QGIS? [duplicate]

Given an SVG drawing of a building, and 2 GPS-reference points, as well as where north is in the drawing, how can I import a building into QGIS so the 2 GPS-reference-points are at the same ...
Heinzelmann's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

QGIS2 to QGIS3 plugin migration issue AttributeError: type object 'QObject' has no attribute 'connect' [duplicate]

I am trying to migrate a plugin. I have these two lines: QtCore.QObject.connect(self.buttonBox, QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("accepted()")), Configuration.accept) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.buttonBox, ...
MrKingsley's user avatar
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Reason for better save capability of QGIS 3

I have an internal processes meeting with work where I am trying to describe the benefits to migrating to QGIS 3 from QGIS 2. I need to explain the technicalities of how the save option works better ...
AWGIS's user avatar
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QGIS 3.00 crashes while QGIS 2.99 worked well

Using the standalone-installers 64bit on a windows 10 64bit pro machine: various 2.99 version including the latest 2.99 build #8 worked well with the project global_connections from the book QGIS Map ...
Kurt's user avatar
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Calculating volume of buildings using QGIS?

I am working with QGIS 2 or 3 I have DSM and DTM already so I can calculate DSM - DTM: Plus, I have shapefile with buildings' footprints. How to calculate volume of every single building using DSM-...
Vilq's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Creating an Action in QGIS with multiple Expression?

I want to create an action in QGIS with multiple Expression. But unable to do so. I want to open images from two different directories with one action. Is it possible? How can I do so? e.g. Type : ...
Ali Abbas's user avatar
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Migrate QGIS2 projects to QGIS3

I have about 40 QGIS2 projects. If I open them with QGIS3 labels and svg icons are not displayed. I don't know if there is any other feature that is not working when upgrading to QGIS3, but I suppose ...
Egidi's user avatar
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Updating set of attributes on vector layer from .csv table?

I have over 1,000 records in a .shp file, all with a unique ID field (LINKID), along with many other fields containing data (TXTFLD1, TXTFLD2, INTFLD1, INTFLD2, etc). These records have been copied ...
PhiliusMaximus's user avatar
1 vote
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UBUNTU 16.04, QGIS 3.4 above Installation problem

I want to install QGIS 3.4 above and did exactly the same as this page: QGIS Installers and tried the codes below having no error at all: (1) add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list deb ...
Nima Dolatabadi's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there any QGIS 3.x alternative tool for osmpoly_export plugin?

I used this plugin in QGIS2 for easy defining the area of interest using some vector polygon and then cropping the OSM data with osmctools and the poly file. However the plugin is QGIS2 only: This is ...
Juhele's user avatar
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Selecting snapped vertices of different two features individually by QGIS 3.X vertex tool

In QGIS 2, I can use node tool, click on feature 2 click on the vertex (of feature 2) to select it. Delete it. I QGIS 3, by using vertex tool, I can't select which feature I want to modify, it ...
donkeychen's user avatar
1 vote
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QGIS - how to move layer files while project is open

I want to move layer files (within browser directory structure) while my QGIS project is still open - therefore allowing the project to update its relative link to that file. ARCGIS does this, but not ...
IanGS's user avatar
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QGiS - Values missing from graduated style

I'm trying to do the very simple/standard task of presenting points (and then polygons created from them) as a graduated colour style, however many points are missing, evinced from the lowest number ...
dez93_2000's user avatar
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QGIS SAGA "Kriging" tools doesn't work

I try out different methods of point interpolation for a digital terrain model. For this purpose I tried to run the "ordinary kriging tool" from the SAGA Tools with QGIS 2.18 and QGIS 3.2. When I run ...
DrSnuggles's user avatar
1 vote
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Replacement for moveLayer in QGIS 3?

I am a novice to QGIS tasked with updating other developers' plugins from QGIS 2 to QGIS 3. Here's the code I need to replace: legend = self.iface.legendInterface() index = legend.addGroup('...
CNIDog's user avatar
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Trying to find the Qt5 version of QVBoxLayout

Migrating a plugin and started getting the error AttributeError: module 'qgis.PyQt.QtGui' has no attribute 'QVBoxLayout' I cannot find this one in the API changes I tied using qgis.PyQt5.QtGui but ...
MrKingsley's user avatar
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GeomorphicFloodArea Plugin is not working

I'm trying to get the plugin GeomorphicFloodArea to work but cannot. I tried using QGIS 3.10 but got an error message, so I downloaded version 2.18.28 and it still will not work. I get an error ...
bobby's user avatar
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Batch Saving Raster DTm and choosing type in QGIS 2.18

Follow on question from the following Previous question batch saving 10m DTM layers using python console I would now like to set the output of my Raster .tif files to Float32 as by default the .asc ...
David Laverty's user avatar
1 vote
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Difference between DEM raster in QGIS 2.18 and 3.4.4 [duplicate]

I came across a really strange problem. Untill today i always worked in QGIS 2.18. Now i wanted to upgraded to 3.4.4 ( it was already downloaded but hadn't used it yet) When opening my QGIS ...
Koen Venken's user avatar
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GRASS r.slope.aspect via QGIS 2.18 vs QGIS 3.4 - not working

I seem to be unable to replicate actions with GRASS tools when I access them through QGIS 3.4. In particular the r.slope tool. I receive error messages and it fails in QGIS 3.4. They seem to work fine ...
IanGS's user avatar
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QGIS2 Plugin Replacement for Join Attributes by Location

I am using QGIS (ver2.18.22) to join 2 layers (polygons) at intersections to derive some summary statistics into the join layer ("Grid" layer). The "Grid" layer is assembled by using Create Grid, and ...
shotes's user avatar
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Will I lose project functionality on upgrading QGIS?

This might be a stupid question but if I update to QGIS 3.2.1 will I have problems working on projects created in my current 2.18.20?
Lisa's user avatar
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Migrate projects and information from QGIS 2.x to QGIS 3.x [closed]

How can I migrate projects and information from QGIS 2.x to QGIS 3.x? I can't find much documentation about it, it is from the QGIS version 2.18 to the current 3.34 What things must be taken into ...
Michelle Angelo's user avatar
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QGIS hyperlink to server location- working in 3.0 but not 2.18.20?

This is not necessarily a pressing issue, as there is a workaround, but it has piqued my curiosity about how QGIS manages hyperlinks through its 'Action' functionality. Please feel free to correct my ...
RobinHorner's user avatar
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QGIS 2.18 to 3.0 change in raster values

I had a raster sent to me which had different values on the other person's QGIS, he's working with 2.18 and I'm working with 3.0. he had to set a threshold based on his index of values but couldn't ...
Dror Bogin's user avatar
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Converting QGIS 3.6 Templates for use in QGIS 2.18?

How do I convert QGIS 3.6 Templates for use in QGIS 2.18? I have found plenty of stuff on converting the opposite way around.
Anthony M's user avatar
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