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Listing items using QGIS combo box from PostgreSQL

I am building a plugin for QGIS which will have a combo box listing data from PostGreSQL. I have already connected PostGreSQL. Now I would want to make this a plugin and add the list of jobs to the ...
SOHINI GOSWAMI's user avatar
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Getting (0,0) instead of the intersecting co-ordinates value

This code works below fine when line(The Circle I mean) intersects more than two new lines but fails when both the intersection falls in the middle of the same line polygon_path = iface.activeLayer() ...
Chetan Vashisth's user avatar
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Renaming pre-existing table Field name using PyQGIS

I am using PyQGIS with QGIS 2.84. This is the code I have used: layer = iface.activeLayer() parking_layer_field_names = [str( for i in point_layer3.pendingFields()] layer.startEditing() ...
Chetan Vashisth's user avatar
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Turn string data (of GPS coordinates) into a GPS tracker = frozen map. QGIS2.14/Py2.7/Win7/LAN

I am currently involved in a student project which is to turn string GPS coordinates into a GPS tracker. This is my current work: First, the UDP data is shared through a LAN (No internet available) ...
MiddleC's user avatar
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Getting coordinates on click and pass it to dialog using PyQGIS?

I am creating a plugin in which i need to get coordinates by clicking on QGIS canvas so i tried the solution mentionned at Getting coordinates by clicking on QGIS Canvas with PyQGIS? but it didn't ...
Ayoub Beltarchi's user avatar
4 votes
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Filter vector layer by searching through complete attribute table - limitations and improvements

In a case were I have a shapefile with a lot of attributes (predominantly text), also I don't have any information about the structure and I don't have any idea in which attribute I have to search/...
Stefan's user avatar
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Loading shapefiles in standalone PyQGIS application without GUI

One of the related questions mentions an issue with import order, but I don't think that applies here because this is a command-line script: I'm not using Qt, only QGIS libraries. I'm trying to run ...
CrystalDuck's user avatar
4 votes
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PIP no longer works with QGIS 2.18.x Python (TLS version no longer supported)

We've run into a problem installing Python packages (using pip) for use with QGIS 2.18.x (error messages copied below) Our diagnosis is that: Pypi now requires TLSv1.2 support (http using TLSv1.0 ...
David's user avatar
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5 votes
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Get signal on delete group on QGIS 2.18.16

I tried : QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot().willRemoveChildren.connect(self.onWillRemoveChildren) It works if I delete a group within in the root node. But if I delete a layer within a group ...
SYG's user avatar
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Zooming to particular feature among selected features by feature id in PyQGIS?

Using QGIS 2.6 and PyQGIS, I want to zoom to features one by one on click among selected features list and change the colour on zoom without unselecting the other features. canvas=iface.mapCanvas() ...
drama's user avatar
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QGIS 2.18 : Choosing path of file for Python init function

I'm using a custom feature form for QGIS 2.18 (custom .ui file + custom file containing the Python init function used by the form). I would like to be able to put the .ui file and the ...
Mefimefi's user avatar
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QGIS 2.18 python error

I very new to all the python-QGIS issue. I try to run this one line code in order to know if the PYTHON 2.7 recognize the modules of QGIS: import qgis.core and got this error: Traceback (most ...
newGIS's user avatar
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Removing the existing context menus from legendlayeractions QGIS 2.6.1 using python

a = QAction( u"My Action", iface1.legendInterface() ) iface1.legendInterface().addLegendLayerAction( a, u"My Plugin Menu", u"id1", QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer, True ) #adds action iface1.legendInterface(...
drama's user avatar
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Hiding QGIS toolbars through python code?

for eg. iface.rasterToolBar().setVisible(False) this works from python console of QGIS 2.6.1 but does not work from plugin code.
drama's user avatar
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3 votes
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minidump written to C: in QGIS PLUGIN

I have created a simple QGIS script using QGIS 2.18.3 and windows 10 and it works fine without errors.But I want to move that script to another PC where I have QGIS 2.6 and windows 7. I first copy-...
Chris Papas's user avatar
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2 answers

Python code execution error in QGIS WIEN

I have tried to make several different actions in QGIS but keep getting similar error messages when I try to select the output filename. The error message reads as follows: An error has occurred ...
Archie Fisher's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to capture the event whenever the items inside the listview is enabled or disabled and get the number of enabled checkboxes inside the listview [closed]

I have a function "openBrowse" which will allow the user to select SQL files from a local path and display the file names as with dynamic checkboxes created based on the number of files selected ...
vijesh's user avatar
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How can i set layer polygon in center in QGIS using python?

I am trying to set a fixed zoom level whenever I layer is shifting on different polygon. I have coordinates for all the polygons , I need each polygon to be on center with certain zoom level so that ...
Ashwin Bhayal's user avatar
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Label layout on python in QGIS

Now the only issue is that in image I am not getting the labels, I have on polygon. Please help in that too Please see above attached screenshots here I need labels – I have updated QGIS it's version ...
Ashwin Bhayal's user avatar
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Finding and deleting duplicate records in attribute table in QGIS [duplicate]

I have around 1 Lakh+ (100,000+) point features in my shapefile, which has some duplicate records in it. I had found the duplicate records present in the attribute table and print those in python ...
User123's user avatar
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Buffer Csv gets repeated when more than one feature is selected in mapcanvas in PYQGIS

I have a function which will allow the user to select a feature or more features in map canvas and performs buffer for the selected feature(s) and writes the output to a csv file. I dont have any ...
User123's user avatar
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if condition is false but output is true . what is the exact expression of greater than to bands value ('mjune@1'> 99.6:)

from qgis.core import * from qgis.gui import * from qgis.analysis import QgsRasterCalculator, QgsRasterCalculatorEntry from math import * from PyQt4.QtCore import QFileInfo import os from osgeo ...
user35108's user avatar
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QGIS 2.6 Crashed for my own plugin

I had developed a plugin that counts the number of features for a layer in QGIS 2.6. I am using Windows 7 os. It works fine when i loaded a layer. But when I remove that added layer and then if I ...
User123's user avatar
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Attribute Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'

I am developing a plugin that counts the number of features for a layer in QGIS 2.6. The plugin works fine when there is a layer but when there is no layer, it throws an error. For reference, a part ...
User123's user avatar
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Use PyQGIS to import CSV and draw points using different color

A CSV file contains columns latitude, longitude and color. uri = "file:///C:/data/balls.csv?type=csv&xField=longitude&yField=latitude&spatialIndex=no&subsetIndex=no&watchFile=no" ...
Athena Wisdom's user avatar
9 votes
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Zooming to layer extent in PyQGIS? [closed]

Regarding my plugin pyqgis 2.2, i can load a vector layer succesfully. But when i try to zoom to the layer extent it does not work. How to do in order to zoom to the layer extent? I have just ...
user35117's user avatar
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Get signal on edited feature?

Regarding my pyqgis plugin 2.2 , I've implemented signal on a vector layer event successfully. For instance, whenever i create a new feature, i can read a new basic message appeared via QGIS logging ...
user35117's user avatar
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Programmatically selecting features by polygon

Expanding upon this post how could you use QGIS to programmatically draw a selection polygon and select features within the polygon? I have been using QgsMapToolEmitPoint(self.canvas), to find and ...
user2593375's user avatar