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2 answers

Dividing shapefile into multiple shapefiles using an attribute value in QGIS Graphical Modeler

I have a shapefile with a column that have project references, I want to create a different shapefile for every project reference there is. Note that the project references are not unique in the sense ...
Ayogo's user avatar
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Updating set of attributes on vector layer from .csv table?

I have over 1,000 records in a .shp file, all with a unique ID field (LINKID), along with many other fields containing data (TXTFLD1, TXTFLD2, INTFLD1, INTFLD2, etc). These records have been copied ...
PhiliusMaximus's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can not open shapefiles from QGIS 2.18 in MapInfo 16.0, projection was missing

I am working with QGIS 2.18 where I do have several shapefiles in EPSG 4326 and encoded in ISO 8859-1, see image below. I can check their geometry state for instance with Geometry Validator or Check ...
Taras's user avatar
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1 answer

The longest straight line (L) within a polygon and the longest perpendicular line (T) to L

I'm mapping elongated glaciological features within QGIS 2.18.22 and I need to measure the longest straight line (L) and the longest perpendicular line (T) to L (as illustrated in the picture) within ...
Lena Uldal's user avatar
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QGIS 2.18, gives Invalid Data source

Using QGIS 2.18.14, add vector layer, open a shapefile, gives: Invalid Data Source: FILE.shp is not a valid or recognized data source This FILE.shp was OK on QGIS 2.12. Same result for other .shp ...
Hjalmar Eysteinsson's user avatar
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Extract Polygon Coordinates from Shapefile data

I have some building data (polygons) as a shapefile in QGIS 2.18. I'm trying to add a location coordinates (the polygons rough center) and an array of the polygons coordinates (its points). I've been ...
qu1ckdry's user avatar
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How to merge USGS contour data from files into state?

Long story short, I'm looking to take 1/3 arc-second 1x1 degree contour shapefiles from the USGS National Map Viewer and transform that into a contoured map of a particular state, but am encountering ...
marked-down's user avatar
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Export unique values from QGIS layer column [duplicate]

I have a shapefile loaded into QGIS.When i apply filter i can quickly see all the unique values in that column. Is there a quick way to extract that for use in code? I know i could load the shapefile ...
mapping dom's user avatar
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3 answers

Merging island into simplified polygon [duplicate]

I have a polygon shapefile with holes (representing Islands and Rivers) within it as seen below: I need an automated way to fill the polygon in QGIS as seen below: That is remove all Islands and ...
Umar Yusuf's user avatar
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Opening location folder for data files using QGIS?

I am working in a corporation that publishes maps with ArcGIS but I use QGIS for working with data. I need to find the data files that show the information I want to publish and quickly send them via ...
AndrewM's user avatar
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QGIS 2.16.3 crashes when trying to dissolve any shapefile

When I try and use the dissolve tool (vector>geoprocessing tools>dissolve) QGIS 2.16.3 crashes and produces a minidump file. This is with any shapefile that I use. I have also tried it on a friends 2....
B Buckley's user avatar
3 votes
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Not able to use "Save" button in QGIS's Table Manager

I'm getting a message that says "Failed backing up the old table to..." when I use the "Save" button Table Manager after deleteting fields from a shapefile. It says I should use "Save As..." instead, ...
Andres's user avatar
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Why do polylines digitised disapper when I save the layer. Would the shapefiles be corrupt?

I have a problem with QGIS 2.2. When I digitise a polyline layer and save the edits the lines disappear from the map. This does not happen for the polygons in the same GIS project. The points are ...
Deborah Darcy's user avatar
15 votes
7 answers

Shapefile layer no longer editable (toggle edit option greyed out) in QGIS

I am using QGIS 2.16 / Windows 10. I have a point shapefile which I have been using for a little while that has always been editable. Today I was editing the layer, saved my edits and left my ...
Ben's user avatar
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Automatic shapefile input for pre-constructed QGIS workflows?

I currently have two models running: Take shapefiles and break them down into separate shapefiles based on their class, and save them in a specific folder; Select the broken-down shapefiles with the ...
WFL.GIS's user avatar
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Label edits disappear upon saving?

I am trying to label a map I'm creating in QGIS v 2.8.9. I'm using data defined labeling to both manually place and rotate labels. I've created the required fields (X, Y, and Rotate) all as decimal ...
Andy Fisher's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Convert .csv with polygon geometry to .shp QGIS

Working on a Mac in QGI 2.12, I have a csv file with polygon geometry coordinates that I would like to save to a shapefile. It displays fine as a csv. However, when I try to use "save as," I get the ...
lostinkigs's user avatar
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pyqgis change or update attribute data with real-time data or Timer update,Memory has been growing

I update my shapefile attribute data by QTimer ,and labling it, keep the lable visiable,change attribute by 1 minute, but the Memory has been growing 1 layers =self.iface.legendInterface()....
wqjzzgci's user avatar
1 vote
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Downloading GIS Map for Pakistan into QGIS

I'm looking to add canals and bunds to my raster and have found some GIS maps at: Canals Bunds Bunds Image Network Plan Map Image - looks to contain both canals and bunds I'm not clear on how to ...
Testchar 1's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Qgis feature count increases at save layer edits

QGIS (2.12.3, running on Windows) increases the feature count of a vector layer when I "save layer edits". If I do the following steps: create a Vector layer (shp file) enable "show feature count" ...
HAGlide's user avatar
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1 answer

Shapefile/vector layer not appearing in QGIS

I have a shapefile (calling it 'new.shp' for discussion's sake) that won't show up with other layers. If a fresh file is started and I bring in 'new.shp', it will appear, but any other layers imported ...
joat1's user avatar
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How to copy elements and attributes? [duplicate]

I need to copy many elements (and their attributes) from a shapefile and paste to another one. If I use copy/paste functions it pastes only the polygons but not the attributes. How can I solve it?
Ale's user avatar
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QGIS 2.10 Edit shapefiles saving only once

I'm have some trouble while editing my shapefiles. I can save only once. So what I have to do is to save as another file, add to QGIS and edit again. Save as another file... And on and on... Does ...
Caio Sampaio's user avatar
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Join tables in QGis 2.01. Dufour

I performed a "join" going to the properties option in a shapefile (in this case is just a table), in order to join the attributes from another shapefile that has a field in common, specifically "...
Rita's user avatar
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Joining shapefiles based on FID in QGIS [closed]

I want to join shapefiles (or a shapefile and a data file) based on their mutual FIDs and can't see the FID in the "Target Field" dropdown on the join form. I believe this is a basic need to have ...
MaysaM1984's user avatar
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How to have newly added lines split existing lines where they intersect, using QGIS

I have a line shapefile where the lines form a closed polygon. Using QGIS (2.8 on OSX 10.7) I would like to add lines to the layer, basically splitting the polygon into quadrants. Then, I will need ...
Wes Kent's user avatar
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Creating shapefile from Excel file in QGIS?

I am using QGIS 2.6.1 and have worked in an Excel file database (which was actually converted from a Shapefile). I have managed to convert it as CSV file and load it into QGIS (displays data fine) but ...
Darth Freder's user avatar
2 votes
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SHP, SHX and DBF files became empty (zero byte) overnight on QGIS [closed]

This literally happened overnight. I was working on a shapefile in QGIS 2.4 last night but my files (SHP, SHX and DBF) all become zero byte this morning. If this has happened to anyone before, how ...
Victor Zhiyu Lee's user avatar
2 votes
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Merging more than two shapefiles in QGIS

I want to merge 9 shapefiles (all polygons) into one file. The problem is, when I try to merge more than two files at once, I seem to loose attributes on the way? Is there any other way of merging ...
SoS's user avatar
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Converting CSV file of WKT data to shapefile using QGIS 2.01

Is it possible to create a shapefile directly from a CSV WKT file in QGIS 2.01? WKT POLYGON(...) POLYGON(...) Save as shapefile doesn't seem to work.
TimTensen's user avatar
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OTB vector segmentation result is flipped

I'm using Monteverdi 2 to perform a mean shift segmentation on an image of an archaeological dig, to test the feasibility of automatic detection of elements. I've loaded the image in Monteverdi and ...
HDunn's user avatar
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not all polygons showing up in qgis 2.0

I am working with the block group shp files that I got from tiger 2010. When I bring in the shp files some of the block groups show up, but this is spotty. I have adjusted the CRS and still nothing. ...
AvidDabbler's user avatar
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Adding new vector layer. Should .shp file only be added or .shp plus corresponding .shx, .dbf, etc.?

I am a very definite QGIS newbie. I have been creating a map using files that had been used in ArcGis. Each time I wanted to add a new vector layer I opened an .shp file and specified CRS as WGS 84. ...
Edward's user avatar
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