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Questions tagged [qgis.core]

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import module qgis.core in standalone script with pyqgis without running bat before with environment?

To run a python script (example file "") with module qgis.core I have to use a specific bat file (that call the py file!) with the following environment! "rem Call ...
simone100's user avatar
  • 303
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ImportError when importing QgsRasterCalculator in QGIS

I'm running QGIS 3.28.8 on Windows 10, Python 3.9.5. In the Python interpreter when I run from qgis.core import QgsRasterCalculator I receive the following error: ImportError: cannot import name '...
Oliver Burdekin's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Getting readable message level of Qgis.MessageLevel

I have an instance of, e.g. level = Qgis.Info I want to get a human-readable string like "Info" or "Qgis.Info&...
bugmenot123's user avatar
  • 11.3k
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Use QGIS `, alg_params)` from OSGEO4W shell in QGIS Dev 3.26

I've created a simple tool using the code from save model to automate processing. It runs as expected in the QGIS python console but does not work from osgeo4w shell. I have tried the process in https:...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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qgis.core failing to load raster layer

I'm trying to load a raster tif file using python qgis.core script only (outside the qgis gui application) but the 'isValid()' function fail to validate the raster, no matter which raster file I try. ...
user123442's user avatar