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Questions tagged [qlr]

QGIS Layer Definition file.

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Changing projection of QLR file in QGIS

I have converted a ESRI .lyr file to a .qlr file in QGIS using the SLYR plugin. However, it does not give me the option to redefine the projection. If I change it in the traditional format by ...
Char_law's user avatar
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Loading QLR file in QGIS using PyQGIS

I'm trying to load a qlr-file in QGIS 3.16 and zoom to a certain area using python: QgsLayerDefinition.loadLayerDefinition('E:/QGIS/test.qlr',QgsProject.instance(), QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot(...
Tobi's user avatar
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Reading .qlr (QGIS file definition layer) in ArcGIS Pro

Is there any way to open a .qlr file (layer definition in QGIS) in ArcGIS Pro? If not, is there any workaround to export my QGIS symbology to Pro?
Maja's user avatar
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Get qlr to use only features in same folder

Today I have a startup-qgz with the wms-layers I need, but there is 30 shapefiles that I have to add to all projects and I have used the qlr to add them all. The shapefiles always have the same names, ...
Åke Eriksson's user avatar
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Why is loading qgs/qgz 2 x slower than loading qlr?

I have a Layer Definition file(.qlr) that takes 50sec to load. When I save it as a project(qgs/qgz) it takes over 2min to load the same data. Why does loading of qgs/qgz take longer than loading qlr? ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Is there a way in QGIS to display vector files on a shared drive without others being able to edit the file?

So just like lyr-files in ArcGIS. I have read that qlr-files are QGIS answer to lyr. But as far as I can see when I try, the receiver can edit in the main source of the data through the qlr-file. So ...
DyndeMachine's user avatar
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Show QGIS layer definition (qlr) filename in my project not the source file it was created from

I have a QGIS project with multiple qlr (layer definition files) in it which all source the same original data but all have different styling, labeling and filters applied. But when I bring these qlr ...
Matt D's user avatar
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QLR loaded via PyQGIS not loading correctly but works when using layer--add qlr

Based on Load .qlr with loadNamedStyle I was able to add a QLR to a python tool via PyQGIS -however, it appears broken... elif ftype=='qlr': try: print ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Load .qlr file shows up as group, not layer (works on one machine, not another)

I have a project with a few virtual layers that I've saved as .qlr files so to be reused in other projects. When I reload layer from definition file or drag in by browser, everything works as ...
CEL-ma's user avatar
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Linked styles between .QGS projects

Is there a way to share (linked) a style form one project into other projects so that if I change the style in the "source" project, it's updated in the destination projects? QLR would be great if it ...
user2675869's user avatar
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qml style differs from the same sld style saved in QGIS

I am trying to save style that I made in QGIS via layer properties in *.SLD format, but when opening my layer and import this saved *.SLD style - it differs from the initial one! As you can see: my ...
Jane's user avatar
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Load .qlr with loadNamedStyle

I tried >>>QgsVectorLayer.loadNamedStyle(r'C:\Some\Path\FOO.qlr') Get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<input>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: arguments ...
VilyaSeeFour's user avatar
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Add qlr group layer definition to existing QGIS map document

I am able to drag and drop a .qlr group layer definition into new QGIS map projects prior to a first save, but when I drag and drop a .qlr file into a map project in QGIS after the initial save, none ...
eric s's user avatar
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Adding multiple styles to single layer with pyQGIS? [closed]

On QGIS, I would like to programmatically assign multiple .qml styles to a single layer with python. I can add styles manually from the Properties dialog on the layer by selecting Styles->Add... ...
Ricardo's user avatar
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Problem when inserting a QLR file in QGIS

I work with a polyline layer: and the layer located in "G:\desktop\qgis\lyr". After i save the layer in qlr file and saved it in "G:\desktop\qgis\lyr", i try to load the qlr file with "add from ...
newGIS's user avatar
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