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2 answers

Error while trying to train RandomForest

I have the following data: train <- data.frame("diff_ndvi" = c(-0.3064988852, -0.2991864979, -0.0002075136, -0.3066526055), "diff_savi" = c(-0.4596679509, -0....
Deems's user avatar
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2 answers

Loop rename rasters in brick or stack in R

I'm running a randomforest on a raster stack/brick in R. I know how to rename individual layers in the stack, but since my stacks have numerous Landsat scenes, I was hoping to loop through the stack. ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Random forest classifcation for Sentinel-2 low out of bag but high prediction error

I used Random Forest for land cover classification on the Sentinel-2 images in a forest. I have 3 classes: forest (0), bareland (1), and cloud (2). My variables include 4 bands (B2, B3, B4, and B8), ...
user30985's user avatar
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Cannot coerce class to a data.frame

I'm using R to run a random forest to predict the distribution of sediment classes in a study area. I have a .csv of the locations where sediment has been sampled, and rasters of all my predictor ...
Emily's user avatar
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Seeking Random Forest R Code for Temporal Datasets [closed]

I have images from 4 different years and field datasets that correspond for each year. Is there an R Code for Random Forest that will give me a classification map based on the 4 images and their ...
GISnew's user avatar
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How to compare the results of the random forest algorithm with the other SDMs?

I'm using the random forests algorithm in species distribution context. I have presence-absence as a dependent variable, so I decided to work with classification. At this point, I recovered the ...
user2300's user avatar
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Can we use "evaluate" function for other models not included in dismo package?

I'm using several models to predict species occurence probabilities. Some of them are not included in dismo library such as "MARS" and random forests. I want to know if I still can use "...
user1988's user avatar
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Classified image using RF method in R displays less no. of classes than it was trained to

I am trying to classify crops using Sentinel-2 image including 10 classes, using randomForest classification in R. For that, I extracted 2000 random samples points from the training areas for 11 bands ...
UshaP's user avatar
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Raster image error when entering stack layers using Rstudio

I am a beginning user of Rstudio, and I want to run Random Forest by using a couple of "raster layers" which were stacked in ENVI. Before doing stacking I checked the cell size and the ...
user166551's user avatar
3 votes
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Generating prediction raster from Random Forest model using R?

I fit a Random Forest model to tabular data from test sites in R, and now would like to generate a raster showing predicted probability values using raster data corresponding to the same predictors (e....
lambertj's user avatar
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Load (input) and Save (output) rds files with R in QGIS script

I have done a Random Forest classification model in R and I have implemented a script to work in QGIS. For the moment I specify the model's path into the script to apply it (image), but is it any form ...
mike89's user avatar
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1 answer

Predicting Enhanced Vegetation Index using Random Forest in R [closed]

I am a master's student and I am trying to use radar observables derived from SAR imagery to predict Landsat 8 Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) for different seasons. I have extracted EVI and various ...
Shaupt's user avatar
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Using Random Forest for big data?

I used Random Forest regression for my work, but now I have another problem because I have really big data. I am using a VHR and this is much raster information. My script in R is this: <...
Dinosca's user avatar
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Confusion Matrix R

I'm having some problems to understand the result of my confusion matrix. Here is my case: I've run a classification (random forest) on a satellite image. To do so, I created 50 random points for ...
GCGM's user avatar
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How to convert lat long coordinates into categorical value in R?

I have latitude, longitude coordinates as follows latitude longitude 41.775974 -71.329887 42.184913 -71.9179 41.682957373 -71.56037000 I want to use it as one of the features in a ...
user84988's user avatar
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Supervised Random Forest in R

I did an image classification using random forest algorithm in R. I got the result but I do not understand what does the confusion matrix shows ? I mean what does the rows and column show? These are ...
Maryam's user avatar
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1 answer

Random Forest out of the bag and confusion matrix

I have implemented Random Forest classifier to classify remote sensing data in R. The original code comes from here: How to perform Random Forest land classification? Everything works fine, but what ...
Irij's user avatar
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Effects of heterogeneous vegetation in mapping canopy cover using randomForest in R

I have a 5.8 m resolution satellite image (LISS IV aboard IRS-P6, in the wavelength (micrometers): 0.52 - 0.59 (band 2),0.62 - 0.68 (band 3) and 0.77 - 0.86 (band4). The swath covers a densely ...
csheth's user avatar
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The stability of randomForest models after increasing predictor variables

With reference to the posts: Incorporating terrain data to predict canopy cover using randomForest in R and Random-Forest Classification of 10cm Imagery for species-distribution in R (no point-shapes) ...
csheth's user avatar
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Incorporating terrain data to predict canopy cover using randomForest in R? [closed]

I have a 5.8 m resolution satellite image (LISS IV by IRS-P6, in bands 4, 3 and 2) of a densely forested region in the Eastern Himalayas (altitude 700 m to 3200 m). My objective is to predict regions ...
csheth's user avatar
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error of randomforest classification with Landsat data

I want perform randomforest classification on Landsat data. Here is some code I found from a paper. But when I run into the "classification" part, there is an error said "Error in eval(expr, envir,...
Christine's user avatar
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Computing unsupervised random forest classification in R?

I want to compute an unsupervised random forest classification out of a raster stack in R. The raster stack represents the same extent in different spectral bands and as a result I want to obtain an ...
kaltfront's user avatar
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R code for SDM using randomForest [closed]

I wonder if someone can provide me with R code for running Species Distribution model using randomForest where I can't find any tutorials or demos for this.
Alaa's user avatar
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Performing Random-Forest Classification of 10cm Imagery for species-distribution in R (no point-shapes)? [closed]

I'm trying to classify 10cm-resolution images with the RF-package. I do this to separate some species in the forest, seen on my images. While I was searching for an answer, I found the following ...
steveomb's user avatar
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Multispectral image segmentation for natural-resources applications using R

R has the capacity for image segmentation, although all of the examples I have come across utilize a single band for the segmentation (example). I am interested in combining R's capacity for random ...
Aaron's user avatar
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R: Can raster predict function pass to predict.rfsrc (a prediction function in a parallel verion of RandomForest)?

It seems that raster predict function can pass to predict.randomForest by setting the "type='response'". I am using a parallel version of randomForest package called the "randomForestSRC" and I am ...
nomoreraster's user avatar
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Running Random Forest Classification on WorldViev-2 image in R - problem

I have a problem with performing RF in R for a WorldView-2 Scene. I've never ever before used R for remote sensing classification, so I simply followed what is written here. I've loaded scene (8-band ...
M'cin's user avatar
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Using Regression Trees in ArcGIS

I have a follow up question to Statistical analyses for survey against raster? I have a very similar problem as the initial poster David. I am creating a multivariate model from raster data in order ...
BenHedges's user avatar
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How to utilise single 'randomForest' model for several rasters in R?

I am using randomForest package in R to derive species distribution models. When I predict the model to the RasterStack containing the predictors in which the values were extracted to build my model, ...
Mariana Vasconcellos's user avatar
4 votes
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Image classification random forest [duplicate]

I am a newbie in R. I want to classify images using random forest in R. I am trying to learn the codes. But in the mean time, is there a push button (like a gui) in R that can be used for ...
abantika's user avatar
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ArcGis Raster Resampling Question [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do you decide what interpolation method to use for resampling raster data? I want to interpolate a certiain target variable over a large territory. I trained a random ...
JEquihua's user avatar
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How to perform Random Forest land cover classification?

This is a follow-up to a previous post: Machine Learning Algorithms for Land Cover Classification. It seems that the Random Forest (RF) classification method is gaining much momentum in the remote ...
Aaron's user avatar
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