Questions tagged [random-forest]

An ensemble classifier that consists of many decision trees and outputs the class that is the mode of the classes output by individual trees

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0 votes
0 answers

Using ee.Image.stratifiedSample with .smileRandomForest produces type error (python)

Can you advise me on how to correctly use .stratifiedSample to prep input for .smileRandomForest, using Google Earth Engine (GEE) Python API? I'm trying to create training data with .stratifiedSample. ...
0 votes
2 answers

Error while trying to train RandomForest

I have the following data: train <- data.frame("diff_ndvi" = c(-0.3064988852, -0.2991864979, -0.0002075136, -0.3066526055), "diff_savi" = c(-0.4596679509, -0....
1 vote
3 answers

How does the randomColumn() function in Google Earth Engine work

Does the randomColumn() function assign an arbitrary random value as a collection element property or is it based on some aspect of the collection element? For instance, I have a script that calls ...
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1 answer

Random Forest error

I have tried a LULC classification using random forest algorithm in Google Earth Engine but error showing: Layer error: Property 'B2' of feature '0' is missing. My script code: https://code....
0 votes
1 answer

Tracing back single class sample sizes of a random forest classification model (.pkl-file) [QGIS 3.16 - EnMAP Box - RFC]

A couple of weeks ago, I created some prediction models with the EnMAP Box Classification Workflow. In some of the models I reduced the sample size for some classes as shown in the image below. Here, ...
3 votes
1 answer

Performing Random Forest using EnMap Box? [closed]

I am new to the software EnMap Box that incorporates Random Forest (RF) as one of its capability. To learn the Enmap, I followed the RF tutorial provided online. My goal is to use RF as a tool to ...
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1 answer

Balancing data for doing Random Forest in Google Earth Engine

I am trying to do a Random Forest in Google Earth Engine. My data is unbalanced (more or less I have 3 times more points of one class) so I want to balance them. I tried to give different weights to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Export band value range of one landcover class after Random forest classification

I have classified my study area into six landcover classes (water, urban, barrenland,plantation, nonmangroves forests and mangroves) using Random Forest. I used six bands for classification (red, blue,...
1 vote
1 answer

Using RF as a classifier, however no valid training data founded?

I am new to GEE. I'm trying to do a crop mapping for my ROI using Random Forest. I am using Landsat8, computed index (NDVI, NDWI). Stacking all images of interest of Landsat with the needed bands, ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Land cover analysis GEE

I want to do a time series analysis analysis for land cover classification. For 2024 I am using this dataset COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED
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0 answers

Using raster images as explanatory variables in regression model in python

I have yield data and multiple vegetation indices values in a tabulated form for multiple years. I applied machine learning regressors using the .csv file and tested the performance. The random forest ...
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1 answer

Variable importance for Random Forest classification in GEE

I performed RF classification in GEE and calculated variable importance with two various scripts successfully. The first script is: var dict = classifier01.explain(); print('Explain 1:',dict); var ...
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0 answers

Random forest invalid data

I'm trying to classify forest habitats at a 10-meter resolution. I have imported my points from a shapefile that contains habitat categories for each sampled point in the "target" column. I ...
1 vote
0 answers

Google Earth Engine k-fold cross-validation

I wrote a script for Google Earth Engine that allows me to analyze geospatial data. Initially, I loaded three data sets: a predictor shapefile, a forecast area shapefile, and a collection of landslide ...
7 votes
1 answer

Results of Variable Importance of RF Classifier in GEE

I create a RF module in GEE like this: //Random Forest Result Function Module exports.getRfResults = function(image, title, bands, trainPoint, testPoint, area, label) { //Create Sample Points ...
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1 answer

Land cover classification using Google Earth Engine, and involving SAVI and EVI indices

I'm trying to do a land cover classification using Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS. However, I want to involve indexes (SAVI, and EVI) in this classification process. I don't know how to solve this problem. Is ...
1 vote
1 answer

Utilize Earth Engine's SMILE Random Forest Algorithm locally

I am currently trying to train a Random Forest classifier on Collect Earth Online data to predict certain landcover classifications based on R, G, B, and NIR bands from Sentinel 2 (Google Earth Engine)...
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0 answers

Corn Field Classification: Layer error: No valid training data were found

I have a code in GEE for crop mapping. I also have the shape of training points. but after running I faced an error: No valid training data were found. Please Help me how can I fix the code? The ...
1 vote
1 answer

Fetch Probability from Random Forest Classified Image

I have performed random forest classification in Earth Engine would like to select only pixels with high probability. But I cant figure how it to be done. I see the probability value in the Inspector ...
0 votes
1 answer

Extracting confusion matrix values in GEE

I am training a random forest model in Google Earth Engine, and I want to output the confusion matrices so I know which classes are being confused for which. By default, the confusion matrix is ...
1 vote
1 answer

No valid training data were found [Google Earth Engine]

I would like to create a classification model through randomForest model. I used Sentinel 2 dataset. Everything is working if I'm using the original bands for the predicted variable. However, if I ...
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0 answers

Different statistical analysis for Classified Image

I have created a (1) Bamboo Index map using 2 satellite images i.e. Landsat-08 and Sentinel-02. The formula I used is: BI= (NDVI-NDMI)/(NDVI+NDMI) Where; NDMI is Normalized Difference Moisture Index. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Random forests Google Earth Engine

I have been trying to train a random forests algorithm to sort of predict fire occurrences, using MODIS fire occurrence data as an outcome variable and elevation, distance from urban areas, air ...
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0 answers

GEE script for hyperparameter tuning for random forest regression with grid search

Is there any script GEE for hyperparameter tuning for random forest regression with grid search? Here's the code: // Hyperparameter Tuning var test = bands.sampleRegions({ collection: ...
0 votes
1 answer

GEE error: Unable to compute error margin in invalid area of projection (EPSG:32750: ........0))

i tried to visualize the regression from random forest, but it cannon appear in console or map, the variable predictor has been export by same scale and crs. why this is happen? // Display the input ...
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0 answers

How to apply GEE training data to a new region

The link to my code is included here but I will paste it as well: I am trying to dynamically classify ground cover using supervised ...
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0 answers

Estimating forest cover density through Google Earth Engine

I am trying to make a forest cover map (estimating forest canopy density) of a particular district and block. But I don't know where to start since I am a beginner. I have researched and came to a ...
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0 answers

Exporting classified land cover class as an asset for NDVI calculations

I have conducted a supervised classification in Google Earth Engine using Random Forest, to which I have provided the code. Map....
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1 answer

Exporting raster to my assets

I am working on a vegetation type classification using random forest and Sentinel-2 imagery, and I would like to export my final output map (GeoTIFF) which contains 7 classes and some masked areas ...
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1 answer

Random forest classification on QGIS gets stocked at 66% with an error message whose conditions have been met

I am running a random forest classification on QGIS using dzesaka pluggin, after picking my training sites and running the classification, it gets to 66% and a prompt message appears that i ensure ...
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0 answers

What do the values in trees of Random forest GEE mean?

I get these trees in GEE: trees: List (29 elements) 0: n= 116838 node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob) * denotes terminal node 1) root 116838 31180 8 (0.010997 0.0066155 0.019316 0.013984 0.012195 ...
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0 answers

variablesPerSplit default value rounding in smileRandomForest()

I have used the Google Earth Engine's smileRandomForest() classifier and leaving the variablesPerSplit to the default value sqrt(N_variables) with N_variables=8 input variables, which I think is ...
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0 answers

Get working of Random Forest in GEE in understandable form

I used this code to see decion tree in RF GEE: var decisionTrees = ee.List(trained.explain().get('trees')) print("Tree decision", decisionTrees) I get this: Tree decision List (29 elements) ...
3 votes
1 answer

Using RandomForest for land use classification in Google Earth Engine: Training accuracy shows error

I am using RandomForest classification for my LULCC study. I have been successful in running the classification including getting the "validation accuracy" as 0.87. However, my "...
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1 answer

Class not recognized in dataset in RF classification with GEE

I want to classify imagery from different regions with a classifier trained in one specific region. My training and test dataset contains polygons which are assigned to 4 different classes (class 0 - ...
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0 answers

GEE - random forest doesn't classify my whole image

I'm new to GEE and I'm trying to do a machine learning supervised classification using random forest. it turns out that I made a code taking different parts of other codes and it works well for small ...
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0 answers

Export table to drive "User memory limit exceeded" on GEE

I'm exporting the table from the random forest model result, showing the relationship between the predicted values and the observed values in terms of the training data. However, when I ran the task ...
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0 answers

Random forest regression error on GEE "No valid training data were found."

I'm using RF regression model on GEE. The output can be successfully generated but when I tried to make a "Variable Importance Histogram", the error happened and said "Dictionary (Error)...
0 votes
1 answer

Random forest error on GEE

I have a problem with random forest classification, receiving an error message after inputting the training dataset. My code includes a long preprocessing for Sentinel1 and Sentinel2, but here I'll ...
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2 answers

Random forest/Maxent environmental predictor layers using vector data, in GEE

I am attempting to use a vector layer as a predictor environmental layer for use in classification/predictor models (eg Random Forest/Maxent). I have attempted to include a bathymetric substrate layer,...
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1 answer

Different no. of training points than the one I am asking for

Does anyone know, what could be the reason, I am getting different numbers of my training samples than the one I am asking in the code? Like in my example, for crop no.6, I am asking for 200 points, ...
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1 answer

GEE_No valid training data

I am trying to conduct supervised classification using RF, however I face problems with my training data. I have my data as a point shp file, however, whenever I use it, it gives me the error "no ...
1 vote
1 answer

What formula does GEE use for calculation of Importance in Random Forest?

I got such values of importance in GEE, using such code var variable_importance = ee.Feature(null, ee.Dictionary(trained.explain()).get('importance')); What formula does GEE use for calculation it? ...
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1 answer

Wrong Palette of color when doing a supervised classification GEE

I am doing a classification of forest and nonforest area using the random forest classifier. At the end of the process I am not getting the color separation, the classified image looks like this: It ...
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2 answers

Loop rename rasters in brick or stack in R

I'm running a randomforest on a raster stack/brick in R. I know how to rename individual layers in the stack, but since my stacks have numerous Landsat scenes, I was hoping to loop through the stack. ...
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1 answer

Low accuracy for addition of more predictor bands in Random forest classifier

Hi there Im working on a project for estimation Above ground Biomass in hilly terrain for mature forests and asscessing accuracy of different classifiers availiable in GEE such as Random forest and ...
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1 answer

Error in GEE: Property of feature is missing

I am trying to do a supervised classification in GEE, I tried the same code over one area of interest and it worked. However, when I combined both sites, an error occurred "Property '0_SR_B2' of ...
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0 answers

Use shapefile with multiclass as a training data

How can I use a shapefile containing different land cover classes as my training data in GEE? Here is the code I am using,however there is always an error with the classification: https://code....
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0 answers

Increasing accuracy with RF classifier in GEE

I am doing a supervised classification using RF classifier in GEE. However, the accuracy that I am getting is not exceeding 0.67, even if I increase the training sample or no. of trees in my ...
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1 answer

Missing a couple of tiles after classification, however it was shown in the stacked Landsat image

I am trying to do crop-type mapping using RF in GEE.the script is working, however, part of the final classified layer (a couple of tiles) is missing in the end product which I do not know why! I even ...