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1 answer

How can I rasterize a vector object, while keeping it's height value?

It's a simple building, with a height of 60 meters. I tried using the vector-raster tool, but I ended up with a 40 GB object(?), that won't show up on the map. And then I used TIN interpolation (...
Isabella's user avatar
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1 answer

Convert smoothened contour in QGIS ( vector) to raster for use in HECRAS

I have generated contours in QGIS using point data (AutoCAD file) and I had to also smoothen the contours and remove noises (smaller contours) from the contour generated. I need to get this contour ...
Usha's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Convert points with x,y coords and value from to a raster image

I have a CSV file with xcoord,ycoord and pixel value from DEM. After I import it in QGIS, I take this table. I want to make a raster from this point layer. I tried rasterized (vector to raster), I ...
Kostas Pl.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Clean DEM in QGIS

I'm attempting to create a DEM in QGIS from contours using the "Rasterize (vector to raster)" function. How do I create a DEM that is clean and does not have blank spots?
Sam Wilder's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Merge overlapping polygons to elevation data

I'm new to GIS and need to create a shortest path avoiding buildings. The buildings are represented as polygons in a shapefile. In QGIS I created a buffer polygon for each building, corresponding the ...
Nic Stray's user avatar
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2 answers

DEM from Vector to Raster in GRASS GIS

I am using GRASS GIS 7.4 and I have a DEM as points in a vector format and want to turn it into a raster. I tried using and, but the elevation is not one of the attributes so am ...
Juan Ossa's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Usage of interpolation methods with DEMs: Linear vs. natural neighbors

Using the ArcGIS tool "TIN to Raster" (3D Analyst Tools --> Conversion --> From TIN) to work on my Digital Elevation Model I was wondering about the interpolation methods. I can choose either or: ...
Maja Ott's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Creating raster or vector raster from DEM point file?

i have a point shape of 75.000 elevation points in a regular 5 m grid. We now want to create a polygon grid with the elevation points as "centroids". Unfortunately, all attempts to do so fail: I ...
Bernd V.'s user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

Burning stream network into DEM layer using ArcGIS Desktop?

I am working on a DEM that in an area where there is little relief. I would like to 'burn' the river network into the DEM so I can calculate flow accumulation and flow length accurately. I am ...
Kate's user avatar
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