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Questions tagged [rectangle]

a flat geometric shape with four right (90°) angles and four sides, where a pair of opposite sides have equal length

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Getting aspect-ratio of shapely rectangle

This snippet calculates an aspect ratio of a rectangle not constrained to be parallel to the coordinate axes: from shapely import * rect = oriented_envelope(LineString([(1, 1), (5, 1), (10, 10)])) p0 ...
Paul Jurczak's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Finding rectangular polygons in a multipolygon

I'm trying to do some analysis that requires finding rectangular gardens of a certain size. At present, I only have access to a data set of property extents with buildings punched out with the ...
CitizenFish's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

QGIS: Create rectangular grid from point grid

I would like to create a grid of rectangles from this grid of points using QGIS 3.16: I want the rectangles to be 8km by 8km in size. My points are 8km apart. I tried using the Rectangles, ovals, ...
GisUser's user avatar
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QGIS 3.28.3 Custom Print layout: Problems with changing rectangle sizes

I'm part of a GeoOffice and we want to create a custom print layout for the finished maps. This custom print layout should include a "stamp" in the lower right corner with all the needed ...
Klingenberg's user avatar
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Reproject raster from rectilinear LCC to rectilinear GK

I have many climate raster (netcdf) in a rectilinear grid in LCC projection (EPSG 3034) and I want to reproject it with python to a local Gauß Kryger projection (31467). Reprojecting every raster ...
PDistl's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Create biggest possible rectangular polygon from grids in QGIS

I am working in QGIS (Modeler with some Python scripting) and I have troubles performing the following task: I have the following grid: I have to create the biggest possible rectangle polygon out of ...
z0ltan's user avatar
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How many vertices does a SDE.ST_GEOMETRY rectangle have?

SDE.ST_GEOMETRY; Oracle 18c; 10.7.1 EGDB How many vertices does a SDE.ST_GEOMETRY rectangle have? (Drawn using the rectangle construction tool in the Create Features pane in ArcMap 10.7.1.) The ...
User1974's user avatar
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Construct ST_GEOMETRY rectangle from two vertices: lower-left and upper-right

Oracle 18c SDE.ST_GEOMETRY 10.7.1 EGDB: I have two vertices of a rectangle: Lower-left: 10,10 Upper-right: 100,100 I want to construct a rectangle polygon from those two vertices using ST_GEOMETRY ...
User1974's user avatar
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Draw polygon with specific dimensions [closed]

I'm a beginner with QGIS, and I'm trying to draw a polygon that is 10m x 10m with 90 degree angles placed along a line, and centred around a point on that line. I don't know what projection to use (I'...
Shona Guthrie's user avatar
3 votes
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Finding features with equal distance for houses in archaeological data using QGIS [closed]

My goal is to find house sketches in archaeological data. I have a shapefile from an excavation where all the archaeological features, mainly pits are measured as polygons. The polygons have different ...
lqdxtc's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Resizing rectangle by dragging one side and retaining all right angles using QGIS

I cannot resize a rectangle polygon feature in QGIS in a way that retains right angles on all the vertices. There does seem to be an “intent” for this capability to exist via the “snap to common angle”...
NotSoGiantSequoia's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Making a rectangular vector shapefile that is a perfect square in QGIS

I'm having trouble making a square vector shapefile, using "Make Rectangle from Extent" (or anything really). I've googled for hours, regrettably the older plugins aren't compatible and of ...
David's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

Generating rectangle centered by point in QGIS

I have a layer which contains points. The layer has "height" and "width" attributes. I need rectangles around those points, but a point should be in the center of the related ...
Lilium's user avatar
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How to draw rectangle from the ReactBounds using OpenLayers

I am looking for an solution where I can draw the rectangle with the reactbonds I have found the solution one but its a legacy version of the OL. I have react bonds as  ["-1535320.98225989", ...
Piyush's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Fitting rectangle with maximum area inside polygon in PostGIS

I am looking to fit a rectangle inside a polygon which would have the maximum area for the rectangle. I tried using ST_OrientedEnvelope(geom) but this would give the rectangle fitted outside the ...
Shana's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Determining rotation of rectangle features for Data Driven Pages in ArcGIS Desktop?

I am trying to generate a large number of plans using the Data Driven Pages in ArcGIS Desktop. I have created an index layer comprising a series of rectangle features that correspond to set scales ...
boberdorf's user avatar
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Creating a Construction Tools Rectangle Template

I am working on a project that requires me to place hundreds of 20x20 ft squares as polygons in a feature class. Right now I am manually making them by entering height and width values. I am wondering ...
Gemma Leigh's user avatar
-1 votes
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Shape Digitizing toolbar in QGIS 2.10.1 [duplicate]

How to draw rectangle with Shape Digitizing toolbar in QGIS 2.10.1?
Jeyhun 's user avatar
3 votes
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Generating defined rectangles (size, position) as a new shapefile layer in distance to specific points from another shapefile layer in QGIS

I'm familiar with the basics of QGIS, but now I'm confronted with a difficult task. I want to create a new shapefile (as a layer) which contains defined rectangles (size, position) from another layer ...
Ser Robin's user avatar
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5 votes
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Select all polygons (i.e. properties) that can fit a given rectangle

How can i identify all polygons that are large enough to contain a given rectangle? (Tabular area is not sufficient as i want to exclude polygons that are long and skinny.) What i want to do is ...
questor's user avatar
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8 votes
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Create rectangle by entering width & height numerically in QGIS?

I need a quick way to create rectangles with set with & height in meters. Is there a straightforward way to do this? I am well aware that there are a number of ways to achieve this, but all that I ...
Aron's user avatar
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Leaflet rectangle interaction

I 've built a map that can "listen" to the bounds of the whole map window, through leaflet's method: getBounds() What I would like, is the user to choose a more specific area with a rectangle. The ...
treecon's user avatar
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How to move node position keeping right angles?

I made a polygon with perpendicular segments using CAD Tools. I saw that, even if the segments of this polygon are perpendicular, the four points has different values in terms of x, y. I think that`s ...
Sam Lee's user avatar
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How to find the minimum perimeter oriented bounding box?

I would like to know an algorithm to calculate the minimum perimeter oriented bounding box of a point set or polygon. I know that if I use the rotating calipers, I am able to get the minimum area ...
Anderson Carniel's user avatar
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Make rectangles from agricultural field sizes (ArcGIS 10)

I got a task to do as research assistant of which im not sure how to do.. I have a layer with field polygons of agricultural fields (pretty large scale). I want to create rectangles for each field ...
G.Gattuso's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

QGIS modify rectangular shaped polygons

Within QGIS is there a simple way to modify the shape of a rectangular polygon by simply parallel translating one of the edges (a -> a') like shown below. I've been looking at the CADDigitize ...
Jochen Schwarze's user avatar
59 votes
9 answers

Сreating polygons with straight lines and right angles in QGIS

When creating a polygon, how do I do it so that the lines are straight (90, 0 degrees, etc.) and when I create corners they can be right angles? For instance, how do I create a perfect square or ...
hpy's user avatar
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