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Questions tagged [reflectance]

Reflectance is the ratio of incident flux and reflected flux from a surface

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What is the difference between surface reflectance and top of atmosphere (TOA) reflectance?

I was told that during winter it is better to use TOA because SR is not good for winter. But I didn't find any files describing it. Can anyone explain the difference of these two and why they perform ...
Xichun Zhou's user avatar
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Why Skysat analytic surface reflectance products have wierd reflectance in shadows?

I have a skysat analytic_SR image. I did not get any .json file related to atmospheric correction parameters as they say. I can only get the Planet notes on planetscope for surface reflectance (see ...
vars's user avatar
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Normalized Difference Turbidity Index (NDTI) wrong

I'm trying to retrieve a turbidity indicator from a Landsat 8 using NDTI : NDTI=(Red-Green)/(Red+Green). The problem is the result is not consistent with the reality. Here is a RGB visualization where ...
Aurélien Lengrand's user avatar
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Low reflectance values

I use DJI P4 multispectral. Here is the command I gave in opendronemap software. –dem-resolution 1.5 --orthophoto-resolution 1.5 –orthophoto-png --dsm –radiometric-calibration camera –texturing-skip-...
SS101's user avatar
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Convert Landsat 9 Surface Reflectance product DN to surface reflectance values

I downloaded the Landsat 9 L2 imagery from Earth Explorer for the purpose of calculating NDVI. However, when opened in ArcMap 10, the pixel values are in the range of 7000 to 45000. I understand that ...
Tsaku Graham's user avatar
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Why the result of download for Sentinel-2 Cloud Removal doesn't show reflectance value?

I succeed to remove cloud from these step in : Then I download the result. But, the result is not in decimal as ...
mega saputra's user avatar
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Getting reflectance from Sentinel2 L2A images

I want to get surface reflectance at some points on GEE for Sentinel2 L2A images. I know that I can use inspector to get band values at each point. I read that these values are Digital Numbers and ...
Soheil's user avatar
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Changing saved reflectance panel values in Pix4D [closed]

We have a Micasense rig for multispectral imagery, and when my coworker set up my Pix4D account & did a test run he used the wrong reflectance values for our calibration panel. Pix4D saves those ...
DataWrangler's user avatar
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Reflectance median extraction on GEE on field values

I want to extract reflectance values of points for field measurment at different dates. I want to get the median reflectance value for each band for 1 pixel around the point to look for the link with ...
noob's user avatar
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Viewing Angle Effect On Spectral Reflectance Sentinel-2

I am new to remote sensing and would like resources and literature explaining the effect of viewing angle on spectral reflectance for satellites. I have read the study by Moriya et al translated to ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Classifying Object Based on Mean IR Values

While Developing rule sets using e-Cognition for object classification for say; Landsat 7 images what are the threshold conditions to classify water, building, agriculture land & bare soil ...
Walker's user avatar
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LANDSAT-7 strange strip on SWIR bands (B5 and B7)

I was exploring Landsat 7 data on SentinelHub and came across with this strange strip in the SWIR band B7 (also B5): By placing a pin in this strip and exploring the stats, I found that there is no ...
Just_4n0th3r_Pr0gr4mm3r's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine and Sentinel-2 L2A processing update

As of 25-January-2022 ESA has updated its processing baseline for Sentinel-2 Therefore, Sentinel-2 L2A Bottom of Atmosphere (BOA) reflectance (L2A_BOA) should be retrieved using L2A_BOAi = (L2A_DNi + ...
user88484's user avatar
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SPOT 6/7 conversion to BOA/Surface Reflectance

I am quite new to GIS and even newer to SPOT as an image source. In general, all of the other sources I have used for analysis (Landsat 7 & 8, Sentinel-2) have been corrected to BOA reflectance ...
ecoQs's user avatar
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Do I need to convert OLI bands DN values to reflectance and TIRS bands DN values to radiance?

I know that this a very trivial question. I downloaded some Landsat 8 images from the USGS website that have the following format (I deleted the processing date): ...
RIM's user avatar
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Filter Landsat 5 Surface Reflectance Images by Cloud Cover with a Region of Interest in GEE

I'd like to filter a large collection of Landsat 5 Surface Reflectance images by cloud cover within a small region of interest (not the entire image scene) in Google Earth Engine. I know there are ...
Reece Allen's user avatar
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Does single tile, single date of Sentinel-2 data require BRDF?

I have a single tile of Sentinel-2 Level-2A data from a single date of acquisition. Does this require bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF), or are the angles consistent enough during ...
nateroe's user avatar
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Calculating blue sky albedo with MODIS & Google Earth Engine

I am trying to calculate the blue sky albedo, which I think is the same as land surface albedo, using Google Earth Engine and the 'MCD43A3.006 MODIS Albedo Daily 500m' data. I've managed to find ...
merky's user avatar
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Cloud masking the Landsat-8 Surface Reflectance product without using GEE

I have a collection of Landsat8 Collection2 Level2 images (surface reflectance) and I would like to cloud mask those images somehow, so I can further make a time series of NDVI and other remote sensor ...
Stella's user avatar
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Limiting cloud estimation of Landsat8_SR over ROI in GEE

I intend to create an image collection of Landsat-8 surface reflectance not TOA that has 100% free cloud over my Region of Interest (ROI). Not surprisingly the code I have found in the forum ( Filter ...
Fafa's user avatar
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Correcting Worldview-3 data to ground reflection/bottom of atmosphere with open source? [closed]

I have some worldview-3 imagery that needs to be corrected from digital numbers to actual reflection values (preferably bottom-of-atmosphere). But the tricky part is I am looking for open source ...
Emtomp's user avatar
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Rescaling Landsat-8 SR to surface reflectance

I want to rescale the Landsat-8 SR image using the rescale factor in the documentation, which is 0.0001 for each band. I assume that the original values are DN values, and after rescaling I can get ...
Luis Lizcano's user avatar
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NDVI out of range

I have composed a mosaics of 3 images of Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance Level 2 for the bands NIR and RED. According to the Landsat Surface Reflectance Product Guide each band is supposed to be ...
Gab's user avatar
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Explanation on band conversion from radiance to reflectance final value

I've watched few video on conversion of radiance to reflectance for landsat band, most of them recommended to use formula below to to make sure the final reflectance value lies in between 0 to 1. My ...
Alya Nasir's user avatar
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Understand values for Landsat 8 surface reflectance image

What do the numbers represent when you download an image, in my case Landsat 8 OLI TIRS surface reflectance. Are they DN numbers or reflectance values? If the image is not surface reflectance product, ...
Aman Bagrecha's user avatar
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How to apply a Bitmask for radiometric saturation QA in a image collection (earth engine)

I am new to earth engine and I am trying to apply a radiometric saturation mask in a image collection based on ''radsat_qa'' in earth engine data catalog for landsat reflectance tier 1. I am trying ...
laurent's user avatar
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PlanetScope NDWI calculations

I am trying to calculate NDWI for a PlanetScope image scene. I currently have 2 products: one is the "3B_AnalyticMS_SR.tif" and the other is the "3B_AnalyticMS.tif" product. I ...
emfidan's user avatar
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Implementing BRDF in R

I use UAS to survey vegetation at subcentimeter resolution for my research and have found that bidirectional reflectance (BR) is a huge issue that impacts the reliability of estimates across ...
Kartograaf's user avatar
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Calculation of TOA radiance from Sentinel-2 1C product reflectance

I was trying to convert the Sentinel-2 1C product to radiance and came across two links first once says radiance = ((pixelValueBandX * cos(incidenceAngle) * solarIrradianceBandX) / (pi * d2)) / ...
Naresh's user avatar
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Calculating Reflectance from Parrot Sequoia DN

I am dealing with the images of a Parrot Sequoia. I could not pre-process the images in Pix4d because I took single shots in different parts (so there are not overlapping images).. for me it is ...
Lily G.'s user avatar
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Comparing Landast 8 Images?

I'm currently working with Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Level-2 Data Products - Surface Reflectance and I would like to compare different landsat images from different places on earth. I was wondering if pixels ...
user123761's user avatar
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Conversion of Landsat ToA reflectance to BoA reflectance with an equation

I am using temporal datasets from Landsat 5, 7 and 8. Since I have many datasets I would like to include the conversion from ToA(top of atmosphere) to BoA(bottom of atmosphere) reflectance into a ...
gispaew's user avatar
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Converting Landsat8 DN to TOA reflectance using GEE manually

I'm fairly new in Google Earth Engine and JavaScript. I'm trying to convert Landsat8 DN to TOA reflectance using GEE using a function. // Load a raw Landsat scene and display it. var image = ee.Image(...
Kaelel Bilang's user avatar
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Blank table when exporting a feature selection of a image collection

I'm trying to get reflectance data of some points that i've gotten from another database through a Json table of pings. I've used this code to get the data but returns only the title of columns with ...
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Landsat 8 - Reflectance Values

I downloaded some Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS C1 Level-1 images from EarthExplorer. I was hoping to get reflectance data out of the blue, green and red band; however, when I opened those images in ArcMap, the ...
Perro's user avatar
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Convert Planet Imagery Surface Reflectance product DN to surface reflectance values

I have a PlanetScope Ortho Scene Product (3B) which includes an AnalyticMS.tif and AnalyticMS_SR.tif files. Based on what I have read so far, the AnalyticMS_SR.tif file is scaled surface reflectance ...
StarterPack's user avatar
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How to Correct Landsat 8 Imagery with TOA Reflectance >1 and <0?

I recently downloaded Landsat 8 T1 imagery and have ran into some difficulties during pre-processing. I applied the TOA reflectance and sun elevation corrections to Bands 2,3,4,5,6 using ArcGIS's ...
Jose's user avatar
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Converting Digital Number (DN) to reflectance in order to analyze NDVI

I'm working with a mapir nir + red camera meaning that its blue band captures nir light and its red captures red normally. I understand that NDVI is calculated using reflectance values. How do I ...
Tker's user avatar
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Radiometric, reflectance and atmospheric correction for Landsat 8 image

I am struggling with the pre-processing process for landsat8 imagery. I want to use some indices (e.g. NDVI, SAVI, EVI, NDMI) and create a land cover map at the end using ENVI and ArcGIS. As a ...
Kyoko's user avatar
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LiDAR returns over water bodies?

I have obtained LiDAR data from my environmental agency in order to obtain the relative heights of each watercourse station. A far as I know, LiDAR signals do not get returned over water bodies. ...
Robert Buckley's user avatar
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Why reflectance map in pix4d dont are normalized

I want to know, why my reflectance map, dont have value between 0 and 1. Because my calibration table said me: for example red band has max value = 0.88 nm, and my reflectance map in red band have max ...
Dinosca's user avatar
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Set multiple values to nodata - Erdas Imagine 2015

I am having trouble with the data ranges in the Landsat 8 surface reflectance product which I downloaded from USGS. The Lansat 8 surface reflectance handbook says the valid range is 0 - 10,000 range ...
lyseng's user avatar
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I can apply tasseled Cap transformation in surface reflectance (not ToA)?

I can not understand if I should adjust the Tasseled Cap index with the surface reflectance values or the Top of Atmosphere
Fredy  Argotty's user avatar
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When to rescale reflectance data to calculate vegetation indices

I'm attempting to calculate a number of vegetation indices using hyperspectral AVIRIS data in ENVI. Some of these indices are normalized, such as NDVI, whereas others are not, such as the Transformed ...
user5858's user avatar
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Negative Surface Reflectance

I am using Landsat Surface Reflectance Level-2 images. I have to convert the DNs to reflectance values. When I apply the formula provided in the Landsat8 User Handbook : reflectance = ...
tzebot's user avatar
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Landsat8 surface reflectance rescaling pixel

Sorry for this basic question, but I am using Landsat8 images with "surface reflectance" treatment from Landsat8. I am having some trouble with the data from some bands. Most of pixel are beyond 10k. ...
Raphael Castilho Gil's user avatar
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Obtain reflectance map in pix4d?

I can not obtain my reflectance map in pix4D. The program said: Unable to computed radiometric calibraticon from sequoia. Unable to computed coordinated system. Its rare, because normally i ...
Dinosca's user avatar
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How to get property of each image in a collection in google earth engine?

I am trying to convert ASTER image from DN values to reflectance. For this I require gain coefficient of each image in the collection I have gathered. //Defining geometry var geometry = ee.Geometry....
Apurva Alok's user avatar
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Are landsat 8 SR and TOA rasters calibrated/corrected data or the data to be used for calibration/correction?

I downloaded Landsat 8 Level-2 scenes from for land cover classification. Following are the product list in the package, cause I ticked Top of Atmosphere Reflectance (TOA), ...
Vandka's user avatar
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What are the necessary correction/calibration on Landsat 8 imagery for land cover classification? [duplicate]

I downloaded calibrated/corrected Landsat 8 data (Level 2) from ESPA ( to do land cover classification. But there are many corrections and calibrations can be done as listed ...
Vandka's user avatar
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