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Filter Landsat 5 Surface Reflectance Images by Cloud Cover with a Region of Interest in GEE

I'd like to filter a large collection of Landsat 5 Surface Reflectance images by cloud cover within a small region of interest (not the entire image scene) in Google Earth Engine. I know there are ...
Reece Allen's user avatar
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Cloud masking the Landsat-8 Surface Reflectance product without using GEE

I have a collection of Landsat8 Collection2 Level2 images (surface reflectance) and I would like to cloud mask those images somehow, so I can further make a time series of NDVI and other remote sensor ...
Stella's user avatar
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Set multiple values to nodata - Erdas Imagine 2015

I am having trouble with the data ranges in the Landsat 8 surface reflectance product which I downloaded from USGS. The Lansat 8 surface reflectance handbook says the valid range is 0 - 10,000 range ...
lyseng's user avatar
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Landsat8 surface reflectance rescaling pixel

Sorry for this basic question, but I am using Landsat8 images with "surface reflectance" treatment from Landsat8. I am having some trouble with the data from some bands. Most of pixel are beyond 10k. ...
Raphael Castilho Gil's user avatar
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Landsat 7 - 8 surface reflectance bands from ESPA (LEDAPS)

I have downloaded some Level 1 and higher level imagery data including surface reflectance as well. I should process these data in Idrisi (Selva) package. The Level 1 images' pixel values are between ...
Geo_D's user avatar
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Calculating Albedo for Landsat 8 using QGIS with GRASS?

I am trying to estimate albedo for Landsat 8 OLI. The idea was to use the GRASS function i.albedo within the processing toolbox of QGIS. However, the option for Landsat 8 OLI is not available, ...
theforeverwar's user avatar
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Automatic conversion to surface reflectance (SCP)

I am practicing for SCP part by using Qgis 2.10.1. I already download desired LANDSAT image from SCP>Download Landsat. However, in Pre-processing part, after click Select directory button, the ...
Diana Bazila's user avatar
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3 answers

Determining surface that reflectance curve matches?

I was wondering to what surface that reflectance curve belongs? It is definitely no water or snow since their reflectance drops at a much smaller wavelength. I was thinking about a dense cloud but the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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