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2 answers

Identify and split data in other languages using QGIS

I have a dataset containing names in both English and other languages and mixed too. Is their any way to remove data containing other than English language? Eg:
Bruno B's user avatar
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3 answers

Remove symbols from text with field calculator

I'm attempting to remove € symbols from values in the attributes of a geopackage. For example, I have a value 240 123€ that I want to turn into 240 123. I'm using the field calculator to do this. So ...
enor's user avatar
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5 votes
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Replacing '.' and '-' in column values with empty space '' in QGIS

I have a shapefile that has a column named "SBL" with string values that contain points (.) and hyphens (-). However, I want to remove these points and hyphens, but so far I haven't been ...
Kaveh Ekbia's user avatar
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Removing part of string from the right in QGIS

I am trying to remove the last piece of my string in QGIS. I want to delete the E10 from the end. I tried both: How to easily edit attribute data using Regular Expressions? regexp_replace("UPRN&...
Geographos's user avatar
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Replacing HTML links in attribute table Field Calculator in QGIS

I am having trouble doing a simple replace of a string in QGIS attribute table field calculator. My table has a field "tbljoined_link" that contains HTML links like <a href='islands/luzon....
JAT86's user avatar
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Replacing characters using an expression in QGIS

What regular expression can I use to change values in a string field? I need to change the letter B to a symbol - before the digits, and digits with letter F to make positive. Like this:
Ivan M's user avatar
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Expression to replace characters in QGIS Attribute table

I have a string field. Which requests to put the letter F after the number to all positive digits, and the letter B after minus digits and to delete the sign -. Finally, I want a result like this:
Ivan M's user avatar
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Moving substring from end to beginning of string in QGIS Attribute table

I have a large data set that contains a time range in the format 00:00-00:00 and 1-6 three-day abbreviations of days of the week (MON, TUE, WED, etc.). I managed to get all the time ranges and day ...
S. Signs's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Why do regular expressions that work on not work in qgis?

I'm having trouble getting the qgis field calculator to validate regular expressions that work on and also getting the same results between the two. I'm trying to extract the digits and ...
jamierob's user avatar
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