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PyQGIS - Regex to Fill New Attribute Value

I have a gpkg with a column called name. I am trying to use PyQGIS to find any of the values in this column that starts with r and then contain e or x. I would then like to update a new column I've ...
Dunuts's user avatar
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PyQGIS search and replace text using regex

This is based on Run regexp in PyQGIS script? and Search and Replace text in All Fields in QGIS 3 I am trying to modify the code to allow more complex replacements using regex but am unsure how to ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Removing Esri text formatting tags in QGIS?

I have got a shapefile that contains ESRI formatting tags in the column I want to use for labeling the layer in QGIS. The following is an example for a label of one feature (3 Labels in different ...
Thomas B's user avatar
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Creating label formatted like " 1,000' " from numeric field?

This question builds on a previous question I came across at gis.stackexchange: How to easily edit attribute data using Regular Expressions? Perhaps someone can point me in the right direction? I ...
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