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Questions tagged [resampling]

To alter the frequency of sampled data points in continuous data.

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Resampling and finding area of pixels simultaneoulsy using terra R package

Consider I have a 30m binary raster with values 0 and 1, where 1 is categorical and is a land cover type. I would like to resample this raster to 1km such that the resulting raster has pixel values of ...
tg110's user avatar
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KeyError in Resample when using ArcPy [closed]

I have a folder of annual land cover .tif rasters that are 30m x 30m. I'm trying to resample them to 90m x 90m using a for loop that goes through the folder. I'm not sure if I'm missing anything. My ...
Felix Chan's user avatar
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Huge file size after resampling

I want to co-register a DEM file with 100m resolution with a landcover file of 10m resolution. Thereby the DEM file is resampled to match the 10m resolution. Obviously, the file size of the new DEM ...
tofri's user avatar
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How to resample an ImageCollection in Google Earth Engine using bicubic method

I am trying to resample a Sentinel 2A ImageCollection in Google Earth Engine using the bicubic method. However, the resulted map is weird. I am using the folloiwng code. I apprecite if somebody help ...
hamid mohebzadeh's user avatar
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how does rioxarray reproject match resample the data?

What method is used to resample within rioxarray reproject match? Looking into resampling in rioxarray it seems to use rasterio which defaults to nearest resampling. Should I assume this is what is ...
Jennifer's user avatar
-4 votes
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How does one resample a 20m resolution satellite image to 10m resolution, such that it matches a native 10m resolution image?

I am trying to use Python to perform my GIS analysis. Background: I have 2 satellite images, one with 20m resolution and a second with 10m resolution. Goal: Have both satellite images at 10m ...
tds's user avatar
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GeoServer ImageMosaic resampling method

I want to publish orthophoto images as a WMTS service in GeoServer. I have approximately 4000 ortho images in *.TIFF format without pyramids. How can I change the resampling method of the resulting ...
Peter's user avatar
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Resample v.s. Reduce Resolution in Google Earth Engine

When upscaling an image, Google Earth Engine provides two methods, Resampling and Reducing Resolution. I was wondering which one should I choose. Take MODIS LAI data for an example, if I want to ...
QRW's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine modify resample resolution units

My initial goal is to process the global GEDI 10m resolution canopy height data for 2020. I used a loop to cut the original image into 20° x 20° tiles and used convolution kernels to average and ...
THY111's user avatar
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Resample using Rasterio with Resampling.sum method

I want to resample Geotiff image using Rasterio with Resampling.sum I have the following code, however, it returns, ResamplingAlgorithmError: <Resampling.sum: 13> can be used for warp ...
Sang Truong's user avatar
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ENVI 5.6.2 HSV problem

I've used ENVI a lot in the past, but am a bit rusty. I have never ran into this problem and can't find anything online about it. I'm trying to do HSV sharpening with 3 band multispectral data and a ...
R. Ian Cunningham's user avatar
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How do I resample a raster layer over another layer in QGIS 3.x?

I have 2 raster layers (the full same area): Layer 1: 30 m resolution, coordinate system is EPSG:32643, layer size is 7406x6801; Layer 2: 10 m resolution, coordinate system is WGS 84, layer size is ...
senek's user avatar
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Resample Sentinel-2 bands from 20m to 10m using GEE code outside of GEE

I want to resample the 20 meters bands of Sentinel-2 to 10 meters. I found this piece of code in GEE and after trying it out, this is what I would like to do to my Sentinel images but outside of GEE. ...
rrwork___'s user avatar
3 votes
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Generating DEM that gives realistic contour

I am quite new QGIS user. I have point data from the field and I generated DEM and contour. However, the contours are a bit unrealistic. I have attached the image. The green contour is the contour ...
Usha's user avatar
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QGIS - keep square pixels in resampling

I have a raster file (asc) with a resolution of about 10m, square pixels and an extent of X: 15929 Y: 16159. I am trying to resample this to a larger resolution (tried 20 and 30m). However, the output ...
etna_2605's user avatar
2 votes
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QGIS simple downsample of a raster

I'd like to downsample a DEM raster from 2m per pixel to 8m. I've tried using SAGA Multilevel B-spline interpolation (from raster) as suggested here, but though that results in an 8m resolution it ...
flyhigher's user avatar
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How to assign a value to a set of 25 identical pixels in a raster layer?

I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.1 I would like to create a new raster layer from an existing raster composed of 4 possible discrete values (MIN=0, MAX=4, VAL=0,1,2,3,4). This existing raster illustrate ...
Raphael's user avatar
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R: Resample raster layer according to a polygon grid

I have a reference polygon grid and several raster layers with varying resolutions. I need to resample raster payers so that the cell sizes and locations of the new rasters match the cell sizes and ...
olu's user avatar
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Optimize the resampling and projection of multiple NetCDF files in R using terra

I have a set of 35 NetCDF files (continental scale), each containing 365 daily layers of climate data with a resolution of 5 km, s. I need to do two main tasks: Subset, s_sub, these files based on a ...
Sarash's user avatar
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QGIS Raster resampling without label changes

I am working on raster data that which is in a 5x5 meter resolution. I need to resample this to a 25x25 meter resolution. I have used resample.stats which works, but changes the label numbers into one ...
Hartje's user avatar
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Resampling Sentinel-2 images

I want to change Band-11 (SWIR Bands) of Sentinel-2 to 10m resolution. I found resampling process used for it. Doesn't it affect the spectral characteristics for processing further???
Walker's user avatar
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Resample() function in R's terra package and the r.resamp.interp module in GRASS GIS yield such different rasters

Comparing the results from the resample() function in R's terra package (version 1.7-29), and the r.resamp.interp GRASS GIS module (version 8.2), I find differences in how they apply bilinear ...
Eden's user avatar
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Which resampling method to use when georeferencing with QGIS/GDAL

Using Georeferencer in QGIS (which in fact uses GDAL library), in transformation settings you can define the Resampling method as can be seen on the screenshot. I am wondering on what it depends which ...
Babel's user avatar
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How to avoid gdalwarp converting to alpha band

I am running the following code in order to resample a single-band TIFF file, whose data are going from 0 to 100 with 255 being the nodata value "gdalwarp -t_srs "+srs+" -tr "+pxsz+...
Andrea's user avatar
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Reducing resolution of raster layer in QGIS: "Save as..." or "Align Raster..."?

In QGIS (Version 3.22), if I need to change (reduce) the resolution of a raster layer, I can simply choose "Save as.." from the "Layer" menu or I can use the "Align Raster&...
winnewoerp's user avatar
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Mosaicking cloud removed Sentinel2 imagery using Google Earth Engine [closed]

After struggling the cloud removing part of GEE, I have some questions regarding the mosaicking the result instead of using median(). What I learn about the difference between mosaic and median()/max()...
Cinnamon roll's user avatar
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Projection is not a function

I'm new to Google Earth Engine, just get started to learn how to load and process the Sentinel imagery on GEE. Today I wanted to resample the imagery downloaded from Sentinel2 into 10m (band 5 and ...
Cinnamon roll's user avatar
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Reproject and resample raster1 to CRS and grid of raster2, but keeping the shape of the original raster

I am working with two raster files. path_target: shape (27502, 6133); CRS: EPSG 31255 wk_path: shape (294825, 570431); CRS: EPSG 31287 I would like to reproject path_target to EPSG 31287 and align the ...
KevinKo's user avatar
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Avoid adding a bunch of new features for one static location for repeat sampling efforts in Field Maps

I have built several maps and forms for their use in Field Maps for various projects. Most have been creating new features and filling out the form for the new location where we sampled. However, we ...
Ken's user avatar
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What's the difference between bicubic interpolation and cubic convolution?

Our remote sensing professor recently introduced us to bicubic interpolation and cubic convolution, implying that they're basically the same. Now that I'm studying for the exam, I wonder: Is that ...
Pixelcode's user avatar
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Miminum values of a raster change when applying r.resample

I am trying to aggregate a raster of a bioclimatic variable (can be downloaded here: > Climatologies > 1981-2010 > bio/ > ...
LT17's user avatar
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Downsample large raster without reprojecting first

How can I downsample a large TIFF (raster) which is projected in decimal degrees without first having to reproject it to meters. I know that in meters the resolution is 3cm and I want to downsample to ...
N_LLC's user avatar
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How to merge GeoTIFF files of different resolutions and utilize the higher resolution tile data where available

I've got a single 1/3 arc-sec GeoTIFF file covering an area and a handful of smaller, higher resolution 1 meter GeoTIFF files that cover only some of the area that the 1/3 arc-sec file covers. I'd ...
Matt R's user avatar
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Converting raster layer from EPSG:3003 to EPSG:4326

I am working with two type of raster layers: The first one is a .tif file downloaded from Worlclim database that is in WGS84 (EPSG:4326) coordinates reference system. So that, the resolution is ...
Floreanita's user avatar
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Calculation of downscale factor for downsampling image using Rasterio

I have image with resolution of 30cm in WGS84 EPSG 4326. I want to down-scale the image to get the same image but with 50cm size of pixel. I have used Rasterio documentation (pages 80-81) in order to ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Resampling Sentinel-1 GRD data - should it be converted to linear scale before resampling?

I am trying to resample Sentinel - 1 data(original resolution of 10m) to 500m in GEE platform. #Resampling the image to 500m def resamp(image): resampd = image.reduceResolution( ...
CP Rajendiran's user avatar
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SRTM raster looks pixelated with hillshade style in QGIS when zooming in

I have a project and I want to create a map using SRTM as a background. I upload it ... and it looks like that: But my project area is smaller, so I need to zoom it ... and when I do that, my SRTM ...
Cipanul's user avatar
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terra R package resample of non-empty raster by 'sum' produces empty raster

I have a raster x which is at a resolution of 100m and pixel value is its area in sqkm is suitable for an action, see below class : SpatRaster dimensions : 769, 716, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr) ...
tg110's user avatar
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Resampling using pyresample grid definition

I would like to resample a dataset to another projection and scale. Following the documentation in pyresample website here. We need to have an Area Definition, which is tedious to do. import numpy as ...
Faisal Al Nasser's user avatar
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QGIS: Resample (upscale) raster using a Gaussian filter

I want to resample a raster from 15m to 460m using a Gaussian filter. The goal I am having a coarse image which I want to downscale. I also have a fine resolution band to assist the downscaling. The ...
Nikos's user avatar
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QGIS - Converting Vector to Raster and back to vector to resample resolution of vector data

I would like to convert my polygon data into a raster file to change the pixel resolution and then would like to convert it back to polygon data since this will allow it to be resampled to another ...
AhmedTech's user avatar
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How to deal with Nan value when using rioxarray rio.reproject()?

I was trying to use rio.reproject_match() to match the resolution of two xarray datasets. However, when I used resample methods like Resampling.bilinear or Resampling.average, a large area would ...
QRW's user avatar
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stratifiedSample() gives an empty feature collection in Google Earth Engine

I am trying to sample 10 random points from each value in the 'QA60' band of a Sentinel-2 image for machine learning purposes. When I use the .stratifiedSample() function, I obtain an empty feature ...
Charbel El Khoury's user avatar
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Specifying target resolution when resampling with rasterio

In GDAL warp you can simply set an xRes and yRes value. I'm trying to only use rasterio, but the process seems a lot less clear. According to the docs
hmnoidk's user avatar
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How can I group Land Cover Classification into urban vs rural areas and summarize Land Surface Temperature for each class in python? [closed]

I have NLCD land cover classifications from an .img file as follow: I would like to somehow reclassify these into Urban or Rural by taking all developed as urban and the rest, minus water as rural. ...
codee's user avatar
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Zonal Statistics as table on population raster does not produce correct regional population figures using ArcGIS Pro

I have a population raster (from with data on the population count of Philippines. It is unconstrained data from 2020, 100m resolution. Link to raster:
Madhumitha Ayyappan's user avatar
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How does majority resampling technique works in ArcGIS?

I would like to understand how does the majority resampling technique works. To be specific the documentation below states that the method will use a 4X4 filter and will populate the output with the ...
Yogesh Chavan's user avatar
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Resampling high resolution data into lower resolution based on most common value

I want to use a high-resolution classification (3cm) as training data for a classification using Sentinel 2 data (10m). To do so, I want find which high-res value is most common within each Sentinel &...
stijnionio's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine: Output too large when reducing resolution and exporting to Google Cloud

I'm calculating a bareground layer for Africa using Sentinel-2 at 10m resolution. I want to reduce the resolution to 1000m and then export it to Google Cloud Storage. However, this gives me an error ...
mvdl's user avatar
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Resample raster but keep sum of total cell values the same

I am trying to resample a raster to a finer resolution, matching the resolution of my raster of interest. The problem is, my raster I'm resampling is a population raster. When I resample, the total ...
johnnyg's user avatar
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