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KeyError in Resample when using ArcPy [closed]

I have a folder of annual land cover .tif rasters that are 30m x 30m. I'm trying to resample them to 90m x 90m using a for loop that goes through the folder. I'm not sure if I'm missing anything. My ...
Felix Chan's user avatar
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ArcPy block statistics need to output different resolution

I am attempting to script a BlockStatistics where the outRaster has a resolution different from the input raster. Input raster cells are approx 5.8 cm, and I want to resample taking the mean of a ...
RandomForester's user avatar
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Error 000445 in iterate Resample for rasters in Arcpy

I'm trying to resample rasters using a foor loop. Something is going wrong but i don't know what... This is my code: import arcpy, os, math from arcpy import env from os.path import split, join from ...
Elisa m's user avatar
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Resample raster to a higher resolution with ArcPy

I am looking for a way to upsample a raster to a higher resolution without interpolating in ArcGIS and arcpy (because I have geoprocessing script which treats a lot of rasters). For example if I ...
redshoe's user avatar
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ArcPy raster output spills over environment extent by one row and one column

I'm resampling a raster, and I would like it to line up and match the dimensions of another template raster. For whatever reason, the output of the Resample_management function has an added row and ...
Andrew Plowright's user avatar
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Use python to resample a raster 12 times in increments of 10

Objective: I want to take a sample landscape (with a resolution of 10,10) and resample it systematically in increments of 10 until a max of 130,130 (and eventually write each new rasters file path to ...
Jenny Z Mays's user avatar