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How to move and rotate WMS layers independently using OpenLayers (without GeoServer)

There are maps on OpenLayers 6 and proj4js that manages WMS layers in different projections. Sometimes (e.g. for plan maps) the overlay is not aligned with base layer and a need a function that can ...
neadmin's user avatar
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DragRotate Interaction Distorts GeoTIFF OpenLayers 6.9.0 [closed]

Context I have some GeoTIFF files that are loaded directly into OpenLayers via a WebGLTile Layer with a GeoTIFF source. My code is similar to the example in this workshop. I am also registering a non-...
0x00's user avatar
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Adding Azimuth to each point in GeoJSON

I have a GeoJSON which returns a set of points, for each point I have different azimuth(rotation) is required. I have tried using the rotate property of OpenLayers, however when I use it all the point ...
Sanath Katakam's user avatar
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OpenLayers 4.3.4 - Feature, rotation - rotate heavy but not good?

I display a feature-marker with ol.syle.icon. But when I put a rotation value, the icon rotate heavy in chaos order? I thought the rotation value 0-360 is clockwise, is not it? So e.g. a value of ...
Bytechanger's user avatar