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Rotate shapefile based on raster coordinates using Python

I have a shapefile with polygons and a raster file. I know the coordinates of raster file corners and also the coordinates of shape file polygon files. What I need to do, is rotate/transform the ...
g123456k's user avatar
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Producing CartoPy map in UTM with North-East up

I'm currently trying to produce maps of a shoreline, which runs roughly from southeast to northwest in an UTM projection to visualize shoreline change. By default, Cartopy maps are in north up. Is ...
eimes's user avatar
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Affine transformation: rescaling alters the raster bounds?

I'm trying to rotate a raster around its center coordinates, rescaling the resolution by a factor. I expect the transformation to conserve the center pivot. However; it seems that after the rotation ...
WaterFox's user avatar
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Rotation of a spatial grid by an angle around a pivot with python gdal or rasterio

What I want to do: I have been trying to: Open a raster Make a copy Rotate the copy by an angle with the raster center as a pivot Keep the resolution constant in x/y dimension Solution 1 with gdal: #...
WaterFox's user avatar
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5 votes
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Rotating a set of points with an angle with rotation matrix: why is result "distorted"

What might be going wrong with my rotation of set of points as result look distorted? I have a set of points (X,Y). I calculate the mean (= "center of gravity") of them and subtract it from ...
Estiivan's user avatar
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Rotating raster using Python [closed]

I am trying to rotate a DEM raster (NetCDF file) using Python language, but there is still no progress. I have tried GDAL Python but not so much information in the document about rotation. Do you know ...
Happier's user avatar
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Rotating point feature on line feature in ArcMap

I have a line and a point feature class in ArcMap. I want to rotate the point feature on the line feature. I will use the Symbol Rotate Option with a defined field. I have a script for Field ...
Chris's user avatar
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Moving rotated polygons horizontally to avoid overlap

To rotate rectangular polygons, I use the following (courtesy from this answer): rotation = 50 vlayer = iface.activeLayer() provider = vlayer.dataProvider() couples_id_geom = [] for feature in vlayer....
user35594's user avatar
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Converting Longitude range from (0,360) to (-180,180) in Python or by using gdal commands

I have a raster downloaded. Visualising it in QGIS. I want to correctly project it so that its extent varies with longitudes from -180 to 180 instead of 0 to 360. gdalinfo outputs the ...
raaj's user avatar
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Flipping raster with Python

I am trying to calculate summary statistics for a raster file. I am encountering a problem when loading my raster into Python. When I load the raster and I plot it, it is flipped 180 degrees. This ...
Daniel's user avatar
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7 votes
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Rotating the polygon about anchor point using Python script

I know there would be no tool in ArcPy module as such but might have in third party modules. I however tried taking the vertices of the polygon and moving using the below formula. But did not get the ...
Harry's user avatar
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