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Questions tagged [rtklib]

RTKLIB is an open source program package for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning

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Why am I not getting NMEA output in RTKLib despite providing all required RTCM data?

I am working on an RTK-based positioning system, and I’ve encountered an issue while using RTK Navi software with RTCM data. Here’s a brief overview of what I’m doing and the issue I'm facing: ...
Sreyash's user avatar
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Maximizing accuracy with RTK/DGNSS

I have an Ardusimple simpleRTK2B and an SBG Ellipse D. I am trying to construct a rover-base station kind of system where the SBG Ellipse D is located on the Rover and simpleRTK2B on the base station. ...
Advay Bapat's user avatar
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Getting positional data of LEO satellites

How can we get precise lat, long ( or xyz in ECEF ) location of LEO satellite like FORMOSAT (COSMIC-2 ) - including error matrices? POD data is available here, and tried with ‘Level 1a - Precise orbit ...
abhilash's user avatar
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When do permanent RTK base stations need to update their advertised ECEF coordinates to account for continental drift?

I have recently setup an L1/L2 RTK base station in the UK, with the data served via rtklib, NTRIP and With a matching rover I am getting reliable 10mm fixes with excellent repeatability ...
colintd's user avatar
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Problems with ramp up of basis based on str2str, RTK2GO

I installed a ublox f9p board to act as base station. With u-center I configured it as "stationary" with "survey-in" mode, all RTCM messages are activated to be published by the ...
jakatal's user avatar
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Extracting Almanac using RTKLIB from ublox-M8N

I am fairly new to this. I have enabled the UBX-RXM-SFRBX command in the M8N and configured the M8N to output .ubx data, after which I recorded a .ubx file using u-center for about 13 minutes(which ...
Stephin's user avatar
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How to identify OBS by color on rtkplot

I just installed RTKLib latest version ver2.4.3 b34. When I load rinex observation file(22o), I cannot identify satelite by color. rinex version is 3.02. I expected like first picture but reality is ...
aaaaa-engineer's user avatar
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rnx2rtkp error : no nav data, convbin doesn't create .nav file

I have U-Blox ZED-F9P receiver and antenna U-Blox ANN-MB-00-00. I'm trying to create precise GNSS tracks. I never had such experience, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. For recording, I use Armbian ...
Alexey Vazhnov's user avatar
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Adding a base OBS file in RTKLIB post processing program

Why I can not add base OBS file in RTKLIB post processing program? it is gray? RTKLIB_bin-rtklib_2.4.3 (Win10)
DA53's user avatar
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Self-made RTK correction with RTCM data

I would like to explain my situation. I have a GNSS receiver, which outputs me NMEA data (read below). I receive RTCM data via NTRIP from a caster. I would like to correct my GPS position with ...
aleio1's user avatar
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Using rtklib with GnssLogger input?

How should I use GnssLogger output with rtklib to compute the location? rtklib (rekrcv) gets RTCM as input, and GnssLogger output is proprietary. How do I connect these 2 tools?
Harel Gutgold's user avatar
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RTKLIB PPP algorithm against Single point poisitioning

I've been looking for a standalone single frequency carrier-phase based positioning method and I found out PPP (I know it's not the same). According to literature, the main issue of the carrier-phase ...
paulzaba's user avatar
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DGPS Pseudorange code vs Carrier phase: What fields from the RINEX actually used?

The basic RINEX epoch measurement looks like: Pseudorange, Carrier phase, Doppler, SNR (In that order?) Is this correct for post processing: Using Pseudorange code technique (RTKLIB positioning ...
michael's user avatar
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Age of RTK corrections - fixed solution accuracy

Does anyone know how the age of NTRIP corrections influences accuracy of an RTK solution? I read somewhere that correction loss for few seconds or even a minute may still be acceptable for some ...
Kozuch's user avatar
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rtklib DGPS error no nav data

I want to post-process GPS files via Differential processing (DGPS/DGNSS mode) using rtklib ( I have rover and base observations in .rinex format. I took FINAL satellite ...
Matteo Scarponi's user avatar
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Can't get RTKLIB to use an external geoid

I want to write the results of processing a Rinex file using geodetic heights, and an external geoid from Spain's geographic institute IGN. I have downloaded the geoid files from their FTP in text ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Does setting a precise position of the base matter when using RTK and you only care about relative position?

I'm using RTKLIB with my own rover and base station. Most of the time I have a "float" solution. Would setting a more accurate position of the base station in the RTKLIB settings help to have more a "...
MatMis's user avatar
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How to achieve optimal accuracy with RINEX post-processing for Bad-Elf or Ublox GNSS L1-only receivers?

I have a Bad-Elf Surveyor (with what I’m pretty sure is a ublox Neo-7P module) and am experimenting with the kind of accuracy I can get from it by collecting raw data logs (RINEX) from the Bad-Elf app....
Carl's user avatar
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Syntax problem: Streaming GNSS Data from u-blox LEA-6H using str2str of RTKLIB not possible

Im trying to readout the data from my ublox LEA-6H recever over RTKLIB's str2str command-line user interface (CUI). Im using rtkkib_2.4.2 on ubuntu 16.04.02 and the ublox receiver is connected over ...
Rud Qertz's user avatar
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RTKGPS+ or RTKLIB configuration of rover and input streams for Stonex S8plus

I've tried to use RTKGPS+ and RTKLIB with external antenna and via NTRIP to communicate with Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) of my country (MAKPOS), but I couldn't make connection (i ...
Merkator's user avatar
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Improve Smartphone GPS with external RTK - will a simple antenna work?

Regarding RTK technique, if you have appropriate equipment for full RTK you will have up to cm accuracy. I wondered if we can use very simple external to device antenna (I'm not speaking about Garmin ...
michael's user avatar
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Will GPS L2 make RTK more reliable?

I currently experiment with an affordable L1 GPS RTK system based on u-blox NEO-M8T with RTKLIB and higher quality patch antenna (with ground plane). I wonder what is the role of L2 signal in an RTK ...
Kozuch's user avatar
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4 answers

Evaluating performance of GPS/GNSS unit [closed]

I need to integrate some sort of satellite-based positioning for a mobile robot project. I am at the very beginning - I got 2 u-blox GNSS evaluation boards (these NEO-M8Ts) - I chose an integrated ...
Kozuch's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Average stationary position with GPS

Is it possible to average a stationary position with a GNSS (GPS, GLONASS...) with a centimeter accuracy without external corrections (like differential or RTK)? If so, how long does such averaging ...
Kozuch's user avatar
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Post-processing GPS Satellite Measurements

I am working on a system that reports its location to a server using very little power. In order to achieve an extremely low power usage, I am avoiding having to download both the almanac and the ...
jvpernis's user avatar
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Sourcing Ephemeris Data for GLONASS for rnx2rtkp

I'm currently trying to process some data from a uBlox receiver in RAWX format to calculate precise positions using only GLONASS data. Using the latest version of RTKLib I have successfully created a ....
Oscar Robinson's user avatar
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3 answers

Base station for RTK-GPS using RTKLib

First of all I would like to say that I am new to gis-se and as such I will try to comply as much as I can to your policy. That said I am actually doing a little project which as the title says ...
KannonX's user avatar
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How is Precise Point Positioning (PPP) exactly done?

I am looking for a positioning accuracy that is higher than normal consumer-grade GNSS receiver (mostly GPS/GLONASS hybrids with +- 5m precision). I came across RTK with dual receiver setup (base ...
Kozuch's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Low-cost centimeter-level accurate satellite positioning (GNSS/GPS) [closed]

I am looking for a low-cost (< US$500) GNSS/GPS setup with a centimeter precision without much HW hacking. I am not able to produce my PCB or do any soldering (though I would do that if there is no ...
Kozuch's user avatar
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QGIS: GPS Tracking with improved Altitude

I am preparing for archeological fieldwork in Sudan. I recently came up with RTK equipment and software using RTKlib to export the real time corrected data (cm level) to QGIS via a simulated NMEA ...
frank stremke's user avatar
8 votes
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Is there open source GPS post-processing software? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Post Processing GPS Data with open source software Here at the office we have a couple of 15-year-old Trimble 4700 and 4800 units but now we don't have the software to do the ...
jdeltoro1973's user avatar