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Questions tagged [sbet]

Smoothed Best Estimate of Trajectory (SBET) file type.

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3 votes
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Using GeographicLib's LocalCartesian to translate LiDAR (LAS format) data onto an SBET file in WGS84

I've been working for a while now to combine LAS 1.2 formatted LiDAR data with a matching SBET file to fill in the LASF_X/Y/Z fields in the LAS file. The matching of LiDAR points to SBET trajectory ...
Mathemaphysics's user avatar
3 votes
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Documentation on the format of a Leica SOL file

I have a file in Leica's SOL Sensor Trajectory Format (the filename has the pattern yyyymmdd_HHMMSS.sol) which I'd like to read. Can anyone point me to documentation on the format? Supposedly it ...
cffk's user avatar
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Identifying SBET coordinate system and reprojecting it with PDAL?

I've received discrete return LiDAR data from a data provider, which was acquired with an Optech C-300 scanner. In addition to the LAS data, the delivery includes the trajectory information in the ...
dmci's user avatar
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5 votes
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Open a SBET file format in GIS software

After a LiDAR flight, we can get a file containing the airplane trajectory in SBET format - Smoothed Best Estimate of Trajectory. Is it possible to open it in a GIS software like QGIS or ArcGIS? If ...
Gorgens's user avatar
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2 votes
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Reading SBET file in python?

I have an SBET (Smoothed Best Estimate of Trajectory) file that I would like to read in python. I found these links that discuss options for reading/writing SBET files, but I was wondering if our ...
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