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GeoServer wind speed with WMS

I have a GeoTIFF layer with spatial resolution of 3 km with two bands with wind speed components (u,v). I want to display these datasets with RasterAsPointCollection plugin with arrows size and ...
user2727167's user avatar
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Increase max zoom for large scale raster with GeoServer

I'm serving a large scale raster (warehouse map) with GeoServer. I consume the WMS in a Leaflet web client and coordinates are projected according to EPSG:3857. But it seems that maximum zoom is ...
Martin Tovmassian's user avatar
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Geoserver WMS limiting map visibility by scale

In ArcGIS I can manually limit visibility of a map layer by specifying a min and max scale (see below). Is it possible to instead set this server-side on Geoserver? I've seen something similar in ...
Neil's user avatar
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WMS scale denominators and zoom levels: why are these tables different?

I'm trying to understand how WMS scale denominators translate to tile zoom levels. (Specifically, Google Maps zoom levels.) I found this answer to What ratio scales do Google Maps zoom levels ...
Kevin Krumwiede's user avatar