Questions tagged [scale-bar]

Scale bar provides a visual indication of the size of features, and distance between features, on the map. A scale bar is a line or bar divided into parts. It is labeled with its ground length, usually in multiples of map units, such as tens of kilometers or hundreds of miles.

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Saving an image with PyQgis while adding a scalebar on it

I'm basically making a script to save an image in .png from Qgis with a script and I would like to add a scale bar on it. I'm using this code : size = self.iface.mapCanvas().size() image = ...
Lionel's user avatar
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Setting map up to print to scale in QGIS?

I am having a problem trying to get maps to print to a specified scale. Goal: to print a map to scale so that an engineer's scale (ruler) can be used to measure features on the printed map. Problem:...
Kelly McGee's user avatar
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The scale of layers is changing in the print composer between different project in QGIS

I am working on a project which have to layers of the word. In this project the world state are displayed as polygons with point and line layers. All the layers are display on raster from Natural ...
Nitzan Matan's user avatar
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Dual-unit scale bar using QGIS?

I would like to create a scale bar for a map displaying a coral atoll. Ideally, showing two different measurements with kilometers being on the top division and nautical miles on the bottom division ...
Beaver's user avatar
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Putting scale bar labels below scale bar in QGIS?

I added two scale elements to my map composition. For layout harmonisation, I want the ticks and the label text below the scale bar. Standard is this: What I want is this (manually changed in the ...
aae's user avatar
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Adding scalebar in ArcMap?

I am trying to insert a scale bar that when printed, will equal to an exact amount in inches when a ruler is brought onto the paper. I have set my projected scale to 1:12,650 so 1 inch will equal 0.2 ...
Alex C.'s user avatar
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Increasing Offset Y for Units and Numbers of ArcGIS Pro scale bar does nothing?

Using ArcGIS Pro 1.3.1 I have created a scale bar using the Scale Line 1 Metric template with a few modifications like: Show one division before zero Divisons: 11 Subdivisions: 10 Label Position: ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Reducing length of division and subdivision tics on ArcGIS Pro scale bar?

Using ArcGIS Pro 1.3.1 I have created a scale bar using the Scale Line 1 Metric template with a few modifications like: Show one division before zero Divisons: 11 Subdivisions: 10 Label Position: ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Removing mid-division label on subdivisions before zero on ArcGIS Pro scale bar?

Using ArcGIS Pro 1.3.1 I have created a scale bar using the Scale Line 1 Metric template with a few modifications like: Show one division before zero Divisons: 11 Subdivisions: 10 Label Position: ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Adding scale bar in ArcMap data view?

How to add a dynamic scale bar in (or close to) map extent while data view is turned on? I'm panning a lot (raster images) and I need to get more precise "feel" of distances just in one glance since ...
Nežinomas Asmuo's user avatar
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Use arcmap layout for profiles or Vertical ortho-images (walls) instead of horizontal

I have designed an Arcmap layout and use it within an arcpy script to generate lots of pages of a pdf report, one page per polygon I have drawn (changing title, scalebar, polygon being highlighted in ...
Jonathan Chemla's user avatar
-4 votes
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GIS scale bar in ArcMap [closed]

I want add scale like google 500km until 5m and convert scale to mile in my map I use scale setting and load in their for add GIS scale bar But I don't know which standard scale and scale format ...
user91599's user avatar
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Making Scale Bar in ArcMap end in zeros?

I need my the last scale number to show as 900 instead of 870, but can't find the right way to achieve this in ArcMap. I've tried many of the options in the Properties of my scale bar in ArcMap to ...
Natalie's user avatar
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OpenLayers 3: Center ScaleLine in target DIV

I am displaying a scale in a DIV: I would like to display the scale in the center of that DIV. There does not seem to be an option for that so I am trying to use CSS. The following, however, does ...
BritishSteel's user avatar
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How to change spelling of scalebar label using arcpy?

I have come to realise that hundreds of my MXD files have the scalebar units label spelled as "Meters" instead of "Metres". I suspect this is something I am going to have to do manually (I don't know ...
Fezter's user avatar
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Scale bar default location in QGIS 2.18

When adding a scale bar in the print composer, by default there is a gap between the scale bar and it's frame : How can I move the sacle bar (blue circle) to the Lower left corner (red circle) ? ...
newGIS's user avatar
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QGIS Atlas Scale Bar in Miles with Round Numbers

I am working in QGIS 2.16.2 on an atlas comprising approximately 60 locations in 7 states from Texas to Florida to Ohio. Each location has a different coverage area that scales based on the size of ...
Nate Wanner's user avatar
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Is it appropriate to create vertical scale bars?

I'm working on a map where the main theme is a railway line which runs vertically down the page. I've been wondering how to approach creating a scale bar for this map. To my eye a horizontal scale bar ...
ndawson's user avatar
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Scalebar doesn't match up with actual dimensions

Every time I make a map, the scalebar doesn't match with what the real dimensions of my map should be. I've been doing maps of Chicago in CRS: NAD83 and every time I put the map in the print composer ...
Alexander Rivas's user avatar
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How to set the default values for the ScaleBar in QGIS?

I often insert scalebars (that's quite common) in my maps, but the one set by default doesn't suit me at all. Example : Reference point : default is up and left i need it down and right Segments are ...
gisnside's user avatar
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ArcMap bookmarks for legends, scale bar etc

I am exporting several GIS dataset maps from a set of several files I have. My images show always the same geographic area. My problem is that, moving from one image to the other one, the legend, ...
Patapunfate's user avatar
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Creating a customized scale bar in QGIS

I want to create a scale bar in QGIS that also includes the scale written out as text - like 1:20 000 or 1:10 000. I would like it to appear just under the scale bar itself. Can this be done ...
SoS's user avatar
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How can I prevent the scale bar in print composer from bunching up in QGIS?

I'm creating a series of maps in print composer from the same basemap (from the quickmapservices plugin) in QGIS 2.12.2. Sometimes this works, though it only allows the scale to be in metres, feet or ...
Syra's user avatar
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Measuring in Print composer and main layer window in QGIS 2.12.3 does not match

I work on the municipality level and I am composing print maps with scalebar. I noticed, that length (or scale of my maps) is presented different when items are measured in my main QGIS 2.12.3 layer ...
user29347's user avatar
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How to georeference a .jpg image with only a scale bar and no basemap

I have a building blueprint image that I need to calculate the sq ft for. However I have no reference or basemap to manually georeference in ArcMap. There is a scale bar on the image. How can I use ...
user56486's user avatar
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QGIS Map Composer Label Unit Multiplier - Feet and miles?

I have a map in the WGS84 (EPS:4326) coordinate system and I am putting a scale bar on the map with Scalebar units of Feet and label in miles. When I select Feet from the Scalebar units dropdown ...
EP_Guy's user avatar
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Scale and density values in density map appear wrong when in projected coordinate system?

I'm making a series of maps illustrating different aspects (road density, location of dams, elevation etc...) of a single watershed in California. In most of my maps, I've had the projection set to ...
Leah's user avatar
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Changing scale bar interval and other settings on individual Data Driven Pages?

Sometimes I'll have a MXD set up as a mapbook using Data Driven Pages, but I'd like to display certain pages at a different scale than others in the same mapbook. I can do that using the Data Driven ...
Dan C's user avatar
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Add scaleline control to OpenLayers 3 map with unknown projection

I've a MapGuide map display with OpenLayers 3 like this: var options = { "minZoom": 0, "maxZoom": 100, "center": [,], "extent": [mapInfos.extent.minX, mapInfos....
VincentDEJ's user avatar
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Frames from CAD to frames in Qgis

I'm trying to use some frames from Autocad (DXF / DWG) as a frame in Qgis (*.qpt??) but I don't know how to do it or if it's possible.
César Herrera's user avatar
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QGis / Scale & scalebar wrong [closed]

First, I would like to apologize for the mistakes. My English is not very good. I read a lot but I don´t find the answer. I'm trying to put a scalebar in a very simple map but the measurement is not ...
César Herrera's user avatar
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How to change a Esri Scale Bar's font color

I'm working on my first ESRI web map project. In the Default.Aspx page the scale bar is initiated as shown below : dojo.require("esri.dijit.Scalebar"); map.on('load', function () { //resize ...
yams's user avatar
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Using scale bar in QGIS Atlas? [closed]

I'm working with qgis 2.8 (windows). I am able to generate maps using qgis atlas. But i have a problem with the scale bar. When i generate atlas with "fix scale" setting (1:35.000 for instance), ...
user35117's user avatar
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How to identify data frame which scale bar corresponds to in ArcMap?

I need help to identify the data frame (from several data frames) that corresponds to a scale bar in ArcMap?
Md. Manirul Haque's user avatar
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Is it possible to display irregular values in the scale bar in QGIS 2.8?

Is it possible to display irregular - increasing values in scale bar in print composer? For example: 5, 20, 100, 250.
Adam's user avatar
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QGIS Scalebar Font Outline

Is there a way to add a text buffer or stroke the text on the scale bar? Its impossible to read the scale when its set on a map with dark colours.
Eugene's user avatar
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Scalebar gives error in measurement in Qgis: Different measurements of distance on OSM tiles and GoogleEarth

I've created a map of Bordeaux using the QGIS map compositor by following this procedure: Used the OSM plugin to display an OSM map and zoomed to Bordeaux Used the print composer to create a map of ...
Single Entity's user avatar
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Wrong Scale Bar in Map Composer

I am attempting to add a scale bar into QGIS Map Composer for a single layer showing a map of Jervis Bay, NSW Australia. I have changed both the project and layer CRS to 'MGA56 (EPSG:28356)' and have ...
Rhiannon's user avatar
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Spelling of Kilometres on ArcGIS Pro scale bar?

Being in Australia I like to see the spelling of "Kilometres" used on my maps in preference to "Kilometers". In ArcGIS Pro 1.0 I have not been able to find an option to change the text used for units ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Getting Scale Bar, WebMap with GeoExt?

I tried to make a WebMap with GeoExt and everything is working, but I don't see a scalebar. var mapPanel, tree; Ext.application({ name: 'test', launch: function() { ...
Franzi's user avatar
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Creating a distance overlay that is computed by the distance of points/lines and recalculated on zooming

I created a fictional map and visualized it with d3. Now I would like to show a scale/rule so that the user can see which distance (kilometers,meters) he is currently using. I was thinking about ...
kwoxer's user avatar
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Changing scale bar units to feet in PyQGIS?

I'm trying to change the default QGIS scale bar from meters to feet. From the API documentation it looks like I should be able to use the QgsComposerScaleBar.applyDefaultSize() function. I thought ...
bodabodafett's user avatar
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Subdividing scale bar segments using QGIS

How can I subdivide the scale bar segments in smaller subsegments? I want to style my scale bar like this:
parallax's user avatar
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Scale Bar Element moves when using Data Driven Pages?

I have made many mapbooks using data-driven pages. However I've encountered something strange and wanted to ask to see if anyone might know what's going on or has seen this before. I have a scale ...
RossV's user avatar
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The scale in Qgis is not setting to feet

I am working in QGIS 2.4. I have changed the CRS of all the layers and in the project properties to EPSG:102739 - NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_Central_FIPS_4203_Feet. I am in print composer trying to ...
T.J.'s user avatar
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Map Scale Bar Grossly Incorrect [duplicate]

I am working with open data from the City of Toronto. I am using a base layer of property boundaries which can be found here:
user35127's user avatar
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Creating scale bar in Km when map projection Decimal Degrees?

I want to add a scale into my map but it is not accurate. I've set View > Date Frame Properties to Kilometres and I set the scale to Kilometres but I think it is only showing Decimal Degrees. How do ...
Tim Forssman's user avatar
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Google Maps has inconsistent zoom level / scale ratio

At the same zoom level, the scale bar of a map from Google Maps API (v3) can have different sizes. Here are two screenshots I took at the same zoom level on the same map at two different locations. ...
cpa's user avatar
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Change color and format of scaleline

How can I change the format of the scaleline in OpenLayers? I have a black background and I want to change the lines in the scalebar to white. I use: <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www....
user2898914's user avatar
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How to put North Arrow and Scale on map in COMPOSER in QGIS 2.2.0

I am new to QGIS and the questions asked and answered here about the North Arrow do not seem to help me solve my problem below. In the main mapping pane of QGIS 2.2.0 Valmiera, I can add the scale ...
user30413's user avatar
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