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3 votes
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Scaling polygons in vector grid around polygon centers in QGIS

I have a aerial image with a vector grid overlaid in QGIS. Is it possible to scale the individual polygons (scale all of them by the same size) around their individual centroids? For example, to cut ...
nburner's user avatar
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Scaling more than 1000 polygons in QGIS

I have more than 1000 polygons, but they do not have the correct size and location. I have a table with the correct coordinates (centroid) "x, y" and different scale factor for each polygon....
Javier Chinchilla's user avatar
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Getting more details by zooming in web-client?

today I've setup a qgis server and web client on my windows machine. Here is my WebClient. Now I'd like to test out everything. I tried to zoom in to the map, but it just stops by 1:2257 . I need ...
peter's user avatar
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How do I get a specific scale/zoom level in the QGIS canvas?

I have a map project with CRS = NAD83 zone 13N. The canvas will zoom to 1:144,447, 1:288,295, 1:577,790, etc. The values in the dropdown, on the other hand are 1:100,000, 1:250,000, 1:500,000, etc. ...
Llaves's user avatar
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QGIS 2.12.1 - Problem with Size Assistant in „data defined override“ Button - Error message

While trying out the Size Assistant feature I encountered a problem. I´m working with this csv Table: I tried to resize the Point Size based on the field „Anzahl Objk“ and to do this I went to „...
Taya's user avatar
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reading raster without making QGIS apply the scale factor to the raster

Since QGIS multiplies the image with the scale factor when reading, it messes up the image if the scale factor is not properly defined to the data as QGIS expected. For example, I am reading MODIS ...
aly's user avatar
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Scaling features based on an attribute [closed]

I would like to scale polygon features by a specific factor I have calculated for each feature in a feature class. I know of the Scale tool, however it only allows for manual entry of a scale factor ...
evv_gis's user avatar
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