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Questions tagged [scale]

The ratio between distances on a map and distances in the world

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QGIS scale-based callouts

Is it possible to have scale-based callouts? I want to display callouts if I zoom out and the scale is larger than 8000. I have tried rule-based labels and checked the scale range and set the minimum ...
Gideon Engelbrecht's user avatar
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OpenLayers 5 does not send WMTS GetTile request because of incorrect ScaleDenominator / resolutions?

I have a WMTS layer (it is a worldmap tiff file in CRS EPSG:4326) with grid size = 2048 * 1024 pixels, geo extent (Lon-Lat) = [-180, -90, 180, 90], geo resolution = 0.17578125 degree. On the server, ...
Bằng Rikimaru's user avatar
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How to scale a view matrix to display a nautical chart in correct compilation scale?

Background I'm developing a nautical chart viewer app. The source data (Electronic Nautical Chart) used is a vector-based chart. The geometry is given in latitude and longitude coordinates. The app ...
mrmclovin's user avatar
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Scale is off when using EPSG:32616 (WGS 84 / UTM Zone 16N)

I am working on a project in QGIS where I have projected all data in EPSG:32616 to fit the extent I am mapping (Southern Mexico - chat gpt told me to use this crs). Everything looks visually correct ...
Klara H's user avatar
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Closest possible zoom level in QField

Our idea is to utilize a GNSS capable handheld android tablet to measure and later on relocalize field trials with QField. For the sake of accuracy we're eyeing devices with RTK-level precision ...
Jonas's user avatar
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QGIS 3.22.16 Atlas margin around feature is greyed out

I am using QGIS 3.22.16. I am using the Atlas to produce multiple maps. However I want to change the scale for each map. I can see the option "Margin around Feature" is greyed out. Is there ...
GIS Noh's user avatar
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QGIS Snapping on invisible(by scale) features [closed]

I using QGIS 3.34 (but in 3.36 same problem). When I turn on snapping, it snaps to layers, which are invisible by scale. But it isn't snapping to features which are invisible by rules in style (and ...
Dezmonder's user avatar
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QGIS atlas with defined map layers fitted to each map

I am creating an atlas where I want two specific map layers to be fitted in every map. The distance between map layers vary so map scale needs to be different in each map. Right now I can move the ...
Klou's user avatar
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Applying scale factor to raster with gdalwarp

I've been trying to use gdalwarp with the -tr and -te parameters to apply a scale factor to 'stretch' a raster. The result is a raster with correct extents and pixel size, but no RGB data. I've also ...
Summitbri's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't get the right zoom in QGIS layout mode

The increments in which QGIS zooms while rolling the mouse wheel are too extreme. I might be zoomed out too far, but when I roll the mouse wheel just one increment, I zoom way too far in. Normally I ...
user240982's user avatar
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QGIS Print Layout scale incorrect w.r.t. physical paper size

I am making a 200x150 cm map of Berlin to be printed, but I'm having difficulties setting up the right scale in the Print Layout. The map should cover roughly 30 km horizontally, which corresponds to ...
braumeister's user avatar
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How to display on a final map the scale of a vector field marker?

I'm using the vector field marker to display earth deformation. For that, I defined the vector field marker with cartesian components (x (field_3) as displacement in West-East and y (field_4) as ...
user238085's user avatar
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ArcMap Export Aspect Ratio

I would like to change the aspect ratio of a map exported to image using ArcMap 10.8 or similar. For example, I would make the image of a country 20% wider without making it taller and without ...
Cory Smith's user avatar
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Print Layout - scale bar is correct - scale ratio not matching up

I have been asked to include a scale reference to my map of a property. The scale bar seems correct from a sense check but the scale is saying 1:500 which does not match. I would suggest it may be ...
Alex's user avatar
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QGIS - Symbology changing with the scale

I am wondering if it is possible to change the symbology of a map when zooming in and zooming out. For example, at a 1:500000 scale I have this rendering And when I zoom at a 1:5000 scale, they split ...
Sarah BOUTARD's user avatar
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QGIS 3.22.16. Layouts Atlas option: Adding all the data in the last map of the Atlas

I created an Atlas to get different location maps of one data. Is it possible to add a map at the end of the atlas that shows the data in the entire county?
GIS Noh's user avatar
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Export image to it's nominal scale

I am trying to export an image without having to specify the scale and the CRS in the Export.image.toDrive function. In order to do this I found online a solution which I tried to apply it on my ...
Nikos's user avatar
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Geoserver SLD styling with multiple filters & Denominator

I have a WFS Store - I add a new layer from there and style it. Style is generating too long URL (Depending on a features requested). Often geoserver log is filled with. java.lang.RuntimeException: ...
Tomppeli's user avatar
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Create an outline of the UK then scale the outline to be 3km further inland from the coast

Looking to find out how to scale an outline of the UK down so that it sits 3km inland from the actual coastline. This is so that I can determine if a development area is within 3km of the coast for ...
Excelab's user avatar
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Setting extent in which one raster would show and other won't

I have 20+ raster spread out on huge area so I set the scale range (out beyond, in beyond) at which raster will be shown. But when I zoom into raster A, raster B with same scale range is also ...
selectLivarno's user avatar
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Aligning scale of map in QGIS print layout to extent of region of interest

I am quite new to QGIS and have managed to create a raster map with some additional labels. But when I want to export the map with some additional text, using Print Layout, the map gets "scaled&...
user232388's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro - How to use scale-based sizing at scales larger than 1:1000

I'm pretty new to ArcGIS so maybe I'm missing something obvious, but it seems to me that scale-based sizing for symbols is only possible at scales smaller than 1:1000. I can add breaks to the bar at ...
a_big_chicken's user avatar
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Using scale in QGIS expression

This is a question/problem which arised from another issue: Assigning specific feature in expression builder. I've managed to use expression builder in order to move features according to the change ...
Niklas's user avatar
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Printing layout to set scale not working AcrGIS Pro

When I set a scale of say 1:500 in a layout and then export it as a pdf and print OR also when I directly print layout from ArcGIS Pro, the printout is not exactly at 1:500. I set the layout as A3 and ...
Malin's user avatar
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Getting resolution (for setting min/max resolution) in OpenLayers from QGIS scale?

I have designed a map in QGIS that I'm putting into OpenLayers. In QGIS they use scale, where it's just a ratio of real world units to map units. In OpenLayers, however, they use resolution. I have ...
teop's user avatar
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Is there any way to customize the categories that the data-defined override offers?

My question is if there is a possibility of changing the color scale that the data defines override gives you by default. My data set goes from 0 to 1 and the program defines a color every 0.1, but I ...
Ana Tomba's user avatar
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QGIS: Status bar, scale drop down

My scale drop down is very small in the status bar. While I can still input into it, I can't see what scale I'm currently at. I've done a fresh install twice, but the same problem persists. QGIS ...
astauron's user avatar
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GeoTIFF for DEM has right coordinates but the actual dimensions are very smaller

The GeoTIFF file I have for Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has the following span: N: 51 deg E: -110 deg S: 50 deg W: -112 deg The actual length and width of the area should be (89.1 miles x 69....
Anish Silwal's user avatar
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Georeferencing two georeferenced TIFF files BUT scale of output file is too big

I have two GeoTIFF referenced files of a tree orchard and when imported into QGIS they are slightly misaligned from each other and I want to ensure alignment of the corresponding tree with each raster ...
A Auld's user avatar
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ArcMap maps don't print at exactly 1:24000 scale

I'm printing out USGS topo maps, that when printed should be in at a 1:24,000 scale. However, when measuring the physically printed maps, the 1 mile scale bar does not match my physical 1:24,000 ruler ...
pilldom's user avatar
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Problem exporting contour lines between QGIS and Rhino (or AutoCAD)

I am a French student studying architecture in Mexico. Currently, I am trying to retrieve contour lines in QGIS from a raster (.tiff) to export them to Rhino 7. Processes: I import my raster file (it ...
Tristan.B's user avatar
6 votes
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Get rotation and scale of picture after georeferencing using QGIS

How can I access the rotation and scaling information, that is visible during the georeferencing process in QGIS (see yellow marked text in the picture), after the georeferencing is completed and the ...
automatikz's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Is there any way to link the current map scale in the print layout to a text box?

Is there any way to link the current map scale in the print layout? I know you can do something similar with the the date by entering $CURRENT_DATE(yyyy-MM-dd) into the text box.
Antyant's user avatar
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Arcpy : setting DataFrame scale to export map over specific domain

I am trying to automate the export of a map to png over a given domain (SW and NE coordinates) in ArcPy (ArcMap version 10.7.1). I've searched a bit but fail at setting the correct automatized scale (...
thom_hlh's user avatar
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Layout Manager and Map Size

I am trying to create two really simple maps with the QGIS Layout Manager. I can adjust the size of the map with scale and the extents - but why is there that blank white space around, and why is the ...
Jens77's user avatar
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Tiled basemap not showing at certain scale in QGIS layout

I'm using a certain tiled base map and am encountering difficulties with scaling in the layout-manager within QGIS. For instance the QGIS project shows the basemap at scale 1:750, but the layout ...
Aurora's user avatar
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PyQGIS changing the scale

I am building a script where I need to set my scale of my added vector layer. I get no errors with my script as written but the scale does not change. FYI - I run this script through the plugin ...
Clutch's user avatar
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Scaling linestrings gives incorrected final scale

I have a shapefile with about 5000 line strings. I am translating and scaling this file using GeoPandas: import geopandas green = geopandas.read_file('./shapefiles/unnamed (1)_green.shp') The ...
ali bakhtiari's user avatar
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Setting an explicit scale when translating GeoTIFF to PNG

When converting to PNG I'd like to convert the height of the GeoTIFF (which is a float) to UINT16, but also setting the maximum range to 5500, by clamping any values smaller or larger to min or max ...
Joe's user avatar
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Is it necessary to apply a scale factor before band combination?

I am using Landsat 8 C2L2 and I would like to compose Bands 1-6. If I don't apply the scale factor at all, what would be the problem? Also, when I am trying to find, for instance, NDVI value after I ...
Chris's user avatar
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QGIS Scale print of ground surface profile

I am trying to print a scale version of a ground profile generated using either Profile or QProf. Neither of these tools seems to allow me to print to scale so that I can measure with a ruler both ...
Anthony B's user avatar
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Scale and data precision

In the metadata of a database containing locations of natural hazards, it appears that the accuracy of the georeferencing of each point is associated with a scale of 1:10,000. How can I associate this ...
Kajo's user avatar
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Set a fixed size for symbology in ArcGIS Pro

I'm looking for a way to set a fixed width for line symbols in ArcGIS Pro so that they remain the same actual on-ground size no matter what scale the map is currently at, instead of automatically ...
Alex's user avatar
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Loading DXF data with original dimensions into QGIS

I have many DXF files. And these are architectural drawings. In QGIS, I want to place buildings in their real locations on earth, and I am preparing a plugin for this. But when I export the DXF data ...
Vecihi's user avatar
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Drawing circle of known radius to scale on ArcMap

How do you draw a circle with a known radius (ex: 1 meter) to scale in ArcMap 10.8? I have used the draw tool, but a circle with a radius of 1 meter drawn with the draw tool is not to scale.
Programmer888's user avatar
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Mapnik image render not corresponding to generated tiles

I successfully manage to install a tile server using Mapnik following this tutorial: The tiles are fine and look ...
jpmaps's user avatar
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Natural Earth Data and OSM do not overlap

I downloaded data from natural earth data. The data are all the admin areas in the world 1:10m. I overlay this data with OpenStreetMap, and there are parts where the natural earth data really is off. ...
four-eyes's user avatar
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Printing map as several sheets of paper

I have a circular map (radius = 840m) and I need to print on A0 paper sheets. For references I am adding my qgis map and AutoCad model showing how it should be splitted into 20 A0 sheets.
Bartosz_ITB's user avatar
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MCARI index standard range and formula

What is MCARI's standard range of high and low value. Like NDVI range is from -1 to +1, so is it from -1 to +1 or different because when I am calculating it my range goes up to in thousands. Also if ...
Ansharah's user avatar
2 votes
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QGIS : How to make pie charts that depict quantity on certain coordinates/site?

Does anyone know how to create a map such as this one in QGIS? In short, if we have a table with list of sites with coordinates and and one column with numbers dedicated to μg /g according to which ...
Zea's user avatar
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