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Questions tagged [scale]

The ratio between distances on a map and distances in the world

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Choropleth of world countries showing microstates

I'm trying to create a choropleth of world countries that also shows microstates - but the issue I have is that they're too small to be seen at the scale. Wikimedia projects sometimes use this ...
Andrea M's user avatar
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Scale mismatch on different platforms

I just started using QGIS. I need to work with QGIS on three different operating systems (Windows 11 (QGIS 3.26), MacOs 12 (QGIS 3.26) and Ubuntu 22.04 (QGIS 3.22)/Fedora 36-Linux(QGis 3.26). I ...
Helmut Seidel's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine scaling behavior of discrete vs continuous image data

I have a simple question related to how GEE determines continuous vs discrete data, specifically during scaling operations as described here. I am unable to find a proper description of this, but my ...
Fernando Moyano's user avatar
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Point Symbol ranking like Google Maps based on zoom level and scale in ArcGIS Pro

I have a challenge to create a style for point layer which show some point of interest in a zoom level then show the other on the next zoom level, considering these no overlap between symbol points (...
GIS Man's user avatar
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Some labels disappear when exported from QGIS to DXF

I'm using QGIS 3.14. I have two layers with labels in QGIS, set up to map units. In "rendering" section of label properties I have set up to show all labels for these layers. I want to ...
Ivan Mihaljević's user avatar
4 votes
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Synchronize QGIS layout map scale with canvas scale

Is there any option to make the map scale match the canvas scale automatically? That is without having to use the "Set map scale to match main canvas scale" button. Actually I expected it to ...
user209491's user avatar
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How to change scale unit with ol.control.CanvasScaleLine(), in Openlayers

I have a scale control var scaleLineControl = new ol.control.ScaleLine({}); and I can change the scale unit. However, I would like to know if it is possible to change the unit with com var ...
Andreia's user avatar
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How to determine pyramiding policy?

Under scale, Google Earth Engine (GEE) mentions that: For continuous valued images, the pixel values of upper levels of the pyramid are the mean of pixels at the next lower level. For discrete valued ...
Andrei's user avatar
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Scale reference changes significantly when reprojected from GCS to PCS

I am using QGIS throughout this whole process. I have a varied selection of open-sourced African spatial data (i.e. municipalities throughout Africa) that I have been trying to reproject from their ...
Diego's user avatar
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Masking raster based on vector shapefile [closed]

For this work Data are obtained from:- For Raster:- For Vector :- Rupandehi ...
Walker's user avatar
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How do I generate a grid where each cell is equal to 500 px at 1:250k scale?

I worked this out once but I forgot how I did it. Somehow the grid size created a whole number of cells. I have a map with the following extents: xmin = -20037508.3427892439067364 xmax = 20037508....
Will's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro - Cannot zoom in beyond 1:1 in Layout (can't get to 1:0.5) but can in Map View

CS: California State Plane Zone II I have a point feature class with 3 points in it. These points are separated by about an inch (x y and z). In map view, I can zoom in beyond 1:1 (1:0.2 for example, ...
am95405's user avatar
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Calculating map scale in WGS84

I use the mapViewer from the example of I would like to present the current scale (it's works ok in projected CRS), when I set WGS 84 ...
Paul's user avatar
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Drag Scale on Leaflet?

Is it possible to drag the scale on a Leaflet map ? L.control.scale({'position':'bottomleft', 'metric':true,'imperial':false}).addTo(map); I used this possibility for a wind rose with this code north....
Manard82's user avatar
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Retrieve scale-value of a specific map in specific print-layout for using this scale in model-builder

I made a model with the model-builder which create a grid with its height- and width-size dependend on the size of a certain map in a certain print-layout. It allready works fine. But that for I need ...
daniel's user avatar
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LiDAR derived streams - map scale

Historically, streams were defined by the map scale. For example, for a map with a scale of 1:24,000 would mean that the streams identified on that map would be 1:24,000 streams. With streams that are ...
user15564926's user avatar
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How to set the scale bar correctly in print layout

In the print layout, the layer uses custom projection, and the correct scale cannot be set. I want to use kilometers as the scale bar, but this custom layer can only use map units as the scale bar, ...
smilecc's user avatar
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Leaflet: CRS.Simple Transformation for real life measurement

I am trying to set-up a CRS.Simple Coordinate Reference System with a custom transformation. I got a real world construction plan with scale of 1:500 width 11112px height 10432px density 288 I tiled ...
Beig's user avatar
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Freezing the scale of XYZ layers

I am trying to use an xyz layer to align with some additional layers that will be overlaid. My problem is that the imagery at a resolution closer than 1:2900 is almost a decade old, so I don't want ...
ecoQs's user avatar
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QGIS - what the equivelant rendering scale dependencies for the zoom levels when generating XYZ Tiles (Mbtiles)?

I am trying to make a map from zoom 0 until zoom 12 in QGIS. All shapefiles have CRS: EPSG 900913. What i am trying to acheive is eg: on zoom 0 will show just the map, then zoom 2 till 8 will appear ...
blue cat's user avatar
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Making space between line features on different scales using ArcGIS Pro

I have a feature class layer where linear features will often be digitised close to each other. These lines are all features in the same layer. Example when zoomed in: Problem when zooming out to ...
Maja's user avatar
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How to fix a CRS or scale issue with an XYZ tile ('Google Satellite' image and 'Open Street Map')?

Problem: Firstly, I am a complete novice to QGIS and I have only been using this software for one week. Therefore, I apologise if I am not using the correct terminology. I have added vector layers (...
Alice Hobbs's user avatar
5 votes
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Calculating Leaflet scale ratio for the particular zoom level?

Is there any way we can calculate the scale ratio using L.CRS.scale? For example, if I execute the following code L.CRS.scale(this._map.getZoom()), the pixel coordinates value for a particular zoom ...
BJoy's user avatar
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ERA5-Land Hourly Precipitation Chart and Map

I am little bit confused how to handle the "ERA5-Land Hourly"-Dataset in GEE. I want the total precipitation of every month from 2018 till end of 2021 for my area. For the chart I took the ...
L.J.E.'s user avatar
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Affine transformation: rescaling alters the raster bounds?

I'm trying to rotate a raster around its center coordinates, rescaling the resolution by a factor. I expect the transformation to conserve the center pivot. However; it seems that after the rotation ...
WaterFox's user avatar
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Locking the scale while resizing the panels in QGIS

QGIS changes map canvas scale while resizing the panels. I use iface.mapCanvas().setScaleLocked(True) to lock the scale. Is there a manual option to lock the scale in "Settings"?
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
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GEE specifies scale in meters when CRS is geographic coordinate system?

GEE's ee.Image.reduceRegion has both the scale and crs parameter. The documentation says this about scale: A nominal scale in meters of the projection to work in. But if the CRS is a geographic ...
Sara's user avatar
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Reduce shapefile to a specific parcel

I work in QGIS 3.16 and my issue is that I have a line shapefile, which represents a park for solar panels, that is in a bigger scale and I would like to reduce it so that it fits inside an area which ...
DobleG_95's user avatar
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ArcGIS Scale Error

My scales are broken, I can't enter scales manually, how can I go back to the old one?
Furkan Karabulut's user avatar
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Showing z scale with shaded relief instead of colour scale?

I've got a .flt file with a z value (height), when displayed this gives me a scale based on the z value. To better visualize the data I want to apply a shaded relief function to the data, but when I ...
Phoebe's user avatar
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Setting symbology visibility to dynamic scale which changes based on specific maps in atlas composer

I have a project where I wish to have four pages of maps for each region, with set symbology for each map level. However each region has a different scale that im working at. for example region A the ...
Sean's user avatar
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The scale is not true

I have an issue with the scale in QGIS. It does not show the true scale. The area is zoomed out more than in the ArcMap, where the scale is correct. Both of the pictures are on A3 with a scale 1:5000 (...
Barbora Moravčíková's user avatar
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"Resize" arbitrary coordinates (inches) to EPSG46

I'm using ogr2ogr to transform an AutoCAD (DXF) file to GeoJSON. The GeoJSON file is generated, but with very large coordinates, for example "coordinates": [ [ [ 6319.645968701713173, 9523....
PhilippeAuriach's user avatar
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Point symbols auto-scaling in map with QGIS 3.2

My point symbols are auto scaling when zooming in and out. I have seen users ask how to do this and the answer seems to be changing the size measurement to map units, but I am in millimeters and it is ...
kitow's user avatar
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GeoServer CSS - change size dynamically

I have set point style with three different size, based on three different scale. Is there any way to set one size and this one will increase or decrease automatically according with the scale (like ...
Dario C's user avatar
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Relation of DPI to QGIS scale

I am trying to use QGIS to generate OpenStreetMap data in an older format (NTF). Since OpenStreetMap is vector, I am currently using Save Map as Image (I also tried a Print Composer) to generate ...
Dion Houston Sr.'s user avatar
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The native resolution showed in the Map in GEE after reduce the image collection

I'm new in GEE. I have known that the crs and nominalscale() will change after the mean() method, but I'm confused because the reduced image showed the same native resolution with the original ...
QRW's user avatar
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QGIS 'Powers of Ten' - How to output a series of maps with x1, x10, x100 scale?

I'm pretty new to QGIS. I'm trying to output a series of maps that are at the scale of 10km, 100km, 1000km. I thought this would be a really easy task but for some reason really struggling with it. I ...
Weelhackk's user avatar
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Verification of map scale

A map provider says on its webpage that the ground resolution (respectively pixelsize) is 0.2m x 0.2m. The WMTS-Capabilities document states on the highest zoom level (ows:Identifier 16) a scale ...
theDrifter's user avatar
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Meaning of scale ratio in QGIS

I am new to using QGIS and I cannot find definitive information about how to intellectually use the scale ratio shown at the bottom toolbar. There is a number of predefined scales, with the format ...
Han's user avatar
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Removing symbols from area that is also shown on inset map using QGIS

I have a layer with locations. I want to display this on a layout that has a map at a small scale (main map) and an inset map at a bigger scale. I do not want to show on the main map the symbols that ...
user188574's user avatar
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Adding scaled location labels in QGIS

I currently am working on creating a choropleth map of population redistribution data, and would like to stack three layers on top of each other. First, a simple basemap-- I chose to use a Cartro ...
Noah Jacobs's user avatar
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QGIS zoom to predefined scale with mouse wheel

Do you know if it is possible to set QGIS to zoom to the predefined scales (in project options) when using the mouse wheel ?
Jérémie's user avatar
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Is there a way to scale all polygons up or down?

I am looking for a way to take a layer and effectively scale and translate all the vector polygons. Specifically, I am trying to make a miniature map of North American States and Provinces that will ...
sb4's user avatar
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Layout Automate map scale

the following code automates the project CRS for display as text in my maps. [% @project_crs %] Can anyone provide me with something which will automate the scale of the map?
crustygaz's user avatar
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Finding scale of map in QGIS

In QGIS I want to know how can I find the scale of a map. I have state boundaries with me, and when I calculate the length of the boundary, it comes out to be something like 245.854. This most ...
Varin Anand's user avatar
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QGIS Atlas fit center map to another table

In QGIS Atlas, I manage two tables. One regarding buildings sector with its own geometry at sector level. The other regarding buildings. Both tables are related by sector code. I need one map per ...
Coldon's user avatar
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QGIS DXF export problem

I have a problem exporting a layer into DXF format where when the DXF is opened in QCAD the scale is about 1:100,000,000 and when I scale it to correct size, the x and y scales are not the same. For ...
Brianaurum's user avatar
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GeoServer wind speed with WMS

I have a GeoTIFF layer with spatial resolution of 3 km with two bands with wind speed components (u,v). I want to display these datasets with RasterAsPointCollection plugin with arrows size and ...
user2727167's user avatar
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Is there a way on Atlas to put a Margin around feature but also use Predefined scales?

In QGIS, how can I put a margin around a feature but also use predefined scales in Atlas? Like an in-between of the two options. I have a feature that fits in the map but as you can see in the image ...
Felippe M.'s user avatar
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