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Questions tagged [similarity]

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to measure similarity of approximately congruent polylines

My initial question was posted here. The answer of whuber provides a nice solution for the case when polylines are congruent. However, the problem is that my polylines are approximately congruent (...
Klausos Klausos's user avatar
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How to quantify the similarity of spatial patterns?

I am not a GISer, but I do believe a GIS (more specifically, spatial statistics) algorithm could help with the task I am carrying on. If posting a question that has already been posted (by me) on ...
jasperhyp's user avatar
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How to find similar GPS tracks considering timestamps?

There are around 300 users tracks per day with about 4k points in each with 10s time interval. I'd like to find similar tracks considering location and time. The tracks are similar if it can be ...
akamuza's user avatar
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Finding and filtering out similar points between two layers using ArcGIS Pro?

Are there any tools, libraries, plugins, either standalone or for use with ArcGIS Pro that can aid in the process of identifying very similar points between two layers? What I mean with similar I ...
iau's user avatar
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Computing a weighted Jaccard similarity index for point clouds with scikit-learn

I would like to use the Jaccard Similarity Index to compute the overlap between to point clouds, following Brede et al. 2022. Here, they voxelise a point cloud and then compute the intersection and ...
kungphil's user avatar
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Similarity between two sets of lat/long points

I am trying to measure the similarity between two trajectories (two sets of lat/long points) which are the outputs from two APIs. I am trying to measure the difference between the routes given by ...
ssshsbhs's user avatar
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OpenStreetMap Polygon data accuracy checking

I was wondering whether there is a method or exercise I can do to check the accuracy of building polygons sourced from OpenStreetMap ( Of course when I layer the ...
Izzy's user avatar
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PostGIS Similarity between drawn polygon (x,y between [0,1]) and set of buildings (SRID 4326)

I would like to find the set of buildings (SRID 4326) that are similar to a shape drawn by a user (x,y between 0 to 10)** Is it possible to do that with PostGIS? Requirements: A polygon drawn by a ...
nmaisonn's user avatar
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