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Algorithm to simplify a Polygon/Series of Points to a given number of Points

I have a polygon (or let's call it just a series of points). I want to simplify it (reduce the amount of points) to a given number of points. Currently I use Douglas Peucker and try to guess the ...
Robin's user avatar
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Seeking algorithm for polygon straightening

I have a polygon that looks like this: I want to get a result that ideally looks like this: The best that I can come up with is a polygon simplification using shapely in Python: Which algorithm ...
Марина Лисниченко's user avatar
2 votes
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Simplifying Multiple neighbouring Polygons, removing gaps and overlaps

My main goal is to simplify multiple polygons, avoiding overlaps and gaps between them. My initial approach was: Find intersections for each polygon so that I end up with an array of polygons, each ...
fhristov's user avatar