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Simplifying polygon edge while preserving minimum area and width [closed]

I am working with river buffer areas. The area that you see in the first picture is a 100-meter buffer of a polyline (a polyline isn't visible but it is there). I want to simplify the edge in a way, ...
SLO_planner's user avatar
3 votes
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EPSG:3857 to 4326 - incorrect geometry

I need to get simplified boundaries of all countries with some buffer around them (20 km). I am using QGIS, I converted my country polygons vector layer from 4326 to 3857, set buffer, used simplify ...
Tomáš Černý's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I remove only coastlines in marine shapefiles and be left with only polylines in the ocean?

I have numerous marine shapefiles that need to be simplified for display purposes. I need to eliminate the coastlines of land entirely and be left with just polylines in the ocean, as the Large ...
srha's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to maintain right-angles when buffering?

When buffering some polygons I am trying to avoid the curved buffered area like this: I'm trying to do thins within an FME workbench but if someone knows how its done in other software that would ...
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