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Simplifying adjacent polygons with Python while maintaining shared borders [duplicate]

I want to simplify adjacent polygons (GADM zones level 1) with Python while maintaining shared borders. The general problem is well explained at Simplifying Polygonal Coverages with JTS. The best ...
JoMe's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

QGIS Simplifying polygons with keeping points inside of them

I'm creating a processing where I do calculations on address points inside of counties. I need to generalise county polygons in order to make my processing faster. How do I make sure that address ...
Adam Korejwo's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Simplifying polygon edge while preserving minimum area and width [closed]

I am working with river buffer areas. The area that you see in the first picture is a 100-meter buffer of a polyline (a polyline isn't visible but it is there). I want to simplify the edge in a way, ...
SLO_planner's user avatar
0 votes
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Lining up boundaries at corner of polygons

I have a polygon layer with the boundary of a lot of zones. The boundary of many of them skips at the intersection where multiple zones come together (shown as in the picture). I am trying to find out ...
Angeles221's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Generalizing line with angle rules in QGIS

I'm looking for an automatic way to generalize/simplify vector lines in QGIS like the following picture : I would like the generalization to include only the angles indicated by the small star on the ...
Foaly's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

How to smooth interior polygons of one shapefile

I have a shapefile that includes the boundary of a field plus many interior polygons that represent levels of NDVI - we'll say High, Medium, and Low. The larger areas have jagged, irregular edges. ...
hawkman's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Simplifying label geometry in QGIS

I have a bunch of linear data (trails) stored in PostGIS and visualized in QGIS for cartographic production. Many trails have switchbacks, and are generally very "weavy", which makes for difficult ...
RyanKDalton's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Problem when using Simplify Tool in QGIS

I want to simplify district borders. As I got bad results when using polygons I converted those polygons into lines but I still have the same problem that I get new vertexes or corners I don't want. ...
ann chi's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Generalising lines of varying detail in QGIS

I am trying to generalise a line in QGIS so that I can export it as a vector without it having an unnecessarily huge file size. The line shows the GPS track of a road trip, and as such varies between ...
Matthew Law's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Wang's Bend Simplify in QGIS

I am looking for an alternative to ESRI's Simplify Polygons - Bend Simplify method (I only have a Basic License). Is there an existing QGIS plugin which supports this specific polygon simplifying ...
Veronica's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Generalizing / simplifying multipolygon in PostGIS without missing polygons?

By following the rules from this site, I got the output but some polygons do not come within the simplified polygon. I think the problem is with topology. Is there any solution?
Karthik's user avatar
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1 answer

"Average" of two lines

I have a dataset of pairs of parallel linear features (railway tracks) and I need to simplify each pair into its central/median line. This could be achieved by computing a skeleton as suggested in ...
julien's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Simplifying multiple lines to create central axis?

I have a layer with railway lines, downloaded from OpenStreetMap. Every single track is represented separately, so at trainstations, you have several parallel lines, as well as sidelines that lead to ...
Babel's user avatar
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0 answers

Convex boundary of polygon [closed]

Is there any tool that can help me with my problem? I have polygons looking like this : And what I want, is to simplify or gain convex boundary of such polygons. I tried Simplify Polygon in ArcMap, ...
Karolina's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Remove small interstices on the edges of a polygone

How can I remove the white interstices on the edges (and interior) of a polygone or polyline, as represented in the first figure below? I want to get smooth and continuous edges, capturing the global ...
ZKB's user avatar
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0 answers

Building footprint polygon simplification / generalisation

I'm looking for implementations of polygon simplification algorithms that preserve topology and overall rectilinearity. The input data is building footprints which often have squarish protrusions and ...
Julian Rosser's user avatar
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Reducing filesize for landslide susceptibility map

I have a large .tif file that I would like to reduce to under 15MB (currently 650MB). The file shows 3 zones of landslide susceptibility (see pic below). I am processing it so that I can upload it to ...
Carson MacPherson-Krutsky's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

qgis: generalisation & covex - how to? what plugin?

I'm looking for a way to generalize and simlify polygon to remove "internal spikes" as ilustrated below. The violet in input and green expected poligon.
Maciej Murawa's user avatar
1 vote
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Simplify geometry of multiple features without losing shape [duplicate]

I am simplifying administrative boundaries using a high simplify tolerance (which is my intention so as to get a minimalist appearance). However, after simplification, the borders of the regions no ...
iskandarblue's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Generalizing (simplifying) polygon shapefile or feature class in ArcMap while preserving topology?

I came across Generalizing polygon file while maintaining topology in QGIS? which asks for a QGIS solution to my exact question. I'm trying to do this in ArcMap. I start with a polygon shapefile (...
MC5's user avatar
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4 answers

Simplify/generalize Polygons and keep topology of different layers PostGIS/QGIS

I have some polygons of a country, states, districts, communities and I want to simplify the geometry. I already simplified the geometry of each layer but afterwards of course it doesnt fit with the ...
fabvys's user avatar
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1 answer

Generalizing exact location of certain data points using Carto CSS?

I am dealing with some sensitive data for which providing a high resolution of accuracy of the location would be detrimental. However, the general location is not sensitive and useful to share. I ...
Adam C's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Removing unnecessary vertices?

I have over sampled polygons that I need to simplify, without changing the shape. basically, I want to reduce the number of vertices, by eliminating the ones that are useless and have the polygons ...
Fflavioo's user avatar
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3 answers

Collapsing multiple lines into single line?

I need to create a route (line) feature class from another feature class that contains multiple lines making up the same route. pic 1 shows the original feature class with the multiple lines. pic 2 ...
Patricia Hernandez's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Simplifying polygons in ArcGIS considering contains-one-point topology rule?

I want to simplify polygons using the "Simplify Polygon (Cartography)" tool in ArcGIS 10.2. Additionaly there is one point in each polygon and this condition should still be fulfilled after ...
Mesa's user avatar
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1 answer

Why are my polygons automatically simplified/generalised when merging them in ArcMap 10.2?

I am creating a small land use map, as an exercise for visual image interpretation. I created a shapefile and started digitising polyogons with the polygon tool. The problem is that some of my ...
Terra's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Generalize lines with specific points

It's been a while since I was here. I have this problem now. I have electricity line feature class and point feature class intersecting line features. What I need to do is simplify this line feature ...
mik's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Competing approaches to line & polygon simplification

There seems to be a few theoretical options around at the moment for geometric simplification. Douglas–Peucker seems the most established, followed by Visvalingam's approach (used by d3.js). Now ...
geotheory's user avatar
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1 answer

How to maintain right-angles when buffering?

When buffering some polygons I am trying to avoid the curved buffered area like this: I'm trying to do thins within an FME workbench but if someone knows how its done in other software that would ...
whatahitson's user avatar
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1 answer

Finding Ring Smaller than a certain tolerance

In Simplifying a shapefile for world timezones all generalize/simplify algorithms fail on 5 countries/states, shown in this shape file
Paul Salber's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Changing the scale (generalisation) in ArcGIS 10

I have 2 polygon layers, accordingly 1:10 000 and 1:500 000. I want to generalize the first layer from 1:10 000 to 1:500 000. I tried using Simplify polygon tool, and since these scales relate to ...
Jaanus's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Visualising clustered features in web maps?

I'm looking for the best symbol to display clustered features in the ArcGIS Server JS API. I don't like the "fly-out" animated cluster symbol, as used in the Silverlight API clustering or the JS ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
  • 21.2k
25 votes
10 answers

Existing solutions to automate generalisation/simplification of geographical data?

I am looking for existing solutions (softwares, libraries, methods, etc.) to automate the generalisation/simplification of geographical data as presented there, and also there. Do you know and use ...
25 votes
5 answers

Simplifying geometries (generalization)

What are the recommended ways of simplifying geometries? Keeping in mind projections, and simplifying state geometries, for example. I've heard about converting to an 'equi-distant' projection that ...
John Weldon's user avatar