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'.Simplify' causes 'null geometry' errors (Python, OGR)

Question relates to an earlier one: Can't retrieve geometry (Python, OGR, Rtree) Im trying to simplify a dataset with 180k+ polygons and place the simplified geometries in a separate dataset. ...
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How to use OGR Simplify in Python

I am trying to simplify several polygons part of one shapefile using Python and OGR. However, I am stuck with how to use the simplify function as mentioned in the documentation:
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ogr2ogr (or other) simplification of polygons with shared boundaries

I am trying to simplify a collection of 100,000 or so polygons containing nearly 4 million vertices. The data is stored in a 2GB shapefile so there is no explicit representation of the topology ...
embeepea's user avatar
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ogr SimplifyPreserveTopology does not keep the Topology

I use ogr2ogr to simplify a layer of polyline, from the document: -simplify tolerance: (starting with GDAL 1.9.0) distance tolerance for simplification. This method will preserve topology, in ...
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