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Simplifying adjacent polygons with Python while maintaining shared borders [duplicate]

I want to simplify adjacent polygons (GADM zones level 1) with Python while maintaining shared borders. The general problem is well explained at Simplifying Polygonal Coverages with JTS. The best ...
JoMe's user avatar
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BigQuery GIS table to GeoJSON type Feature Collection with SQL and/or Python

I have some BigQuery tables with spatial data (lon, lat, point, and linestring) representing boat tracks. I'm trying to get them into a GeoJSON featurecollection like [], for an ...
SeaGo's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Simplify shapefiles [closed]

I've shapefiles with me and I want to de-code those file and want to build a custom map. Could someone let me know how can I do that with out using Python code.
srikanth akula's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Simplifying Ways in OpenStreetMap Data

Is there a (current) best practice to simplify ways? I have found: But besides not being alive, here (
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6 votes
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Shapely's simplify won't simplify any more

I have a multipolygon in shapely, and I want to simplify it until it has less than a certain number of points. When I use the preseve_topology=False argument to geom.simplify, I can get the number of ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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Competing approaches to line & polygon simplification

There seems to be a few theoretical options around at the moment for geometric simplification. Douglas–Peucker seems the most established, followed by Visvalingam's approach (used by d3.js). Now ...
geotheory's user avatar
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6 votes
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How do I smooth edges of polygons in QGIS? [duplicate]

Is there a built in function or plugin I can use to achieve smooth lines for my polygons instead of the blocky ones I have now?
user29088's user avatar
1 vote
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How to disable "Simplify geometry" via Python?

After I've loaded a layer from a table in my db I'd like to disable the 'Simplify geometry' (found in Layers/Properties/Rendering) programatically using Python. I've tried several versions of ...
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