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Holes after topology simplification

After applying the topology simplification mentioned in the answer Remove Slivers/Gaps generated after TopologyPreserveSimplification? It is retaining the topology but is removing the polygon. Below ...
gizmogaurav's user avatar
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Polygon boundary not adjacent after simplification [duplicate]

I am simplifying set of polygons that are adjacent. I used topologypreserveSimplifier which simplify each polygon separately the issue is the resulting polygons are not adjacent anymore. After ...
gizmogaurav's user avatar
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Simplify OS MasterMap Data without Losing Key Details

I am building a flood model (Infoworks ICM), using OS MasterMap Topography data supplied in shapefile format to define land use such as roads, buildings, fields etc across the river's catchment. The ...
davehughes87's user avatar
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Output Error from SimpliPy in QGIS

I am trying to simplify a polygon layer of parliamentary constituencies in Kenya using SimplyPy in QGIS and appear to be getting an erroneous result. The method is working for most of the polygons ...
tda's user avatar
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Is it possible to simplify geometry only for polygons with certain attributes?

I have a map of electoral districts. Urban areas have more densely packed districts whose borders are more important to keep at high resolution. More rural districts have simpler geometries and have ...
wrkyle's user avatar
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10 votes
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Cleaning large Shapefile using v.clean in order to dissolve features?

I'm having real problems cleaning up and reducing the size of a Shapefile which is published by the UK's Environment Agency. It shows the extents of the LiDAR open data they publish: each polygon is ...
user2950747's user avatar
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Simplifying boundaries of divisions of country using QGIS?

I am trying to create a map to show all the divisions of a country (regions, departments), but the original map (one SHP file), with a lot of detail in the boundaries, is 5-Mb sized. I'd like to ...
Hookstark's user avatar
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2 votes
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Filtering Small Areas of Shapefiles Using R

I'm trying to use the method proposed by the @ialm in the Question "How to speed up the plotting of polygons in R?" There, he loads the maps using getData from the raster package, I tested and it ...
user1873410's user avatar
-4 votes
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Simplify shapefiles [closed]

I've shapefiles with me and I want to de-code those file and want to build a custom map. Could someone let me know how can I do that with out using Python code.
srikanth akula's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

writeOGR with a spatialpolygon simplified by gSimplify

I'm using gSimplify (rgeos package) to simplify the geometries of a shapefile. The funcion works good, but now I can't write the output in a new shapefile. I tried some ways: writeOGR(simplyshape, ...
andriatz's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Complex Shapefile Compression Advice

I'm looking for some advice on how I can simplify this very detailed shapefile to ultimately be used for the web (as topojson) as a interactive heatmap. It was originally created from a raster file (...
slth's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to simplify polygon shapefile and maintain topology? [duplicate]

I'm looking for a straightforward answer that actually works...not a 'duplicate question' flag. None of the other solutions posted in similar threads actually work...they all have dead-end answers and/...
B. Schmidt's user avatar
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Reduce level of detail for vector contour lines [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Simplify Raster Contours ArcGIS 10 I have quite a huge shapefile storing vector contour lines: 1GB. I want to create a detailed heightmap for further 3D usage but the level of ...
Danielku15's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Simplifying Shapefile using ArcGIS Desktop or alternative?

I have a shapefile that contains neighborhood boundaries that I want to simplify. Right now I am thinking of converting the shapefile to Google maps KML so I can insert the boundaries into the map as ...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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