Questions tagged [simulation]

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1 vote
1 answer

Convert shapefile data to NMEA - simulate NMEA positions from shape data

To generate waypoints to be read by the agricultural GNSS-RTK-steering system CEREA, I am looking for a way to simulate NMEA strings of a GNSS receiver by clicking the edges of the boundaries of ...
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0 answers

Generate simulations using variogram with given mean and standard deviation

I am trying to generate simulations using variogram using the R code below library(sp) library(gstat) library(ggplot2) library(tidyverse) library(dplyr) library(reshape2) # Call data points <- ...
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0 answers

Generate unconditional simulations with same nugget, sill, and range

I am a newbie with gstat and unconditional simulations. As I understand, unconditional simulations should have the same nugget, psill, and range, but they do not (except nugget) when I use gstat in R. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Speeding up QGIS Processing

My QGIS processing is pretty slow. Even using "fill sinks (wang & liu)" or "r.fill.dir" takes many hours to finish even though I use a "Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6258R CPU @ 2....
0 votes
0 answers

Alignment of raster files(.tif)

I have 5 different .tif files and all of them have the same bounding box(same starting and ending coordinates), but the number of rows/columns are different in each one of them. I want to make the ...
-1 votes
1 answer

OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'restart/snapshot_Quad9_p0000_i00001124.xmf'

I had fix the code before, but now it got me error like this. I didn't know what's this mean Titan2D v4.0.0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 83, in <module&...
1 vote
1 answer

SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg python [closed]

I'am working a project about hot clouds volcano mountain simulation with Titan2D v4.0.0 but I got error when I try to run the sim.setGIS( gis_format='GIS_GRASS', gis_main='/home/...
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0 answers

Problem in running r.sim.water

I am trying to run the r.sim.water in GRASS. I have calculated the partial derivatives dx and dy rater map using r.slope.aspect. I am using this elevation map [1] to get the time-series depth map. But ...
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1 answer

What is the best way to create a line of sight simulation raster? [closed]

I have been tasked to create some sight-line simulations for a powerline project. I have several (85) observation points and need to create a simulation of what the view would look like, looking from ...
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0 answers

Satellite moving target tracking simulation

I am trying to create a Simulation of an earth-pointing satellite. The satellite should track a moving target on the ground via an on-board camera. How can I calculate the goal attitude of the ...
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Creating post landslide simulation using ArcScene?

How do I create a simulation for post landslide with ArcScene? It should able to show xyz plus velocity and thickness of debris at different time.
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1 answer

Is MATSim useful tool for Taxi fleet simulation?

I am working on a university project and I seek some advice: My project consists in modeling the taxi fleet of a major city and investigating if replacing a percentage of the fleet with electric ...
0 votes
1 answer

Changing slopes derived from DEM using ArcGIS Desktop? [closed]

I have a DEM for a region over which I want to simulate an ecological process. I would like to run several simulations for the same region but I want to alter the topography for the simulations. ...
2 votes
0 answers

Run Schelling's model of segregation on a geographical map instead of the matplotlib plot or grid

If you don't know what is Schelling's model of segregation, you can read it here. I have written the following code to run the Schelling's model of segregation simulation. import matplotlib.pyplot ...
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0 answers

Choosing diffusion coefficient and other parameters for r.sim.water in GRASS7?

I'm trying to run r.sim.water in GRASS7 to simulate overland flow during a heavy rain event. My DEM has a resolution of 1m. I prepared it by adding values for buildings and included ditches and ...
7 votes
1 answer

Seeking GIS tools for simulating landscape fragmentation?

I am currently looking for any GIS packages (or add-ons) that allow the simulation of landscape fragmentation on raster data. Maybe also other software than GIS tools? Does anyone of you have had ...
3 votes
1 answer

Using OpenStreetMap for simulation of commuter routes? [closed]

I'm seeking some advice on how to build a simulation based on OpenStreetMap Data for my masterthesis. My knowledge of spatial data is very limited, since I come from another field of science, namely ...
7 votes
1 answer

Simulating moving vehicles using ArcPy? [closed]

I have a point layer (stored in SQL Server 2008) that is being served up by a map service in ArcGIS Server 10.1. I am consuming this service in a web client. Lets say the points are boats out at ...
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0 answers

population density "hotspots" within ZCTA

With the available census tables (county, tract, block, zcta) and shapefiles, is it possible to identify "hotspots" of population concentration within a ZCTA? The ZCTA gazeteer file provides the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Add variables to an existing netCDF file in R

I have a netCDF file with one variable 'gpwcount' and its lat/lot coordinates also available. The dimension of this 'gpwcount' variable is 1050 rows x 1050 columns. This file consists of population ...
1 vote
3 answers

Simulate random error on data with pyqgis

I am developing a small tool to complement GPS data with mutual distances, and I need to simulate some input data. So I thought I would introduce a normally distributed error on the (known) positions, ...
17 votes
1 answer

Monte Carlo simulation using QGIS and pgRouting on optimal sidewalk construction

I am new to spatial analysis and would appreciate some general direction on a project I am attempting, outlined below (I am starting from scratch). GOAL: To find the best locations to install 2000 ...
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0 answers

Agent Analyst extension for ArcGIS [closed]

I am trying to create agent based model for simulating movement of occupants in different rooms of different floors of a building. I am using Agent Analyst tutorial downloaded from ESRI website and ...
2 votes
1 answer

Generate sample (Gaussian distribution) and store simulations in raster stack in R

I have a raster stack, one of the raster layers is the mean prediction of a property for that pixel, the second layer is the variance of the prediction. I would like to write a function for ...
1 vote
1 answer

Create repeating pattern of raster or polygons in ArcGIS

I want to create a repeating pattern of raster OR polygon features based on an existing sample, so that the sample fills up a larger area in a repeating pattern. For example, with a sample of 10x10 ...
4 votes
2 answers

Creating network simulation / temporal models for videos? [closed]

I know of ArcGIS Tracking analyst and QGIS Time Manager. I have a transportation network with time based schedule for buses. I will create time aware shapefiles from this data. Is it possible to ...
2 votes
3 answers

Creating a simulation of how people moving around a site

I am working on a project aiming to create a geographic simulation for how people interact around a site. Situation: There are x people in an enclosed area (such as a zoo). There are y locations to ...
3 votes
0 answers

Testing tools to simulate user map browsing / stress test tile server?

are there any online/offline tools that would simulate user map browsing behavior, possibly concentrating on certain areas or random? I am trying to stress test a tile server.
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0 answers

Simulate water runoff to get water height over each pixel of DEM

Here is my problem that I am trying to deal with. I have given a height map of around 512X512 resolution(It is Geo-referenced and I have the meta-data for this). And I have given that this area ...
2 votes
3 answers

I have n points, how do I find the closest one from a point p by road?

I'm currently working on a map with stores and clients. I want to find the closest store by road from a given client, with the aim of simulating the creation of a new store. Requirements: ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there any pseudocode for MFD (multiple flow direction) algorithm available?

Still stuck with the simulation system, is there any good pseudocode for the multiple flow direction (MFD) algorithm? I read a pseudocode example and implemented it, however the simulation was linear: ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to create the fuel models & live fuel moisture rasters for Wildfire simulation?

Has anybody done wildfire modelling in GRASS? Where could I obtain / how do I create the fuel models and live fuel moisture rasters to determine rate of spread (r.ros)?
17 votes
2 answers

Is there a standard data model for storing traffic volumes, layout, lanes, timing and phasing information?

I am at a crossroads where I want to store more than a scenarios worth of project data from a Synchro study, but do not want to keep this data in a series of text files. The data output by Synchro is ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to use GRASS with HEC-RAS?

I am trying to use HEC-RAS for the flood modelling of my flood simulation. How do I use the text file output of HEC-RAS with the GRASS script r.inund.fluv?
4 votes
1 answer

Simulation envelopes and significance levels

Many spatial analysis packages provide Monte Carlo techniques to simulate upper and lower “envelopes” for a summary statistic as a function of distance (e.g. K-function, nearest neighbor, etc…). I’...