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Questions tagged [slippy]

Slippy Map is, in general, a term referring to modern web maps which let you zoom and pan around (the map slips around when you drag the mouse).

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Raster map tile server service and configuration

My question is very similar to AWS configuration for running low-to-medium bandwidth Web map app, but I am seeking current advice since it is from 12 years ago. I'm interested in what services and ...
Jeshua Lacock's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Translation of slippy map tile names to TMS tile names

I am using mapproxy to serve slippy map tiles. I noticed that there are several URLs which return the same tile. Example I Below is slovakia.yaml (based on this thread). Local service can be launched ...
zabop's user avatar
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How to convert an FAA Sectional GeoTIFF maps into slippy map tiles

The FAA publishes aeronautical maps for the US in a GeoTIFF format: I would like to convert the GeoTIFF into a tile set (in ...
Kenn Sebesta's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Convert JGW to Slippy Map Tiles

I've been given a JPG and JGW that needs to be converted into tiles viewable on a mapbox map as slippy tiles. I've been told the image co-ordinates are in I've confirmed the jgw ...
jdm-hexagon's user avatar
5 votes
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Converting XYZ tile request to EPSG:27700 XYZ tile request

I have a dataset that is in EPSG:27700 projection, but I have a tool that requests tiles for standard XYZ tiles. So the endpoint currently returns tiles from localhost:3000/z/y/x.png (but it's in ESPG:...
paul_f's user avatar
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Are these glitches in my map rendering caused by not projecting WGS84 coordinates to Cartesian?

I'm attempting to render continental geometric data stored within an R-Tree in a SQlite database. The data is store as long/lat WGS84 and I'm trying to render it to 256px PNGs for displaying on a ...
Walter's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Load GeoJSON data onto Leaflet Map using Slippy Map formatted URL

I've been trying to get some GeoJSON polygon data to show up on a Leaflet map, but the endpoint I'm fetching the data from answers to the format /api/{z}/{x}/{y}.geojson. Leaflet has support for ...
Shyam Pinnipati's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do I make a slippy map with a GeoTiff?

It seems that most applications I use for serving map data, gdal2tiles or Geoserver takes the supplied GeoTiffs and chops it up into png files with no metadata. What is the standard practice to place ...
ZackOfAllTrades's user avatar
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tilestache url format

Documentation at says this is the format of requesting your tile /{layer name}/{zoom}/{column}/{row}.{extension} Now, my question is what column and row stand for?...
kaboom's user avatar
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3 answers

What can I use to have aerial imaging delivered via slippy URL format

We have been given a license to aerial imaging from a local supplier. They are available in: * 1km x 1km tiles in MGA coordinates in both TIFF and ECW file format * Mosaiced blocks in MGA coordinates ...
TimL's user avatar
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1 answer

Creating slippy map from large shapefiles? [duplicate]

I am trying to create a map of the UK based on a number of open data sources (Ordnance Survey Open Data, OSM, some CSV files etc). My end goal is to create a map of the whole of the UK that I can ...
Chrisps's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Creating my own slippy map from GeoTIFF images

I have a Linux server, about 16 Gb of aerial photography files in GeoTIFF format and orders to set up a slippy map web application. This doesn't need to display anything from other data sources at the ...
Btz's user avatar
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2 answers

MBtiles and SlippyMap tilenames

I'm not sure if I've misunderstood how MBTiles and SlippyMap tilenames go together or if there is a problem when I'm doing an export with TileMill. The issue is that a tile showing the same region - ...
Daniel's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Creating slippy map tiles? [closed]

I have created a small slippy map (Leaflet) and have given it a bounding box. If the user tries to pan/slide outside the given bounds then the map bounces back. Also, the slippy map only has tiles ...
Enrique's user avatar
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Generating bounding box based on tile numbers using slippy map tiles method [closed]

Description: I am writing a map cache server for my company. I have to get input data based on tms standard and send a request to wms server to render and cache map files. I am using slippy map tiles ...
Farshid Ashouri's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Generating MapQuest Style tiles for offline use

I need to create about a 9-level deep SLIPPY map of the world from OSM data (for offline use). So I cannot use the MapQuest, CloudMade, etc. servers). The projection must be EPSG4326 (LL84) which is ...
Dr.YSG's user avatar
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Can you use a large file directory of jpgs for without georeferencing

I have a large map data set of 256x256 jpg images. The file directory is organized by /map_type/zoom/x/y.jpg. I have 12 zoom levels and each zoom level directory has 2^(2*zoom level) images. I have ...
Cory's user avatar
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Map tiles and max/min latitude and longitude

I'm trying to build a map based on a center point lat/long, the map will always be a fixed size say 1024 by 1024. The user can chance the center point and zoom. If I populate the map with map tiles ...
Sabredog's user avatar
24 votes
5 answers

Database for offline slippy map tiles [closed]

I currently have an offline HTML5 map application (built on Leaflet & KendoUI with custom additions) that has an app manifest and works fine on multiple platforms. However, I am hesitant to use ...
Dr.YSG's user avatar
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Counting slippy map tiles

I would like to calculate approximately, how many tiles of given size would need to be rendered for a given bounding box and zoom level range in a given projection (always 3857). For example, for: ...
U2ros's user avatar
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