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ArcGIS Server spatial query returns geometries only if they intersect all sub-polygon in multipart polygon

Single-part polygon as an input is a common use case of spatial query, it works fine. However, I am encountering a case that I need to take a multipart polygon as an input to query some point features....
mannok's user avatar
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Saving borough boundaries as MultiLineStrings or MultiPolygons?

I am creating a database in PostGIS and I have a column that will save the boundaries of boroughs. The app will later query the database, asking what points, lines or polygons are inside those ...
slevin's user avatar
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Addresses within radius of vector layer in QGIS

I want a CSV file of all addresses that intersect with historical stream features. Currently, I have 3 datasets (see my blog) for this in QGIS 2.16.3 (MacOSX): a layer (.gdb) of historical stream ...
birgit's user avatar
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Extracting data from four intersecting polygon layers in PostGIS?

I've been using the following code in PostgreSQL/PostGIS for the last year, as needed, which is about once a quarter. It works OK, it's just that it takes days to run. With over 25,000 parcels making ...
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