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Do different RDMS use different SRID's to identify the coordinate system of a spatial object?

I'm looking for a reference that lists a standard SRID for a given CRS. Do RDMS's utilize a standardized SRID, such as OGC? Or is it unique to the RDMS?
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SRID, Shape2SQL and SQL Server 2008r2 query

I'm using Shape2SQL to load the Ordinance Survey's Meridian 2 map into SQL Server 2008r2 (which is working very smoothly and painlessly). According to this page (
Matthew's user avatar
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Storing SRID:4326 data as Geometry or Geography?

I used OGR2OGR to import SRID 4326 point data into MSSQL Server. Didn't realize that it defaults to creating a geometry column instead of detecting the data as 4326 and creating a geography column. ...
user28525's user avatar
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How to do Spatial Tools Projections between different projection types

I am working with the SQL Spatial Tools from And a variety of data sets, primarily from LINZ and Google. These involve working with projections for 4326 (WGS84?) ...
Roger Willcocks's user avatar
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Performing SQL Server Geometry to geography conversion?

I have imported a number of Shapefiles from the ordnance survey using shape2SQL These have been imported as geometry however i would like to convert them to Geography and specifically to srid 4326 ...
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