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Questions tagged [standardized-precipitation-index]

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What does "sc =" part of code mean in answer for Use spei() function with user specified parameters from a rasterstack in R?

This is a question in relation to Use spei() function with user specified parameters from a rasterstack in R? In @jk22's answer: library(SPEI) library(raster) library(zoo) # Generate a sample raster ...
Suffolk_Forester's user avatar
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Standardizing data over time (not space) in ArcGIS Pro 10.8?

I am trying to standardise Standard Precipitation Index data and Vegetation Health Index data over time on a 0 to 1 scale. I was previously using the fuzzy membership function to standardise the data ...
Isabella Aitkenhead's user avatar
2 votes
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Standardized Precipitation Index with gamma function

Inspired from Climate Engine platform, I want to calculate Standardize Precipitation Index based on this paper, where each rainfall datasets are fitted to the gamma function to define the relationship ...
user97103's user avatar
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