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Questions tagged [state-plane]

A set of 124 geographic zones designed for specific regions of the United States.

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Unable to find needed California State Plane projection in QGIS

QGIS version: 3.12 OS: Mac 12.1 Problem: I am trying to project a map containing parcel boundaries (vector) and orthoimagery (raster) to match the projection used by a set of (offline) project plans (...
Matt H.'s user avatar
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Convert lat/lon to data in Georgia state plane

I am trying to convert some data in x,y,z (ECEF) to Georgia state plane. First I convert x,y,z to lat,lon,alt and then try to convert it into Georgia state plane. When I look at the data, the numbers ...
SEU's user avatar
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PLSS second division starting point vs Legal State plane coordinates

Why do I have my starting point off by 33 feet from the center of section 25 as shown in the image "A"? "B" is my starting point and "C" is the true starting point as ...
tmo's user avatar
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Localization (via proj4) with multiple points. Datum transformations from state plane to local grid with user defined points

I'm using proj4, And I'm wondering what the best course of action is to convert from state plane to a local grid system. I have files of these points from a .loc filetype that the user specifies. <...
Charles Pettis's user avatar
2 votes
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Unexpected Conversion Result using Pyproj

I am trying to use Pyproj to convert a location in Boston from State Plane to Latitude and Longitude. However, the result did not turn out as I expected. Here is my snippet: from pyproj import Proj, ...
Memphis Meng's user avatar
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Batch convert state plane coordinates to lat long with multiple SPC Zones?

I'm somewhat of a GIS novice and am trying to see if this is possible to save me some time with further investigating. I have about 300 records in a CSV file with the fields SPC Zone, ECOORD, NCOORD, ...
Hannah Boring's user avatar
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State Plane Coordinate system is off in longitude by almost exactly 5 miles?

I am doing a simple well location map that involves me taking the coordinates from a table (coordinates that are in New York Long Island State Plane 3104), plugging them into Excel and then using the "...
Margaret Krauthauser's user avatar
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Considerations for projecting enterprise database to a new coordinate system

I currently maintain an enterprise geodatabase where the data is projected in a state plane coordinate system. Recently the data has extended past state boundaries. The data units are in feet and ...
GISMapper's user avatar
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What is the formula to convert geodetic coordinates to state plane?

I know there are tools that can do the conversion like pyproj, but I'm actually interested in the formula for computing it. Or if it's done with a big lookup table. I would love some information on ...
nickponline's user avatar
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State Plane Scale Factor in WKT

I need to convert an old-style projection file (created with Global Mapper) to a WKT format for use in my GIS program (ArcMap or GDAL or whatever). The problem is that my old-style projection file ...
Burrow's user avatar
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geostatistics across different projections?

What are some best practices for calculating local geostatistics across the boundaries of different projections? I am thinking of using the State Plane Coordinate System to represent a national-...
andrew's user avatar
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Auto populate field based on another field in Esri Collector

I'm looking to have an automatic conversion worked into an extra couple fields that will convert the latitude and longitude taken when collecting a point. Currently trying to convert the latitude and ...
Alex C.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Using one CRS for an entire US state?

I am working on a GIS project for Virginia and the data spans the entire state. There are two CRS available VA North (FIPS 4501) and VA South (FIPS 4502). Is it possible to use just one of those CRS ...
csft306's user avatar
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How to convert Latitude and Longitude to SPC

I am working with a set of data that is in Latitude and Longitude. I need to convert this data to State Plane Coordinates. Does anyone know a formula to be able to do this or a Java library that can ...
Austin Crabtree's user avatar
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Difficulty converting State Plane to WGS 84

I have some parcel coordinates that I cannot convert to WGS 84 (cf. What's the coordinate system of these parcel coordinates, you ask? Great ...
D3C34C34D's user avatar
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Formula to convert State Plane Coordinates to Latitude and Longitude

The data I have is in State Plane Coordinates and I need them in regular Latitude and Longitude form. Is there an easy formula to convert them? ZONE: 3104 (NAD 1983 StatePlane New York Long Island ...
zevnyc's user avatar
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Projection change shifts point locations in ArcMap?

I'm having an issue with points shifting their locations when projected differently. I have several files with undefined coordinate systems (from a Trimble GPS). If I bring these shapefiles into a ...
MMR's user avatar
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Calculating Flow Direction using ArcMap with mixed X,Y,Z units

I have a DEM in UTM that I am converting to a StatePlane coordinate system in feet. This raster is going to be used to generate watershed delineations - therefore I will generate a flow direction ...
traggatmot's user avatar
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Reprojecting points in NAD 1983 to LLA (WGS84)?

I've read documentation about using NAD_1983_To_WGS_1984_1 for the entire North American continent or NAD_1983_To_WGS_1984_5 for the 48 contiguous United States but what I'm confused is how can I use ...
Anneliese Fang's user avatar
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What are correct options for converting from state plane nad83 zone NNNN to lat lon in proj4/cs2cs?

I need to build a command line batch converter to read in data from a file that includes coordinates in state plane x,y in feet, the coordinate system used and the zone. For example: cs: nad83 ...
Streamline's user avatar
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Converting PLUTO coordinate reference system in QGIS?

I am using New York's PLUTO lot data in QGIS for a project. Right now, the shp file automatically imports with a custom CRS, allowing it to visually line up with a separate layer of subway entrances ...
Mayor of the Plattenbaus's user avatar
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GPS read in state plane as lat/long

We have an issue where someone mistakenly uploaded Colorado State Plane (feet)coordinates into a Garmin eTrex 10 with the correct datum but position format degrees, minutes, seconds, instead of first ...
aeshaw1's user avatar
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Loading in GCS shapefile into State Plane database - will it change to State plane or still be GCS?

I have GCS shapefiles that I loaded back into an SDE state plane database. The database shows that they are in State Plane, not GCS. Are they actually in the correct state plane or are they still in ...
user82945's user avatar
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Converting decimal degrees to state plane in ArcMap?

I'm working in Arcmap 10.1 and I have a point feature class that I already have xy values in decimal degrees. The projection is state plane. The feature class also has two fields for the state plane ...
WHenry's user avatar
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Import polygon shapefile with SPCC Sections [closed]

I have a data set with records containing Township, Range and Section information but no X,Y coordinates. I would like to bring in the data to ArcGIS with each section as a polygon or a x,y point in ...
Donitza Ivanovich's user avatar
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Are State Plane Coordinates always derived from longitude and latitude?

Do state plane coordinates always begin as longitude and latitude? In other words, they are not another system that can be calculated without Long. and Lat., correct? I guess I'm saying, back in ...
johnny's user avatar
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How to Convert Property Survey Monument Marker Coordinates to State Plane?

I have a set of Connecticut monument locations (a monumented property survey using monuments designated CGS Mon. No. 1577-1580). Their coordinates appear to me to be in meters (244536.84 N, 386409.67 ...
J Kelly's user avatar
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Can I project a single set of coordinates that are not in a table or feature class with arcpy?

I have been searching for the easiest way to convert a single set of State Plane Coordinates (in units of "Feet") to Decimal Degrees using arcpy. All the methods I have seen so far involve one of the ...
jbchurchill's user avatar
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What level of error expected when using NAD StatePlane CRS from adjacent state?

I am adding Georgia data to my GIS database and, unlike the California data I've added, have decided to use my existing EPSG:3361 (South Carolina StatePlane) coordinate reference system for ...
boulder_ruby's user avatar
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Conflicting WGS84 coordinates between Trimble and Garmin GPS receivers

I am a contractor at a government facility in Nevada. We have our own in-house survey department who, for a number of reasons, still uses NAD27 State Plane Coordinates (Nevada Central Zone 2702) in ...
Curtis's user avatar
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Transform lat long to state plane coordinates

I am trying to convert a set of lat long to state plane coordinates using python and pyproj. The location is Tennessee and this gave me information about the central meridian, lat origin and the proj ...
statBeginner's user avatar
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Can't find correct coordinate system: UTM83 Zone 15 forcing input in meters; need it to be read in feet

Forgive me, I'm a CAD person, and am very new to GIS. I've searched google and this site extensively for an answer, with no luck. My problem is that I was given a large number of sistered Raster ...
Terrik's user avatar
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Lat Long to State Plane conversion

I am using the ESRI javascript API and I have a set of lat/long points I need to convert to a state plane coordinate system. My spatial reference is wkid 3418. I can easily use the GeometryService ...
jimSampica's user avatar
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Why is my longitude conversion from NY State Plane Coordinate System to WGS84 consistently off by 3.665 degrees?

I'm trying to convert coordinates from the NY State Plane Coordinate System for Long Island (zone #3104) to WGS84 using the GeoTools Java API. The latitude value is correct, but the longitude is ...
Bart's user avatar
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Any way to use WGS84 latlng to dynamically get state plane EPSG code? Either javascript or PHP

I am developing an online project that needs to be able to accept a WGS84 lat lng anywhere in the lower 48 states and produce the corresponding state plane coordinates. Once I know the state plane ...
Gmap4 guy's user avatar
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Coordinate systems and bearings

Ok so I've got a noodle scratcher and want some input before I open my mouth to my higher-ups. I recieved a new boundary description from a surveyor that uses metes and bounds in the form of bearings ...
Pete's user avatar
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PostGIS is rejecting an srid code for my projection. I've found a nearly identical projection w/ a legit srid. Will it work?

My projection is this: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet, which has a proj4 string that looks like this: +proj=lcc +lat_1=34.33333333333334 +lat_2=36.16666666666666 +lat_0=33.75 +...
boulder_ruby's user avatar
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Albers Conic versus State Plane Zone in terms of accuracy?

I'm trying to determine if an Albers Conic (Alaska Albers) is suitable as a projection for a corridor 800 miles long by 50 miles wide, that goes from the north coast of Alaska to the south coast. ...
user20882's user avatar
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Transform Shapefile from WGS84 to NAD83 using QGIS? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to reproject a vector layer in QGIS? I have some shapefiles whose CRS is WGS 1984 and I have some shapefiles whose CRS is NAD 1983 State Plane Illinois East. I want them ...
Dan Wolf's user avatar
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What's the best way to store State Plane data in SQL 2008R2?

I have a client with data that is currently in a State Plane coordinate system. They are looking to store this data in SQL Server 2008R2. SQL does not "support" the SRID for the State Plane in ...
Jack's user avatar
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Reprojecting hypertile image from GDA94/Zone 55 to flat planar image

I have setup Hypertiles to use the GDALCompress batch file to mosaic my image. This is all good so far but the coordinate systems they have available do not allow me to download an image to a planar ...
user avatar
37 votes
8 answers

How do I convert State Plane coordinates to latitude-longitude?

Given a specific state plane coordinate system (whether NAD27 or NAD83), are there any resources to convert to latitude-longitude?
Richard Morgan's user avatar