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Questions tagged [template]

A template is a model you can use to create new identical versions of something.

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Adding custom fields to PgMetadata HTML Templates in QGIS [closed]

I am currently working with the PgMetadata plugin for QGIS, and I am trying to add a custom field (test) to the metadata HTML template. Here's the situation: I have successfully added the test field ...
user279999's user avatar
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Making Python script originally produced with QGIS Modeler work on QGIS console

I'm writing some scripts on QGIS Python console, and I would like to implement some dialog windows, as those about the parameters' insertment, converting from the result of model builder, but when I ...
Salvatore Diolosà's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro contingent values, feature template automation?

I am exploring ArcGIS Pro contingent value feature to see if it works for my case. End goal is looking to create a fgdb with bunch of feature classes, containing domains, and contingent values, and ...
William Chow's user avatar
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Custom Template in ArcGIS Online - Print Service Failing

I am trying to create a print service in a web experience building using ArcGIS Online that uses a custom layout template. I have followed the tutorial on the below video but come into a problem. When ...
Dylangussman's user avatar
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Group Template that clips/deletes enclosed polylines to avoid overlaps

I have a group template that creates a polygon with one feature template and a boundary made of of 2 point line features with another feature template. For the polygon, the template had an option to ...
theyhem's user avatar
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Resize template or page size in QGIS

I'm trying to find a way to print a map I've made on 2 different page sizes while keeping it to scale on both. Originally I've made the map to the ARCH E page size. - print and its to scale. Then if I ...
boreal's user avatar
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Referenced ArcGIS Pro 3.1 toolbox renamed and empty toolbox created in its place

GIS program manager here. I am experiencing a serious problem. It occurs when starting new projects in ArcGIS Pro from a template which includes our "program toolbox" (aka Default.tbx) ...
jpartsch's user avatar
2 votes
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Making template project in ArcGIS Pro that has broken data links on purpose

I am trying to take a project file and save it as a template project file so users can not accidentally save their changes to the template file when they start a new project without a "save-as&...
forestGIS's user avatar
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Cannot call temporary layer while polygonizing a raster on PyQGIS

I been trying to call the resulting vector from the Raster Poligonization but it ends up telling me: Unable to execute algorithm. Could not load source layer for INPUT: */OUTPUT.tif not found ...
Roberto E.'s user avatar
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Create QGIS Workspace Template

We are rolling QGIS out to a number of departments in my company that have never used QGIS (or any GIS system) before. I was wondering if there is a way to create a QGIS workspace template with pre-...
Robbie-G95's user avatar
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Quickly save databases from a template to my new project while preserving the symbology

I am trying to create a template with several maps, layouts, and datasets pre-loaded. Some of the datasets will include data that I will not modify, but others will be empty datasets, with the ...
Woodsmith.Ryan's user avatar
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ArcGIS REST API to create a site using a template

We are exploring the ArcGIS REST API to set up a site using any available template(initiative). e.g. need to create a site using template "Active Transportation Outreach". Is there any REST ...
Shibu S R's user avatar
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Project templates are overwritten when opened from recent projects

I created various project templates in QGIS. They do work as intended initially, as you can load them from the starting screen. As soon as you change anything after opening the template, you cannot ...
ibdmn's user avatar
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Duplicating style from another map when it's locked using PyQGIS

Print Layout from a template with two maps of the same layer, but different styling. My code perfectly works for the first map: #1 #getting map ID from the layout map1 = layout.itemById('mapId_1') #...
VegesaukrRex's user avatar
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QGIS Composer template between projects

I'm trying to create a composer template in QGIS 3.24 which can be used across multiple projects. My font settings, however, seemingly randomly reset and default back to MS Shell dg font size 10 when ...
Hula's user avatar
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Sharing changes to all layouts on QGIS

Currently, I'm working on a project that has multiple print layouts, each displaying specific information and layers of the project, but with the same map elements such as the title, legend, and grids,...
silf's user avatar
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Batch change attributes in template properties in ArcGIS Pro

I am using a number of feature templates for mapping and would like to change a specific attribute in all templates with the same value without going through the list and change every single feature ...
mati's user avatar
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Ovals are being automatically simplified when drawn using ArcGIS Pro

Sometimes when I am drawing ellipses in a polygon shapefile, they save correctly and then simplify themselves into angular shapes. I don't understand why this is happening or only happens sometimes, ...
meag's user avatar
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Export atlas PDF failed to print images item on template

I create a template on QGIS which contains some text and images. I render the image using HTML with code: <style> .cropped { position: absolute; width: 27mm; /* width of container */ ...
Riska's user avatar
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How to create an empty GeoJSON template with several empty fields (QGIS)

I would like to know if it is possible to create a template in the GeoJSON file format. With a template I mean simply an empty GeoJSON with the field names already present such as in the example in ...
N_LLC's user avatar
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Giving style template to coded domain in ArcMap

I am using ArcMap 10.6.1. Is there a way to save a style template for my coded domains in my geodatabase? For example: I have a feature class containing several polygon-features. When in the field, ...
Stevestingray's user avatar
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Automatic update a map in a QGIS layout template to current extent from QGIS canvas

I'm wondering if there is a way - or a workaround - where a map element in a layout template can be defined to automatically update to current extent when a layout template is used to create a layout. ...
mwinstrup's user avatar
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MapServer Template

I have a wms mapfile to publish routing data line. Some of the lines have the same position and lie on top of each other, but have different values. I filter the objects with the attribute "...
joe_gerner's user avatar
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QGIS: How to set up a datasource connection to pull locally sourced layers when the name changes

I am setting up a template QGIS project which pulls layers from the folder the template is in. The template needs to connect to a raster layer that has a name that slightly changes each time. The name ...
joseph's user avatar
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Creating Dashboard Templates in ArcGIS Online

I have a dashboard that took some time to build and I would like to use it as a template for other projects. Is this possible?
Anno's user avatar
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Is there any way to import templates in ArcMap?

I have tried to find info on how to import a template for layout in ArcMap. I have a template file pagx file. In Pro there is import by the insert tab, but not in ArcMap. Is there a solution for ...
Neptar's user avatar
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Using .qpt file in graphical modeler

I am trying to create a project and to make maps in that I have an specific template which is stored as a .qpt file. Now I want the data frames in the template to be changed using the Python code so ...
rohit sharma's user avatar
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Seeking SheetSet functionality in QGIS

Does anybody know of a SheetSet-type functionality in QGIS (similar to Autocad), i.e. a function capable of exporting several different QGIS layouts and merging them to 1 file (pdf)? There is of ...
Peter's user avatar
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Feature Templates disappear in Arcmap after i remove Feature Class from Table of Contents

I am working on some Polygon Data in Arcmap and I am trying to generate about 20 or more feature templates for each Feature Class in the Geodatabase. All my feature classes are in one Feature Dataset ...
Martinson Smart's user avatar
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MapServer HTML Template doesn't display map/image

I'm using ms4w and working on my local machine and want to build a map like in the MapServer Example 1.9 ( Unfortunately the HTML template doens't ...
ki8Q7SFi7y's user avatar
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How to create different maps with same set of layers?

In ArcMap 10.7, I have built a map and created more than 40 layers e.g. for grassland, forest, water, borders etc. Now I'd like to save that map as a template without any polygons or lines but with ...
Samurai2020's user avatar
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Updating print composer map when template in new project is used?

I have a print composer template saved, but when I open it in a new project I can't see a way to get the map to update to the new project. It just stays blank. Is there something like the legend where ...
Dugz's user avatar
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Make lots of maps at once using QGIS print composer

I have around 1250 maps of species distributions. Each species is a different shapefile projected on one base-map. I can use the TomBio addon to export everything as a single map (PNG) without too ...
Stevestingray's user avatar
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QGIS Templates don't save guides or page size

I have created a template to fit inside my companies report template which is 8.5x11" page size but with headers/footers. The template page size is 6.5x8.46" in order to fit perfectly inside ...
Kevin's user avatar
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GetFeatureInfo template of MapServer not replacing values

I am using MapServer 7.4.2 and I am trying to setup a WMS GetFeatureInfo using OUTPUTFORMAT instead of direct TEMPLATE but variables are not replaced On MapServer file layer definition using: ...
Jorge Mendes's user avatar
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MapServer merging features from layers in Template-Driven Output

I want to get WMS GetFeatureInfo result in GeoJSON format from MapServer. Result should be valid GeoJSON FeatureCollection containing array of features from one or more layers. I use Template-Driven ...
apdevelop's user avatar
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PYQGIS 3: Change layout scalebar item to a round scale (e.g. 1:5000)

I'm loading a layout template to a .qgs project and would like to set up the scale bar so that it has a round numeric scale (e.g. 1:5'000, or 1:25'000 but not 1:12'500). How do I do that? Here is my ...
SaskiaG's user avatar
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Overriding Geonode templatetag file

I'm customizing Geonode through the geonode-project template. To override geonode templates it's ok, but now I need to override a template tag file. I customized the 'SUPPORTED_CRS' in my_geonode/...
Falcoa's user avatar
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Creating feature templates in QGIS?

I am drawing points that have different tags, for example, one is a Manhole other is a Headwall. I have my symbology setup in such a way that point displays differently based on tags. Now as I am ...
ar-siddiqui's user avatar
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Creating a Construction Tools Rectangle Template

I am working on a project that requires me to place hundreds of 20x20 ft squares as polygons in a feature class. Right now I am manually making them by entering height and width values. I am wondering ...
Gemma Leigh's user avatar
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Using feature templates for other layers than original to change target layer in ArcMap?

I was wondering if there is, in ArcMap 10.6, any way to use feature templates in a different layer than the one they where created for. I have around 10 layers with similiar atribute tables (same ...
user93032's user avatar
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Creating blank QGIS shapefile templates?

I am going to be creating (digitising) many repetitive maps which contain the same set of .shp file vector layers. And I was wondering if there was a way to create a template .shp file I can re-use ...
user5505559's user avatar
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Feature templates do not change when using LYR file and PostgreSQL?

We just started migrating from SQL Server to a PostgreSQL Server for production. Traditionally, we load a LYR file containing all of our symbology, then point it to our new GDB on the SQL Server. If ...
Barbarossa's user avatar
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GetFeatureInfo on GeoServer - what parameters/variables are available

I am customizing the HTML response from GetFeatureInfo on GeoServer. GeoServer uses freemarker templates (content.ftl) to build the HTML response. The attributes are available as a list. Since the ...
ragnvald's user avatar
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Making network from line feature class using Network Analyst in ArcGIS Pro?

So I have points in an area and want to find the shortest distance to travel to all the points once by plane. So I think I need to do a network analysis. I am using ArcGIS Pro. I have a line feature ...
emtgis's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro Project Template using Absolute Paths

i'm trying to create a project template with ArcGIS Pro that uses a shapefile stored on my companies shared network drives. This file contains basic parcel data for our county and is around 500MB in ...
Ryan M's user avatar
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Opening template project with PyQGIS in QGIS 3?

What do I need to do to open a project-file as a template with PyQGIS in QGIS 3? I am able to open a project like this: project = QgsProject.instance()'C:/path/to/my/project.qgs') But ...
vezzon's user avatar
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Creating new project with Map.aptx now has World Hillshade basemap?

Prior to updating ArcGIS Pro from version 2.1.3 to 2.2.0, I am near certain that using the Map.aptx template to create a new project did that and inserted a map with one layer named Topographic. ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Locating project templates in ArcGIS Pro?

Does anyone know where the blank, global, scene and map aptx files in ArcGIS Pro are stored? I notice that any project settings that you change, persist. I'm trying to get my blank.aptx to go back ...
Devlyn Robson's user avatar
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Is is possible to include a folder structure in an ArcGIS Pro Project Template or Package?

I'm trying to create a template for ArcGIS Pro that users can open that will create or already have our standard file structure, gdb template, some lyr files, etc. As far as I can tell the Project ...
merlin's user avatar
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