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Updating the legend of a joined SDE feature layer in Python

Is it possible in Python to apply the legend from a template layer file to a SDE based feature layer with a GDB table joined to it where the value field being used for the unique values symbology is ...
DanMilRiv's user avatar
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Why would a new install (ArcGIS Desktop 10.4.1) not be able to open existing MXDs without crashing?

A coworker can open up a brand new install of 10.4.1, can add data, and save a map, but cannot open existing MXDs. The system tries for a while, then shuts ArcMap down with no error. Is there any ...
danak's user avatar
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ArcMap report designer dataset options

It has been a while since I have messed with the dataset options in the report designer. In the past I was able to set the dataset options to run reports on the current date and leave it like that ...
jmoore3274's user avatar