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MapServer Template

I have a wms mapfile to publish routing data line. Some of the lines have the same position and lie on top of each other, but have different values. I filter the objects with the attribute "...
joe_gerner's user avatar
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MapServer merging features from layers in Template-Driven Output

I want to get WMS GetFeatureInfo result in GeoJSON format from MapServer. Result should be valid GeoJSON FeatureCollection containing array of features from one or more layers. I use Template-Driven ...
apdevelop's user avatar
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Server-side definition of GetFeatureInfo-request parameter for ArcGIS Server WMS?

I'm trying to customize the response of a GetFeatureInfo request. I want that ArcGIS Server uses a certain HTML document as a template for responding to GetFeatureInfo requests of a one particular WMS....
JakobT's user avatar
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Altering featureinfo_text_html.xsl in ArcGIS Server 10.3.1 to display images? [closed]

In my WMS layer I have a URL pointing to an image. Does anyone have an example of how to manipulate the HTML template to display the image?
Robert Buckley's user avatar
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WMS GetFeatureInfo html popup

I need to publish WMS service with GetFeatureInfo but I want to hide some fields. I've made them not visible using layer properties in ArcMap but it resolved the problem partially. When I add WMS ...
Piotr Michalski's user avatar