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Questions tagged [tile-map-service]

Tile Map Service or TMS, is a specification for storing and retrieving cartographic data, developed by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.

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Raster map tile server service and configuration

My question is very similar to AWS configuration for running low-to-medium bandwidth Web map app, but I am seeking current advice since it is from 12 years ago. I'm interested in what services and ...
Jeshua Lacock's user avatar
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What to use as extent when defining a morecantile custom TMS grid?

I am looking at the Define custom grid section of the morecantile documentation. They define an EPSG:3031 based custom grid this way: import morecantile from pyproj import CRS crs = CRS.from_epsg(...
zabop's user avatar
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Locating TMS tile z/x/y where y>2^z

I am using mapproxy to generate tiles using a WMS endpoint. My mapproxy.yaml file is: services: tms: use_grid_names: true origin: 'nw' layers: - name: italyparcels title: ...
zabop's user avatar
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How to add an XYZ Layer with non-standard tile grid in QGIS?

When I have a TMS endpoint, like:{z}/{x}/{y}.png, I know I can add it to canvas via Layer -> Add Layer -> Add XYZ Layer.... However, this assumes that the {z}/{x}/...
zabop's user avatar
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Load map tile in ArcMap from Online image links

The problem: I have many image links as tile maps which are in equal dimension and related data content. They are stored online and they will change by time They are presentable in different zoom ...
Naer Rahmani's user avatar
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OpenLayers: use upscaling to zoom a tile layer beyond the server's max zoom level by upscaling

I'm using OpenLayers 7 to display a tile layer from a tile service. The service only has tiles up to a maximum zoom level. At higher zooms, I would like OL to fetch maximum zoom level tiles and ...
Roofus's user avatar
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Integrating GeoServer Map layer to Grafana Geomap

I am a software integrator and new to GeoServer. I have created a map layer in GeoServer and can view it via the following URL: http://localhost:8585/geoserver/gwc/demo/OSM_hungary?gridSet=Hungary&...
anand jayabal's user avatar
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Empty output when creating QTiles in QGIS

I am trying to follow the directions to create a base map with QTiles in QGIS. Here is the link with instructions for reference:
datatitanic's user avatar
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Is there a way to view USGS 3DEP WMS(?) maps in Osmand, which uses TMS(?) format?

I'm very unclear on all of these acronyms. All I know is that USGS 3DEP LiDAR maps are very useful for seeing cliffs for climbing, and Osmand is very useful for offline navigation, but I can't figure ...
endolith's user avatar
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Publish downloaded tms tiles using GeoServer

I downloaded a set of tms files from a mapping software, in .png format, with a "tms.xml" file. I want to use GeoServer to publish this data as a wms service. Is it achievable? How to do ...
boy qutter's user avatar
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Understanding how layer information fields are set and filled out in QGIS

I have developed a python API to serve pregenerated tiles for a local area of interest. Then I created a simple map using Openlayers to render tiles on OSM basemap. The API is running and responding ...
ArashMad's user avatar
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Is there a way to add XYZ Tile Layer to QGIS from an AWS bucket?

I am trying to add Map tiles from Pix4D to QGIS. Has anyone successfully accomplished this? I have loaded XYZ tiles to an Amazon AWS bucket and things seem to work fine with leaflet (LINK). The ...
Cary H's user avatar
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Creating a set of grid polygons

Is there a way to get or generate a tile matrix set geometry grid in any format like shapefile, geopackage, postgis, ... ? EDIT I've tried to create a set of grid polygons with postgis to generate ...
user11681321's user avatar
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Use TMS or WMTS to get vector tiles served from Geoserver in Leaflet [duplicate]

Question: Is there a reason to use a TMS over WMTS call to GeoServer to pull vector tiles? My goal is to pull vector tiles from my Geoserver to my Leaflet-based web application. Unfortunately, the ...
Logreen's user avatar
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How to find vector tile URLs from GeoServer

I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out the correct WMTS call to make to my GeoServer to get vector tiles (from my Leaflet web app), which I eventually found from the GetCapabilities: http://...
Logreen's user avatar
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Tiled service or not?

How to know if a WMS ArcGIS mapservice are tiled or not? Which test can answers to the question?
jlSta's user avatar
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Calculate TMS tile coordinates (XYZ) for a given Lat/Lng pair in EPSG:27700 projection?

I am new to GIS in general and struggling with the correct approach to achieve my goal. I have a list of 100,000 or so Lat/Lng taken from a GPS and I need to retrieve the singular tile for each of ...
orianem's user avatar
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GeoServer MVT vector tile attributes

I am serving MVT vector tiles from GeoServer through its TMS api and I can't find a way to add feature attributes. When I try to add these attributes in the edit layer/data tab, I get an error "...
Eric van der Vlist's user avatar
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Shifted TiledMapLayer from Esri ArcGIS"MapServer

I've been overlaying map layers from different sources into Leaflet without issue until I tried to load this one. The screenshot below shows the incorrect offset when using L.esri.TiledMapLayer. Here'...
Kevin's user avatar
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Simple Service or library to tile GeoTIFF

TL;DR: is there a Tile Map Service that can generate tiles on the fly given a GeoTIFF image as input. Alternatively, can be used to generate only 1 tile instead of all tiles for a zoom ...
danielr1996's user avatar
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Is that the correct way to use TMS in GeoServer

In GeoServer, I'm not found TMS Demo, so I read the GeoWebCache doc about TMS, and following the TMS protocol as the doc mentioned, try to construct the url: http://localhost:8080/geoserver/gwc/...
Mew151's user avatar
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How to display locally stored raster tiles with zoom levels in MapServer

I am completely new to GIS. I am having trouble showing raster tiles from QGIS on MapServer. My goal is to have zoom level tiles shown as basemap on MapServer, on which then I can display features ...
SomeOne's user avatar
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Using gdal2tiles with overlapping GeoTIFFs

Say I have these two GeoTIFFs: (you can get the GeoTIFFs if you click on the Export tab) I'd like to create a single tile layer ...
neubert's user avatar
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Map tiling service with more recent imagery

I am using MapBox for mapping in a SaaS product. I've noticed that some (all) of the imagery is older than what I would ideally want. Is there a way to upgrade to more up-to-date imagery into the ...
jtam's user avatar
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PyQGIS generate WMS service description XML for TMS service

I am currently writing a QGIS Plugin, for which i require a WMS service description XML file for the currently selected layer (as long as it is a XYZ layer), like this one for OSM. At least i think I ...
underwhelmingToaster's user avatar
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Finding WMS from webpage and then using it on QGIS?

This webpage has lots of maps that can be compared, including ones which I can't find a WMS server to use it in QGIS (as the so-called Soviet maps): How can I find which tile ...
Beal Arceo's user avatar
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Accessing USGS Map Tiles

I'm developing a Windows desktop app that uses map tile servers to display a scrollable map. It currently supports OpenStreetMap, OpenTopoMap and Bing Maps. I'm looking to see if there is a service ...
Mark Olbert's user avatar
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Create a webhosting GIS tileserver with GeoServer (or similar) on Ubuntu 18.04

I am currently developing a web application with JS, HTML, CSS (you know the drill) and I am using a local GeoServer instance to display tiff files as PNG tiles in a Leaflet based mapping environment. ...
Skerre's user avatar
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Creating ArcGIS tile service from equirectangular image of Mars [closed]

I have a high-resolution image of mars (equirectangular projection) that I've rendered and want to create a tile service from (similar to Mars Colorized Mosaic), using ArcGIS Pro. How do I build a ...
Rudi's user avatar
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Show map tiles made in MapTiler in OpenLayers?

I converted GeoTIFF to png-tiles using MapTiler. Here is the folder structure: Now I'm trying to add this folder with png-tiles to OpenLayers as XYZ source: var layer = new ol.layer.Tile({ ...
user13892757's user avatar
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How can I access the WMS address at this address?

How can I access the WMS tile map address at this address?
saroman's user avatar
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Adding Yandex Satellite TMS via QGIS Python console

I add a TileMapService layer to QGIS map window using a Python console. But added layer is not displayed. What is wrong? tmsLayer_name = 'YandexSat' uri = "url=
Ivan Lebedev's user avatar
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TIME Parameter for TMS Request

I have a layer in Geoserver that is Time enabled. Using GWC with a TIME Parameter filter works great for WMTS and WMS-C. But unfortunately sending a TIME Filter with a TMS request like: http://...
Bernd Loigge's user avatar
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GeoServer GeoWebCache non-default Styles

I have a tile layer on GeoServer with a default gray style. I want to be able to serve this tile layer as a GeoWebCache with a colored style (not default). I enabled the caching defaults to "...
Ashley A.'s user avatar
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Set transparent_color on TMS

I'm using a TMS which Tiles are mostly white with some Lines e.g. Roads in different colors. I would like to use this TMS but change the white parts of the Tiles to transparent so it can be overlayed ...
CaptainInler's user avatar
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TMS tilenames for Elliptical Mercator projection - EPSG:3395

My goal is to derive TMS tile names from given lat/lon and vice versa for Elliptical Mercator projection (EPSG:3395) using Python. OSM wiki explains the logic for Spherical Mercator (EPSG:3857), but ...
Basile's user avatar
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Calculate zoom level given lat long area (slippy map)

I am wanting to calculate the zoom level for a given lat/long area. I am using the OSM/GE slippy map "standard" tile system. The post below answers my question but requires the viewing ...
LostException's user avatar
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Loading tiles from local TMS using XYZ Tiles in QGIS

I have exported the map tiles with the Raster tool box, and saved the tiles in the QGIS default temp folder with 512x512 resolution and 96 dpi. Now I'm trying to load the tiles back to QGIS. After ...
Zekun's user avatar
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How to change a tms/xyz map projection?

I have the portion of a map stored as a collection of .jpg tiles in tms set of folders. The problem is that this particular set seems to have a WGS84 (EPSG 4326) projection, while my desired ...
Mr. White's user avatar
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Getting TMS tiles without clamping to Byte range

How I can get TMS tiles (Z/X/Y.png) without getting them clamped in data range (e.g. GeoTIFF UInt16 -> Gdal2Tiles -> TMS UInt16 instead of GeoTIFF UInt16 -> Gdal2Tiles -> TMS Byte)?
Leonid Kolesnichenko's user avatar
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Can I use external TMS service as a store in Geoserver?

I have GeoServer hosted on my server and I want to connect a store so that I can serve layers from there. I am aware that I can connect external WMS source to geoserver, but not sure how to connect ...
krishna lodha's user avatar
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Creating tile server with already created .png - tiles

I have a web application which shows a basic OSM card with OpenLayers. Now I want to display radar data in form of a second layer where the user can view the radar data of the last 10 hours in 15 ...
NicolasT's user avatar
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Converting .mbtiles to .tpk

I have mbtiles data downloaded from internet. I need to publish mbtiles in ArcGIS Server as tiled map service. I find out the layer was not supported on ArcMap during publishing on ArcGIS Server. Is ...
sakthi murugan's user avatar
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Add raster image (GeoTIFF) over a TMS with Mapbox

Having some GeoTIFFs, which I would like to display georeferenced over a TMS (in an impossible way to download the GeoTIFF, like another WMS or TMS). Is that possible? Note: Currently I use Mapbox ...
pnz1337's user avatar
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Programatically Cache WMTS for Offline Use

Background I have developed an app for iOS using the Swift language. The app uses online map services, including WMTS, WMS, TMS, XYZ and makes heavy use of OpenLayers to display these. I would like ...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
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The position and size of my Tile Map is incorrect when it is displayed in React-Leaflet

I converted the GeoTIFF file to a tiles map. I'd like to display it in react-leaflet, but the size and position are not right. What can I do to fix it? This is condition when displayed. (overlaid on ...
satsuki's user avatar
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Hosting multiple TileMaps

I'm setting up this API that let's users upload high resolution images then generate tiles with those images using gdal2tiles. My question is what's the recommended way to host a tile map service? I ...
Pat's user avatar
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Cache OpenStreetMap tiles with MapCache

I'm trying to cache OpenStreetMap related tile. The corresponding server has separate data related to opeenstreetmap (http://xx.xx.xx.xx/osm). It's an XZY Tiles service. Within the mapcache.xml file I ...
Stefan Milošević's user avatar
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Get Feature id in OpenLayers from GeoServer/PostGIS

With OpenLayers, I'm creating layers like ol.layer.VectorTile var projection_epsg_name = 'EPSG:900913'; var geoserverLayerName = 'teste:map_shape2'; const tileLoadURL= '
Marcos Rodrigues's user avatar
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Mapproxy tms config reveals no layers

I have configured MapProxy to reveal a wms service and tms service. Problem is, the tms don't show anything. (WMS works excellent) Opening the demopage I cannot se any layers (as one can do in for ...
FishHead's user avatar
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