Questions tagged [tilemill-2]

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4 answers

OpenStreetMap Style Editor besides Mapbox TileMill and CloudMade

I'm looking for an online OSM style editor that lets me style OSM ways and nodes by tags. I know CloudMade's editor is no longer available, and Mapbox's does this but has zoom level rendering limits (...
Michael Schnuerle's user avatar
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3 answers

Using Mapbox Studio (aka Tilemill 2) to create a self-hosted map

What would be the neccessary prerequisites to run a map/tile-server (serving raster tiles) using an exported vector source and tm2z-styleset? Has anyone set up a working environment for that? Is ...
Alexander Rutz's user avatar
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1 answer

How are OSM tags mapped to fields in Mapbox Streets vector tiles?

I recently started experimenting with Mapbox Studio and have encountered some discrepancies between feature tags in OSM and the corresponding feature fields in the vector tiles from Mapbox Streets. ...
sharkinsspatial's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Conditional styling and expressions using modulus

I'm trying to style a contour shapefile in TileMill with all contour lines divisible by 100 bolder than others. Can I use expressions in defining a condition? The following example of course does not ...
Julian Bogdani's user avatar
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1 answer

Draw icons and lables only for certain entities in Tilemill 2

I've recently started to use mapbox' TileMill2 to play around with vector tiles. It's pretty nice and, in comparison to Tilemill(1), much more faster. Exactly what I was searching for. Now I'm trying ...
schlomm's user avatar
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Tilemill 2 (not v1): How to set map extents or bounds for export?

I'm using Tilemill 2 and trying to set bounds or extents in order to reduce file size but I can't figure where to do that. I'm also getting a 422 error when trying to upload to my mapbox account and ...
chethrington's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Adding house numbers using Mapbox Street Vector Tiles source in Tilemill2

Does anyone know if the house number is included in Mapbox’ vector tiles, and if so how to access it for styling?
Alexander Rutz's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I export MBTiles from TileMill 2?

In TileMill 1 it was easy to export MBTiles for a selected region with my own style. In TileMill 2 I can only package the style or export vector tiles from a previously imported datasource. How can I ...
Alexander Rutz's user avatar