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Labeling GeoJSON polylines in Leaflet

I have followed Leaflet GeoJSON style and labeling to create labels for my GeoJson I achieved this using "OnEachFeature" and a "CSS" class. This is a part of the code: CSS class ...
ANDY AGUIRRE's user avatar
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Can a 'regular' Folium tooltip show information dynamically?

I've worked previously with Folium's GeoJSONTooltip class and it works well for the choropleth maps that I make. For a separate project, I'm wanting to utilize Folium's regular (i.e., not using a ...
Will's user avatar
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Center tool tip on each country

I'm trying to center the tooltip with the name of the country so it will show at the middle of the country but they are all over the place. import { MapContainer, GeoJSON, useMap } from "react-...
daniel kamenkovich's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Leaflet geoJSON tooltip coordinates

How can I manually set the coordinates for a tooltip in Leaflet with geoJSON? This is how I'm adding it to the map: layer.bindTooltip(country_name, { permanent: true, opacity: 1, direction:...
user9506231's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Show/hide all tooltips at once in Leaflet

I use a for loop to add tooltips to my Leaflet map by reading the lat and lon coordinates from a .txt file. for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { ... L.tooltip({ permanent: ...
mapper's user avatar
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2 votes
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Turn display of marker tooltips on/off in layer control in Leaflet

I want to add tooltip which will show magnitude for each earthquake epicenter and was able to make it but I have a problem that with many epicenters in one area tooltips are overlapped. My question is ...
Tkalac's user avatar
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Bind tooltip to a marker as a result of turf.js distance method in Leaflet

I'm trying to simply put the results of the distance variable in the tooltip but keep getting undefined. I don't understand what's happening. function findDistanceToCentroid(countyPolygon, ...
Zac Stanley's user avatar
4 votes
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Disabling tooltip of layer using QGIS

Is it possible that the tooltip (data source properties) no longer appears when you pass the mouse cursor over the “layers” of the “Layers” window? This tooltip:
mdufour1056's user avatar
2 votes
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Marker position in Leaflet

I use 2 markers : Icon and Tooltip. The problem is that given the sames Lon & Lat they are not at the same position. The Icon position is right, the tooltip position not. This is my js code for ...
Hervé's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to remove Leaflet tooltip label collision

I am using a permanent tooltip on each marker but the problem is that tooltip texts are overlapping each other and markers are updating every 10 seconds interval. I can't use LayerGroup collision ...
Sikder's user avatar
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Tooltip on Leaflet GeoJSON is in wrong place

I'm trying to label a shape drawn by GeoJSON data in a way that keeps the label visible even if part or most of the shape is off screen. The code I am replacing uses a marker given fixed coordinates ...
Craig's user avatar
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1 answer

labels under markers

I have velow code that works 100% only problem is you have to click on the marker to see what the marker name is. how do i show a label or a tooltip without loosing the html link functionality? &...
Paul van Zyl's user avatar
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Error when setting "permanent" tooltip option with bindtooltip in Leaflet

I've got a geoJSON that I load into a map and add tooltips to. Pretty simple, figured that out fine, and now I want the tooltips to be permanent (displayed on map load instead of on marker hover), and ...
Darksaber501st's user avatar
2 votes
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bringToFront() not working on tooltips in Leaflet

I have a Leaflet map that includes polygons and data from a GeoJSON file. I have permanent tooltips for each polygon that include data for the user to see. But there are so many tooltips that ...
LauraNMS's user avatar
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Layer.bindTooltip doesn't work in Leaflet

My objective is to plot polygons and assign a tooltip label to each one. For some reason, my code doesn't seems to work. poly_geojson = L.geoJson(poly_gon,{ onEachFeature(feature, layer) { ...
arya's user avatar
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Largest polygon inside a GeoJSON multipolygon

How to find the largest polygon in GeoJSON of type multipolygon so that I can add a Leaflet tooltip to the largest polygon rather then a random polygon in multipolygon? I have a Multipolygon and when ...
Harivignesh's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Fine-tuning tooltip position in QGIS?

When the tooltip is activated on a geographical layer it pops up with the cursor on the top-left corner of the label thus covering part of it. Is there any way to fine-tune this behaviour (without ...
Snaileater's user avatar
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Hiding leaflet tooltip on mobile device?

I would only display a tooltip on a device without a touchscreen. A popup and a tooltip will be displayed on your mobile by clicking on the point. I would like to see only popup var ubytovaci = L....
komy's user avatar
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Including iframe in tooltip in Marker?

Can we include an iframe in tooltip in Marker? import folium var=open("yolo.html", "r") var2 = map = folium.Map(location=[19.179180,72.972580],zoom_start=6, tiles="Mapbox Control Room") ...
Rohit Rohra's user avatar
-1 votes
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Using html and css, what is the simplest way to create a tooltip that will display the attribute "Risk Score" from a csv called Mains?

I am looking to create a tooltip that displays attributes from a csv when the user hovers over the feature. What is the easiest way to accomplish this? For example, if the user hovers above a Gas ...
MelBuske's user avatar
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QGIS WMS tooltip displaying web address from data

I am using BGS WMS borehole data in QGIS: I'm trying to get a tooltip to come up displaying the URL from the ...
Ben Jacobs's user avatar
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Leaflet add tooltips to Easy Buttons

I have a very simple leaflet map which has a set of easy buttons whose function is to add and remove layers from the map. I'd like to set tooltip or mouseover or hover so when the user moves the ...
Eddie Arni's user avatar
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Multiple tooltip Openlayers

I would like to have a tooltip for each of my layers based on their display which is done by a checkbox. I started a function with a condition depending on the layer but I have the error "layer is ...
Persephone's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why my tooltip cannot shown when I hover over layer in leaflet.js?

I want to use tooltip on my polyline to show its features and I use this code: var boroughs = L.geoJson(null, { style: function (feature) { return { color: "black", fill: false, ...
Ahmad Muzakkir's user avatar
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Is there a setting or settings in QGIS 3 that allows users to modify application tool-tip behavior?

I can't read the longer tool-tip text in QGIS because the tooltop text is longer than the width and it doesn't wrap past 2 lines: Is there a setting or configuration change to either widen or ...
Jay Cummins's user avatar
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Leaflet tooltip classname not applying

I am trying to overwrite the styling of the leaflet tooltips on a map but it does not seem to use my CSS style. I am using angular and electron but as far as I know neither should cause any changes to ...
Matthew Dyson's user avatar
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Hover on layer A, tooltip from Layer B

I've got two layers with houses. One has housing groups (MultiPolygon), which has a mouseover (hover function) to show, which houeses belong together. The other layer contains single houses. On ...
Lars-Daniel Weber's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to close all tooltips defined against the map object?

In Leaflet it's possible to bind one or more tooltips to an individual marker, or a layer, or the base map object. How can I close all open tooltips that have been bound to the map object? var map =...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
  • 21.2k
5 votes
3 answers

Display raster value as a tooltip

I would like to display the value of a raster (at least one band) as a tooltip next to the mouse in Qgis. The process would be : I select the raster layer when I move the cursor over the map (or ...
Jacques Beilin's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Leaflet GeoJSON bindtooltip from feature attribute

Leaflet allows you to use .bindtooltip for geoJSON. Is it possible to access the tooltip options like {permanent: true, opacity: 0.5} etc when using this method? // My JS var layers_grid = L.geoJSON(...
Matt's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to set a tooltip for a layer?

When hovering your mouse over a layer, a tooltip appears showing the layer's source. E.g. for a virtual layer: Is it possible to change this tooltip either through an existing option or PyQGIS? I ...
Joseph's user avatar
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