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Finding intersection errors based on attribute value using ArcGIS Desktop

I have a road network table in a PostgreSQL database. The table has a level attribute which marks if a road is on the surface or if it is an under- or overpass. I would like to check the topology of ...
588chm's user avatar
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Setting topology rules to connect short lines aross complex intersections

I have a polyline SHP with a bunch of very short lines (less than one meter length). Is there an automated way to force the short lines to connect to a neighboring line at complex intersections? ...
a11's user avatar
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How to delete vertex and keep topology

I work with line vector data (road network).The lines (roads) includes several vertexes. I would like to have for each line only nodes - at the end of line, or at the intersection of n lines. How can ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Identify intersections and assign them to one of the features in a single layer

I have a single SHP-layer (12,810 features) and want first of all to identify intersections (incl. duplicates --> features with identical geometries). In the next step I want to delete/clip these ...
Mapos's user avatar
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TopologyException issue when doing intersection in GeoPandas

When I do overlay processes like intersection, I mostly get: :TopologyException: found non-noded intersection between LINESTRING (229971 4.39944e+06, 229971 4.39944e+06) and LINESTRING (229971 4....
a9e1's user avatar
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Unexpected result for the Intersection of touching polygons

I have two touching Polygons (two neighbouring counties) and there intersection is a MultiLineString, where: len(list(counties["King's Co."].intersection(counties["Queen's Co."])....
Baz's user avatar
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Snap lines to polygon verticies at interscetion

I'm trying to figure out a way to snap lines to a polygon layer, but only at the intersecting point. Here is a sample picture of what I'm working with. I have a layer of polygons and a line string ...
Nelz11's user avatar
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How to find points present in one layer but not in a second layer, using ArcGIS?

I have two layers, A and B, with B consisting of a proper subset of the points in A. How can I produce a third layer, C, consisting of just those points found in A but not in B. In R, I would just ...
Josh O'Brien's user avatar
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How to simplify a self intersected / self overlapped polyline using ArcObjects?

I have a self intersected polyline, how can I break it into 5 records stored in the same table using arcobjects? (splited by vertices and the intersection point) Here is what I have got and it doesn'...
l.z.lz's user avatar
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Verifying the number of times a line crosses other lines

I have a series of lines that represent streams. I have a stream line and two flowpath lines in one feature class and two banklines in another feature class. Total of five lines. I then have a feature ...
Michael's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to check if vertex exists (on polyline) based on location of point layer using ArcPy?

Using ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced 10.1 (with all extensions) I am building a centerline network that will be used by a MapObjects program to do routing based on "turns at any vertex" (as opposed to ...
Jason Miller's user avatar
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How to handle/ avoid intersect errors when clipping the difference between two layers?

Using QGIS + Grass, I've added a shapefile of coastline and islands to my map. I then buffer this shapefile to create a coastal zone of a known width. At this stage the buffer consists of the ...
Andy Harvey's user avatar
9 votes
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How to repair topology of a shapefile?

I performed an object-based image analysis using ENVI EX, and each of the classified features were exported as a shapefile. I transferred those shapefiles into ArcMap 10, and tried to intersect them ...
kaoscify's user avatar
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Intersecting two polylines using ArcObjects?

I have two polylines and would like to find the intersection(s) using ArcObjects / VB.NET. I'm using the following code: Dim topoOp As ITopologicalOperator = TryCast(pTestPoly2, ITopologicalOperator)...
jan_b's user avatar
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