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Extract a hierarchical topology from stream network

A typical stream network has a hierarchical topology that resembles a cladogram (phylogenetic tree). There are many software tools that have been developed to analyze variables along a cladogram, ...
evozoa's user avatar
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Node information in a PostGIS dataset

I am working in QGIS / PostGIS to plan the cable layout for a seismic array. The power distribution is from the green point with the white cross in the middle. The nine green points marked with a ...
MortenSickel's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro - routing, remove short network elements and reconnect edges

I am setting up an ArcGIS Pro network for use in Network Analyst. So far things work pretty well, depart from some 1600 errors due to this kind of problem: " SourceName: linknetz, ObjectID: ...
robert tuw's user avatar
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Split intersections of lines considering bridges and tunnels

I want to make a road network routable. I already have a road shapefile, but there are many intersections of lines that I want to split. Now I have two problems: (1) My first approach to split them ...
lena's user avatar
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Snapping two topology layers together based on point

In QGIS 3.14.15 with GRASS 7.8.3 I have two layers both with correct topology that function how they should. When using the Network Analysis > Service Area tool, they work as they are supposed to. ...
William Ruzek's user avatar
4 votes
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Generate points along branching lines

I am looking to generate points along a series of connected lines at regular intervals, but I wish to keep this interval even when a line is branching into 2 or 3 other lines. All the regular tools I ...
Jean-François Bourdon's user avatar
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Dealing with bridges over roads in PostGIS topology?

first time posting please ask for more details if not enough provided. I am using OSM road data and have created postgres topology for them. I am now cleaning up the data before exporting it for ...
cts's user avatar
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Topology Network in PostGIS database

I'm returning to the same question all over again. I'm dealing with electrical network and I'd like to build topology for all network lines in database so I can construct nodes and edges dynamicly for ...
Greg's user avatar
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Dragging all vertices at a given point programmatically in PyQGIS

I'm writing a Plugin where you build networks with point and line geometries. One Tool should give the User the possibility to make changes to the network by dragging and dropping the points to ...
user125606's user avatar
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Identifying road segments completely cut off by polygon using QGIS?

I have a road network (black line) and I want to identify all segments that are completely cut off by my flood polygon (blue polygon). I have clipped the road network to get all roads within the road ...
KJGarbutt's user avatar
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Correcting topology error in PostGIS?

I am interested in tools to correct topology errors in PostGIS, focussing on road networks. Is there a tool that corrects topology errors automatically, so that I can use the network for routing? I ...
four-eyes's user avatar
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Restricting the creation of lines for network creation in QGIS: start/end vertices must snap to existing vertices

My interest lies in network creation, however, knowing how to do that in general would be a plus. How is it possible to prevent a user from creating a line (line vector) without connecting it ...
Victor's user avatar
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How to solve "features were not reachable" warning message using in GRASS

I'm using GRASS 7.0.4 under Linuxmint 17.1 KDE. I need to build a raster with the shortest distance from every pixel to a city following a road. I have two shape files, the city (point) and the road (...
Lucas's user avatar
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Removing pseudo-nodes using QGIS Sextante plugin?

I have a road network (vector) that i'm interested in carrying out some space syntax analysis on. Predictably my GIS data is in a pretty terrible state. For example, there are a bunch of roads on the ...
marty_c's user avatar
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Setting junction properties in ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a situation where I have a line feature class and need to build a network out of it. The lines represent roads. I wonder how I can model the intersections on the network. Almost all of them ...
Mhoram's user avatar
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Grass GIS "": How to prevent crossing lines from beeing split where they don't share a common node?

I want to import a road network into grass gis to run network analyses. I use "" to import my road shapefile. The problem is that Grass GIS seems to split every crossing line no matter if they ...
zehpunktbarron's user avatar
4 votes
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PostGIS table to network analysis

I use PostGIS 2.0 and Python API (GeoAlchemy) to work with it. I want to convert topological informations (points, lines, faces) from PostGIS tables to topological network (points, lines) to study it ...
user23453's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How do you remove isolated roads from a bigger network?

I'm trying to perform an OD Cost Matrix calculation on a set of points using a road network from OpenStreetMap data. The network contains lots of roads that don't connect to the rest of the network. ...
David Giacomin's user avatar
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ArcView: Trim polyline, that is shorter than specific dangle length (alternative to tool: Trim Line)?

I am looking for a way to trim dangles from a polyline shape, that are shorter than a specific length like the Trim Line Tool for ArcEditor and ArcInfo, but with ArcView-License. I already discover, ...
KalleBlomquist's user avatar
5 votes
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Road topology problem solution for junction

I am working with a Road Network. I have digitized the lines with AutoCAD Map 3D. Then Imported it to ArcMap. After entering all kind of database I have created Routing Dataset. Unfortunately it's ...
Devils Dream's user avatar
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How to populate From Node and To Node fields for a polyline feature class? (ArcGIS 10)

I need to populate FNODE and TNODE fields for my roads dataset. I have an intersections point feature class that has unique ids, and I need each road segment to have an FNODE and TNODE value that ...
Tanner's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

How to connect lines in a network?

I have a shapefile of lines and another of polygons. When two or more lines intersect a polygon they should be connected (snapped), but sometimes during manual digitization this doesn't occur. I need ...
vascobnunes's user avatar
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