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Snapping two topology layers together based on point

In QGIS 3.14.15 with GRASS 7.8.3 I have two layers both with correct topology that function how they should. When using the Network Analysis > Service Area tool, they work as they are supposed to. ...
William Ruzek's user avatar
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Identifying road segments completely cut off by polygon using QGIS?

I have a road network (black line) and I want to identify all segments that are completely cut off by my flood polygon (blue polygon). I have clipped the road network to get all roads within the road ...
KJGarbutt's user avatar
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Restricting the creation of lines for network creation in QGIS: start/end vertices must snap to existing vertices

My interest lies in network creation, however, knowing how to do that in general would be a plus. How is it possible to prevent a user from creating a line (line vector) without connecting it ...
Victor's user avatar
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Removing pseudo-nodes using QGIS Sextante plugin?

I have a road network (vector) that i'm interested in carrying out some space syntax analysis on. Predictably my GIS data is in a pretty terrible state. For example, there are a bunch of roads on the ...
marty_c's user avatar
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How to connect lines in a network?

I have a shapefile of lines and another of polygons. When two or more lines intersect a polygon they should be connected (snapped), but sometimes during manual digitization this doesn't occur. I need ...
vascobnunes's user avatar
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