Questions tagged [transform]

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14 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to reduce the clothesline-effect in ST_Transform?

When we use standard ST_Transform (e.g. PostGIS implementation), from a SRID to another that curves straight lines, the original straight lines represented by two points, that must be transformed into ...
Peter Krauss's user avatar
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Wrong transformation between British National Grid and WGS84

I have access to a remote DB with the following specifications: PostgreSQL 11.12 POSTGIS="2.5.2 r17328" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="110" GEOS="3.7.0-CAPI-1.11.0 673b9939" PROJ=&...
GStav's user avatar
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Transform coordinates from ITRF2014 (2020.39) to ITRF2008 (2010.0) using PROJ4?

Due to the fact that I cannot convert the coordinates obtained at epoch 2023.39, X = 1710698.054 meters; Y = 3046082.270 meters; Z = 5318707.282 meters, I still cannot understand how to use in this ...
El_Faie's user avatar
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Change layer CRS without displacing relative locations with regard to old CRS

I have some points with projected CRS EPSG 3003 (Italy) and I'm displaying them in QGIS on a project map with CRS 3003. If I export the same points with projected CRS EPSG 7791 (Italy) and load them ...
Michele Cordini's user avatar
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QGIS Australia GDA94 to 2020 Transformation File (NTv2_3>

I'm looking to convert some Australian GIS data from GDA 94 to 2020. The reprojection exists, but I need to use a particular transformation - specially NT v2_3 Conformal (this exists in ESRI). I ...
Amit's user avatar
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Converting between WGS84, SK42 and ED50 geodetic reference datums

I need to convert between WGS84, SK42, and ED50 geodetic reference datums in either a UTM or MGRS coordinate system given GPS coordinates I've been using pyproj for the conversion by finding the EPSG ...
Christo Labuschagne's user avatar
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Visualize transformation when reprojecting from Mercator to equirectangular

I am trying to visualize the map distortion that occurs when reprojecting from Mercator to equirectangular coordinate systems. The actual reprojection is not difficult, but I want to save images (...
EvoBio721's user avatar
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User defined transformation in QGIS

Is it possible to define custom transformations within QGIS, such as for user-defined CRSs? If this cannot be accomplished directly through the graphical user interface, might there be an alternate ...
phaarnes's user avatar
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Read GeoJSON object in a CSV file column and transform it to geometry

I have a column ('geo_shape') that contains GeoJSON object type of linestring geometry and, so far, I didn't manage to read and transform it to a GeoPandas/shapefile type of geometry. Here is a way ...
SKSLH's user avatar
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I am trying to convert 3D world coordinate to a 2D image coordinate in the form of pixels

I have a GeoTIFF file. I am trying to convert 3D world coordinate to a 2D image coordinate in the form of pixels. How can I do that? Suppose, I can extract latitude, longitude and elevation data from ...
keeponlearning101's user avatar
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st_transform does not work

I am trying to transform a geometry from srid 4326 to 26915. SELECT ST_Transform(s.geompos, 26915) FROM sites s But i got error : ERROR: could not form projection (LWPROJ) from 'srid=4326' to 'srid=...
عبد القادر كعوان's user avatar
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Enlarging gBuffer width changes polygon shape

I am having some issues with spTransform and the gBuffer function. I basically have a polygon that I want to buffer with gBuffer (not with st_buffer for other reasons). For some reason the shapefiles ...
Lydia's user avatar
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Transform coordinates length to pixel length?

Is there a function to transform a coordinates length to a pixel length? I need this function for cropping and scaling map images to be inserted as layers in an OpenLayers Map. The map images are ...
Suka's user avatar
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GeoTools: Geo Transform incorrect

I am transforming a coordinate between Lambert Conformal and WGS84. The values returned by GeoTools do not seem correct. From: PROJCS["unnamed", GEOGCS["Coordinate System imported ...
Chad Johnson's user avatar