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Questions tagged [transparency-opacity]

The ability to make a GIS layer transparent. That is, the ability to adjust the opacity or transparency of a layer to allow information below the layer to be visible.

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Unexpected behavior with custom transparency of raster in QGIS 3.24.3

I have noticed an unexpected behavior while playing with custom transparency of a single band raster (Digital elevation model; .flt format). I mistype the transparency value I wanted and made it 500% ...
Damien's user avatar
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Add transparency to raster bands where did not exist before

My original radar image is a tiff image with one single band. Metadata:AREA_OR_POINT=Area Image Structure Metadata: COMPRESSION=DEFLATE INTERLEAVE=BAND Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( ...
Cybergei's user avatar
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Lines shapefile with black borders but transparency

In QGIS it is easy to remove fill inside a polygon to only keep black border. For the lines entities removing fill (or apply transparency) will only reveal the black bolder line behind of it that ...
Iris15's user avatar
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WMS with white background

I have some WMS that come out as a white overlay. I can see the polygons but it "blocks" the background map.Example:
Igzie's user avatar
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Transparent but outlined layer in Google Earth Engine

My original code creates red boxes over my study area: Map.addLayer(geometry, {color: 'FF0000'}); I would like for these boxes to have a transparent fill and clear borders. I have tried this based on ...
Macall Hock's user avatar
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Raster layer transparency based on another raster layer values (QGIS)

I'm working in QGIS. I have two raster layers: an unique values raster, representing the number of wind turbines visible for each pixel (reds palette) a raster with values (0-20000) expressing the ...
Peter J.'s user avatar
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Opacity ramp in palette to visualize multi-band image in Google Earth Engine

I want to visualize an image on the Earth Engine with an opacity ramp such that the low value pixels are completely transparent. Take as as example road intensity. I am trying to make an opacity ramp ...
SGE's user avatar
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Saving a GeoTIFF with transparent data using OSGeo.Gdal

I'm creating a GeoTIFF using OSGeo.Gdal and have been successful so far. However, it's unclear to me how to save a .tif file with transparency. I'm building the GeoTIFF using a byte array where values ...
tkbadmoon's user avatar
5 votes
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QGIS 3.28: Set the "no data" colour to transparent for multiple rasters?

I've seen a few answers, all of them several years old, providing python scripts or stitching them together. Is there not a way to just right click on the group header, set properties and it just ...
Rake's user avatar
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3D symbol transparency for polygonZ layer in 3D map view

I have a MultiPolygonZ layer and I would like to add some transparency to its surfaces but in the 3D symbol for polygon layer there is no opacity parameter (contrary to point and line layer). The ...
dmjf08's user avatar
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GEE Map.addLayer opacity depends on value

I can draw some red points using the addLayer function: var first = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR') .filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Point(-70.48, 43.3631)) .filterDate(...
wxystudio's user avatar
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Import GeoTIFFs to QGIS via the API

I am trying to import GeoTIFFs to QGIS via the API, remove some colors and change the transparency. Why is my transparency command ignored in the script below? #Import TIF and set Transparency ...
Den15's user avatar
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Set transparency for 3-channel GeoTIFF in GeoServer (with SLD, no alpha channel)

My GeoTIFF has 3 channels (RGB). I would like to generate a transparent output for pixels with R=0 AND G=0 AND B=0. Zero values should remain black in case there are values >0 in any other channel (...
luti's user avatar
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Adding Opacity on a graduated Layer PyQGIS

My code is: from qgis.core import ( QgsVectorLayer, QgsProject, QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer, QgsSymbol, QgsRendererRangeLabelFormat ) from qgis.gui import ...
1 vote
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Adding gradient transparency to raster layers in QGIS

I'm using QGIS. I have about 100 GeoTIFF satellite imagery that makes a circular overall shape. I need to add a gradient transparency to the edges of the whole set to better blend with the lower ...
Haluk Ozkul's user avatar
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Julia - Write KMZ file with transparency

I'm trying to save a .kmz file from a dataset representing a DEM of an area stored in a GeoTiff file. My code is reading the DEM, transforming the CRS to UTM, and defining a subset based on ...
Stefano Moro's user avatar
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How to georeference a PNG in ArcMap without losing transparency?

I am creating a geologic map in ArcMap and I want to georeference a PNG of my topographic contours. I need to use a specific set of contours, so I cannot generate them within Arc. I have PNG file that ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Make raster background transparent

I am rendering mosaic using Geoserver imageMosaic plugin. I have already about 4000 VRT-s with overviews processed and I am using Geoserver GDAL plugin to enable mosaic rendering with VRT-s as source. ...
Goran's user avatar
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How to change the opacity of multiple polygon of one layer at a time?

I'm using QGIS 3.22. I have a shapefile with 290 polygons and wanted to change the opacity of 205 polygons(selected) at a time. How is it possible?
Sonny Shankhary's user avatar
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How to set a transparent background in QGIS for Temporal Controller .png export

I am using the QGIS temporal controller and trying to output images with a transparent background. (I plan to insert a custom background image created outside of QGIS into the final video.) The things ...
jamierob's user avatar
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Enabling the "Render Layers as a Group" option in QGIS through python

I have written a simple python function that loads several existing shapefile layers into a new group in QGIS 3.28. I would like to extend this function to also automatically enable the "Render ...
davehughes87's user avatar
5 votes
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PyQGIS set opacity problem.. I do not want for layer rendering but for styling

As you see in the picture, I used setOpacity method. layer.setOpacity(0.5) iface.mapCanvas().refreshAllLayers() But my purpose was to change upper slide, not the below one. Is there a way for this?
Ali Güvenaltın's user avatar
2 votes
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Changing transparency band on raster layer using PyQGIS [closed]

How to change programmatically (from Python or Console QGIS) Transparency band in QGIS on the raster layer, this parameter is shown in the image below:
Andrey Sirbu's user avatar
3 votes
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Setting layer transparency with PyQGIS

Is there a PyQGIS code to edit the transparency of rule based symbols?
Sander Van Beuningen's user avatar
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PostGIS: merge rasters with transparency

I have two RGBA rasters with transparency, both are created with ST_ColorMap. I would like to combine those two rasters into one, respecting the transparency. ST_Union does not work, because it will ...
Jakub M.'s user avatar
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Is there a "Group Transparency/Opacity" option in QGIS 3.x?

When displaying multiple overlapping vector or raster layers, is there a way to have QGIS render them as a group before applying transparency? I can see this question has been asked a few times on ...
davehughes87's user avatar
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Is it possible to set the global opacity of a raster from a qml file?

I am trying to control the global opacity for raster layers when loading a qml file. I have tried exporting the qml file with the desired opacity settings and I can see this value is stored in the ...
user210681's user avatar
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How to set raster transparency in color range? - QGIS

I need to digitize some old maps. But when working, I need to make the backgrounds of old maps as transparent as possible. But the backgrounds of old maps are usually gray and shades of gray. I can ...
firstlord's user avatar
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Symbol transparency not working when using string-defined fill colour in QGIS

I want to fill and outline polygons by using a field that contains HEX codes as a string, e.g. #99d594, as well as set the fill opacity to 25%. I'm able to set the colours with the right field through ...
CJL's user avatar
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QGIS: Legend patches do not honor opacity [closed]

Background: At 3.22.3 I have a slope raster (32-bit floating point, single-band tif) derived from a DTM. I display this using a discrete interpolation, with three value ranges: 0-20, 20-40, and 40-90 ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro basemap transparency

How do you adjust the map layer transparency in ArcGIS Pro? I know you can adjust the base map, but I am wondering about the main map layer. I use the hybrid reference layer as my basemap, but when I ...
Hannah's user avatar
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Basemap transparency depending on polygon

I want to display a basemap outside a polygon with 50% transparency and inside a polygon with 0% transparency. Does anyone have an idea how I can achieve this? I use ArcGIS Pro 2.9.1
zyperngras's user avatar
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Setting specific colors transparent in XYZ-Tile-Layer using QGIS

I need to set one (several) color(s) in an XYZ-Layer to "transparent" in QGIS. When using a "Raster Layer" in QGIS I'm able to define specific colors as transparent via "...
Roy Popiolek's user avatar
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Transparency on TIFF on specific area

I am using gdal_translate and gdaldem to produce and color a GeoTIFF starting from a NetCDF file representing a temperature field. I am able to produce the TIFF (temperature.tiff) of my domain with a ...
Mpoli's user avatar
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Applying conditional label opacity in QGIS

I'm working with QGIS 3.16 Hannover. I've got one layer with all Spanish provinces (provincias) and, on top of it, several layers with the regions (AND, ARA, AST...). Each province pertains to one ...
jpinilla's user avatar
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Reduce number of bands in GeoTIFF

I'm in a bit of deep water here since I'm not very familiar with GeoTIFF. I have tried to set transparency to a GeoTIFF layer in GeoServer but when I set this I get a error java.lang....
Mårten Swärd's user avatar
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R - Write a raster object with the pixels transparency attribute

In R, I have a raster object for which I would like to set a certain level of transparency. When I visualize it, everything is fine library(raster) test <- raster(x = matrix(1:16, 4)) plot(test, ...
nd091680's user avatar
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Remove white background after using gdal2tiles

I'm using gdal2tiles in a orthomosaic image exported from metashape. When exporting I select to add the alpha channel as you can see below, but after running gdal2tiles I get a white background ...
TMarconi's user avatar
3 votes
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Make multiple values of a raster layer transparent

I have a raster image with a single band with 0 to 255 values styled with a palette of colors. One of the values/colors I want to make transparent is 123, so I added it in the Additional no data value ...
JAT86's user avatar
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VRT with overlapping images

I want to create a WMS of a VRT of eventually ~2500 GeoTIFFs. At the moment it's only five of them. This is my workflow: Crop the (PDF) images in photoshop and save them as PNG. Load the PNGs in QGIS,...
s74559's user avatar
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Dealing with the whitespace [duplicate]

I have an Azure map overlay that I'm getting from a GeoServer WMS tile source. The layer is being added via the azure maps js toolkit, like so: var geoLayerOptions = { tileUrl: testUrl, ...
Irwin's user avatar
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How can I make overlapping features in ArcMap transparent?

TLDR: What I want is best explained by the pictures below. In words: I have partially overlapping features and I want to visualize this overlap with transparency. I know I can set a Layer Properties &...
Honeybear's user avatar
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Set fill transparency at 0% but keep line at 100% PyQGIS

I am trying to make the color of my buffer totally transparent, but I want to keep the stroke fully colored. I tried the following : color1 = QtGui.QColor('#f3a6b2') #or whatever, as it will be ...
cam_gis's user avatar
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QGIS 3.16+ transparency layer export to pdf not working

I've got problem with transparency when exporting my layout to PDF file. I have layer with transparency defined in Symbology -> Layer Rendering -> Opacity. In map view and in layout i can see ...
jgruszka93's user avatar
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Why does Leaflet overlay display depend on baselayer selection? [duplicate]

I have a Leaflet map with a button that turns overlays, and overlay opacity control, on and off. Overlays are loaded transparently, can have their opacity adjusted and then can be collectively be ...
perplexed's user avatar
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Layer opacity qgis2web leaflet export

I am exporting my map with qgis2web and I would like to export the opacity of my layers as well. It does not work, somebody has an idea?
Laure Valéry's user avatar
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How to ensure transparent background when exporting a map from ArcGIS Pro to PDF?

Is there a way to export a PDF from ArcGIS Pro 2.7.2 to PDF, ensuring there truly is no background? When I export from ArcGIS Pro to PDF, even when I specify that the map frame be transparent and the ...
rachel.passer's user avatar
5 votes
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Setting transparency for range of colors in raster layers in QGIS

The starting point: Loading a raster to QGIS, you can set individual colors to transparent in the Panel Layer styling / Tab Transparency by activating the icon Add values from display and click on the ...
Babel's user avatar
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QGIS transparency layer export to pdf not working [closed]

I have in a drawing polygon layer with a degree of transparency setting. However, after exporting to PDF a layer is not transparent anymore. Where is the problem? I use QGIS 3.16.
pazelvak's user avatar
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Automatically adding increasing transparency values to gradient stops in QGIS

I have a point layer in QGIS 3.14 on which I applied a heatmap symbology based on an intensity attribute (here a price value): But the heatmap colors extends all over the basemap layer, covering it ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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